Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:05, 14.05.2021

VIDEO Biden: O zi măreață pentru America. Vom zâmbi din nou / Persoanele vaccinate nu vor mai purta mască nici pe stradă, nici în interior

Americanii vaccinați pot renunța definitiv la masca de protecție, atât în exteriror, cât și în interior. &"Este o zi măreață pentru America&", a declarat președintele Joe Biden odată cu…

08:41, 27.04.2021

Prime Minister Citu after june 1, we can talk about easing restrictions; restaurants should no longer depend on caseload

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that after June 1, some COVID-19 relaxation measures could be discussed, pointing to the fact that restaurants could be opened at a capacity of 30-40% regardless of the…

18:06, 08.04.2021

PM Citu: Increase in vaccination capacity in April, May - a prerequisite for gradually defeating this virus

The stabilization of the epidemiological situation and the increase of the vaccination capacity in April and May are "clear and safe prerequisites" to defeat the SARS-CoV-2 virus, says Prime Minister Florin Citu,…

09:40, 12.10.2020

Kim Kardashian, donație de un milion de dolari pentru Armenia

Kim Kardashian a donat un milion de dolari pentru victimele din Armenia. Alături de surorile ei, aceasta a fondat Armenia Fund, o organizaţie pentru strângere de fonduri. Kim Kardashian, în vârstă de 39 de ani,…

17:26, 17.09.2020

PM Orban: Constanta Port, Romania's main gateway in Europe's southeastern area

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said in southeastern Constanta on Thursday that the Government will ensure the financing of investments and the completion of infrastructure projects to ensure the multimodal interconnection…

15:55, 25.08.2020

UDMR to decide on vote day whether or not to support censure motion

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) will decide on the day of the vote whether or not to support the motion of censure against the government tabled by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), UDMR national…

08:55, 29.07.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Orban gov't falls at censure motion, pretty sure USR will vote on it

The Acting president of the opposition's Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, said on Tuesday night at the public television TVR1, he was convinced that the Ludovic Orban Government would be dismissed…

08:42, 10.06.2020

Romania bracing for second coronavirus wave

Head of the Emergency Situations Department (DSU) Raed Arafat said on Tuesday evening that preparations are being made at the level of the European Civil Protection for a possible second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic,…

14:26, 22.12.2019

Want to Know More About Homework?

Homework – Dead or Alive? For circumstances homework help is the ideal solution because it provides a whole lot of details that are new and assists in completion of homework. Homework and accounting assignment…

12:56, 30.10.2019

DNA's Nistor: Barna is not a suspect or defendant in any DNA case

Interim Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) Calin Nistor stated on Wednesday the Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna is not a suspect or defendant in any case investigated…

12:28, 29.10.2019

Ar fi câștigat Simona Halep meciul cu Bianca Andreescu fără intervențiile lui Darren Cahill?

​Christopher Clarey, jurnalistul specialist al celor de la New York Times pe tenis, a lansat o întrebare după meciul Simonei Halep cu Bianca Andreescu, acesta precizând că în opinia lui sportiva…

13:52, 22.10.2019

PMP leader: Decision on whether we'll vote in new Gov't is for party's National College to take

Chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP) Eugen Tomac said on Tuesday, after the second round of consultations with the Prime minister-designate, that a decision on whether to vest the Orban Cabinet will be…

13:24, 27.09.2019

Michelle Obama, tribut pentru Meghan Markle

Michelle Obama i-a adus un tribut lui Meghan Markle, despre care spune că „a spart mucegaiul” ca unul dintre „liderii gânditori” ai lumii. Fosta Doamnă a Americii, în vârstă de 55 de ani, a numit-o pe ducesa de…

18:37, 18.09.2019

PM Dancila: Iohannis has violated Constitution with cynicism and indifference

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR)'s reply on Wednesday shows "very clearly President Klaus Iohannis's abuse" as regards the refusal to appoint the interim ministers and to ensure the functioning of the…

13:43, 13.09.2019

Tanase (BVB): First time when we have chance to be promoted to emerging market status

