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21:15, 28.05.2024

HealthMin Rafila attending 77th World Health Assembly

HealthMin Rafila attending 77th World Health Assembly

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila is attending the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77) in Geneva this week."In the plenary of the assembly, the minister of Health delivered a speech in which he supported the need…

15:15, 13.03.2024

Care sunt vaccinurile necesare pentru călătoriile în țări exotice şi cât costă

Planificarea unei vacanțe în afara țării necesită atenție la toate detaliile. Atunci când ne propunem să plecăm într-o destinație exotică trebuie să luăm în calcul și alte lucruri în afară de prețurile la transport…

12:50, 01.03.2024

WHO donates medical supplies worth over EUR 400,000 to Romania's emergency management inspectorate

Romania's General Emergency Management Inspectorate (IGSU) received on Friday, from the World Health Organization (WHO), medical supplies and equipment worth over EUR 400,000. "These are medical supplies worth…

11:10, 27.02.2024

Ce este malaria – cauze, simptome, evoluţie

În ultima vreme, din ce în ce mai mulți români aleg să plece în vacanță în Africa, mai ales în sezonul rece. Principalul motiv care determină creșterea interesului pentru destinațiile de pe „continentul negru”…

12:26, 12.01.2024

Care sunt cei mai periculoşi aditivi alimentari

În ultimele decenii, industria alimentară modernă din majoritatea țărilor dezvoltate a fost marcată de creșteri semnificative ale consumului de alimente „ultraprocesate”. Este vorba despre așa-numitul tip de hrană…

16:40, 23.11.2023

O nouă pandemie? Crește numărul infecțiilor respiratorii în China. OMS cere explicații

Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) a făcut Chinei o solicitare oficială pentru informaţii detaliate în legătură cu o creştere a bolilor respiratorii şi a focarelor de pneumonie semnalate la copii. „OMS a trimis…

13:40, 23.11.2023

Înmulțirea cazurilor de infecții respiratorii din China provoacă îngrijorări la OMS care cere măsuri de protecție

Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) a solicitat Chinei mai multe informații despre creșerea cazurilor de boli respiratorii și a recomandat populației să ia măsuri de protecție, relatează AFP, citată de Agerpres.„OMS…

14:45, 15.11.2023

Romania, in top 10 countries whose populations are aging from year to year

Romania, in top 10 countries whose populations are aging from year to yearRomania is in the top 10 countries whose populations are aging year by year, and three out of 10 elderly people in our country have no one…

22:15, 13.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu receives representatives of UN agencies in Romania

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, received on Friday, on a courtesy visit, the representatives of four specialized UN agencies and funds in Romania - Anna Riatti, representative of the United…

08:40, 13.09.2023

Russian minister denied entry to Denmark for European health conference

Russia’s Deputy Health Minister Oleg Salagay was turned away at Copenhagen airport en route to a World Health Organization conference in Denmark, according to Politico. “O. Salagay, State Secretary and Deputy Minister…

09:10, 24.05.2023

Radu Nitu wins gold medal in individual sabre event Under-23 European Championships

Radu Nitu wins gold medal in individual sabre event Under-23 European Championships. Romanian athlete Radu Nitu won the gold medal in the individual sabre event on Tuesday at the Under-23 European Fencing Championships…

09:00, 24.05.2023

Germany's President Steinmeier pays a state visit to Romania; official meetings in Bucharest, Sibiu, Timisoara

Germany's President Steinmeier pays a state visit to Romania; official meetings in Bucharest, Sibiu, Timisoara. Germany's President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is paying a state visit to Romania from Wednesday to Friday,…

09:00, 24.05.2023

HealthMin Rafila participates in 76th World Health Assembly

HealthMin Rafila participates in 76th World Health Assembly. A Romanian delegation, led by Health Minister Alexandru Rafila, is currently attending the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva, told Agerpres. CITESTE…

17:00, 05.05.2023

VIDEO. Zi istorică! OMS anunță că pandemia de COVID-19 s-a încheiat

Pandemia de coronavirus a luat sfârșit, anunță reprezentanții Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății (OMS). „Joi, Comitetul pentru situații excepționale s-a întrunit pentru a 15 oară și a recomandat să anunț că situația…

19:30, 21.09.2022

Romania might host Regional Center of Excellence of WHO Europe in Bucharest

Romania's Government cleared on Wednesday the Memorandum approving the establishment of the inter-institutional working group to set up in Bucharest a Center of Excellence of the World Health Organization (WHO)…

11:30, 25.07.2022

Bavarian Nordic monkeypox vaccine wins EU approval

Danish biotechnology company Bavarian Nordic said on Monday the European Commission had given permission for its Imvanex vaccine to be marketed as protection against monkeypox, as recommended last week by the European…

07:50, 24.06.2022

Variola maimuței, noua pandemie?

Cu o zi înaintea reuniunii Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății (OMS), care a convocat o ședință de urgență a pentru a decide ce este de făcut cu privire la focarul internațional de variola maimuței, Rețeaua Mondială…

06:50, 03.05.2022

Timp de o săptămână Iașul va reuni crema dermatologiei (P)

* începând de astazi, la Iasi vor sosi peste 100 de lectori din tara si din opt tari * este prima manifestare medicala care se va relua în format fizic, în Capitala Moldovei La Iasi începe marti, 3 mai, Primavara…

17:50, 07.04.2022

HlthMin Rafila: 'Climate crisis turns into health crises'

The climate crisis is turning into health crises, Romania's Health Minister Alexandru Rafila said on Thursday in a World Health Day message, adding that all decisions have direct consequences on the life of the…

17:50, 07.04.2022

President Iohannis decorates healthcare workers on World Health Day

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday, April 7, World Health Day, decorated doctors and nurses, telling them that that the experience gained in managing the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the prevention measures,…

11:00, 07.04.2022

PM Ciuca: Health of Romanians cannot and must not wait, priority objective for Government

The health of Romanians cannot and must not wait, it is a priority objective for the Government, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca conveyed in a message addressed on the occasion of the World Health Day, Agerpres reports.…

15:35, 22.03.2022

WHO: Several European countries lifted Covid-19 measures too ‘brutally’

Several European countries, including Germany, France, Italy and Britain, lifted their Covid curbs too “brutally” and are now seeing a rise in cases likely due to the more transmissible BA2 variant, the World Health…

19:55, 17.03.2022

HealthMin at WHO: Higher wages, professional comfort for sanitary system's staff to be efficient, stay in country

I think we need to act in two directions when it comes to the human resource in the health care system. In addition to increasing the income of this category, professional comfort conditions must be ensured to…

13:15, 11.02.2022

Some European countries are scrapping all Covid rules despite scientists warning it’s too soon

Several European countries are scrapping Covid regulations, despite the World Health Organization (WHO) urging governments to protect their people using every tool in the toolkit, according to CNBC.  Sweden lifted…

14:00, 04.11.2021

WHO Europe chief voices ‘grave concern’ about COVID rebound

A 53-country region in Europe and Central Asia faces the “real threat” of a resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic in the coming weeks or already is experiencing a new wave of infections, the head of the World…

17:40, 03.11.2021

MP Rafila: The green certificate has not been properly explained in Romania

Social Democratic Party (PSD) MP Alexandru Rafila said on Wednesday that communication mistakes were made in Romania regarding the COVID-19 green certificate, because it was not explained what the document is and…

08:36, 29.10.2021

Dozens of people protest in University Square against green certificate

Dozens of people protested on Thursday evening in the University Square against the restrictions imposed by the authorities with the implementation of the green certificate. Protesters blocked road traffic in the…

13:06, 19.10.2021

Dr. Hans Kluge (WHO Europe): Biggest mistake - lack of investments in public healthcare

Dr. Hans Kluge, regional director of the World Health Organisation for Europe, emphasized on Tuesday that no healthcare system was ready when COVID-19 hit and that the biggest mistake was of states who didn't invest…

13:55, 22.07.2021

Covid: China rejects WHO plan for second phase of virus origin probe

China rejected on Thursday a World Health Organization (WHO) plan for a second phase of an investigation into the origin of the coronavirus, which includes the hypothesis it could have escaped from a Chinese laboratory,…

22:36, 21.06.2021

Avertisment OMS: În viitor ar putea apărea o ”constelație de mutații” ale coronavirusului! De ce e importantă vaccinarea

Epidemiologul Maria Van Kerkhove a subliniat că, deși varianta Delta (indiană) a coronavirusului ar fi mai rezistentă la vaccinurile apărute pe piață, acestea pot preveni încă formele severe ale bolii și decesele.”Vestea…