Global index provider FTSE Russell will make the announcement on whether they will upgrade or not the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) to emerging market status on September 26, and this is the first time when the…

20:25, 29.08.2019

PM Dancila to negotiate for gov't to move on, might ask Parliament for confidence

The government will go before Parliament to ask for a vote of confidence, and negotiation remains the best weapon, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said in Arges County on Thursday.She added that the Social Democratic…

09:02, 21.08.2019

President Iohannis on his visit to Washington: It will definitely boost Strategic Partnership

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that the working visit he paid to Washington will certainly boost the development of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US.  When asked whether the visit…

19:16, 23.05.2019

President Iohannis- Sunday evening we'll know who won -European Romania or anti-Europe Romania

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Thursday in Cluj, on the occasion of his book release called "EU.RO - An open dialogue about Europe," that on Sunday evening, after the elections to the European Parliament we…

16:24, 21.05.2019

Romania: majority leader Liviu Dragnea says to decide after European elections whether or not to run for president

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), major at rule, Liviu Dragnea says he will announce Sunday after the European elections if he will run for the presidential elections this autumn.Asked on Tuesday…

12:36, 18.04.2019

JusMin Toader: I will announce whether I resign or not by the end of the day

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader on Thursday said he will announce whether he will resign or not as Minister of Justice by the end of the day. "Mrs PM (...), according to the law, cannot ask for my resignation,…

15:22, 09.01.2019

Halle Berry a arătat cum se pregătește pentru noul ei film. Are o formă fizică de invidiat, la 52 de ani

Halle Berry a arătat cum se pregătește pentru noul ei film, "Bruised", povestea unei luptătoare de MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), dar și cum se menține pe linia de plutire, la cei 52 de ani ai săi. De altfel, celebra…

18:26, 06.11.2018

JusMin Toader says no minister is set in stone, any minister can be reshuffled

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader stated on Tuesday at the Palace of Parliament that any minister can be reshuffled, but added he cannot rule on whether or not the Government in its entirety can be changed.When asked…

09:05, 24.10.2018

Orban: PNL will find best strategy to win elections

The PNL (National Liberal Party, ed. n.) will decide whether to make electoral alliances with other rightist parties at the time of the elections, the party's chairman Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday in a public…

19:07, 08.10.2018

FinMin Teodorovici: 'Project money, not an issue, but how ministries understand to use money'

In Romania, project money has not been an issue, but the way some ministries "understand" to use money, "whether from the national budget, European money or from other sources of funding," Finance Minister Eugen…

13:36, 03.07.2018

Dragnea on President's suspension:We will discuss in coalition whether we wait or not, it makes sense or not

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber and leader of the Social democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea stated on Tuesday that the option of suspending from office president Klaus Iohannis "is not out", mentioning that the…

20:53, 15.06.2018

American expert: We have to ask ourselves if we think strategically about our digital future

Experts should wonder whether they are strategically thinking about their countries' digital future and whether that is resistant to attacks, US expert Melissa Hathaway said on Friday at the Black Sea and Balkans…

17:44, 04.06.2018

JusMin Toader: I've sent a letter to clarify if Drago Kos's statements are on behalf of OECD

Romania's Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Monday that he sent a letter to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) demanding to know whether recent controversial statements by head…

16:29, 03.05.2018

PSD's Corlăţean: Constitution revision on family, necessary for Romanian society, yet agains European trend

The steps referring to the revision of the fundamental law regarding the family are 'a necessary gesture for the long-term health of the Romanian society', and yet they go 'against the European trend', the Social-Democrat…

16:35, 09.11.2017

Fiscal Council's Dumitru: I don't know whether we can keep within 3pct budget deficit in 2018

The 3 percent budget deficit target might not be observed in 2018 and probably adjustment measures will be needed for next year, Chairman of the Fiscal Council Ionut Dumitru stated on Thursday.  "We don't know…

13:28, 05.06.2017

Mihalache: Controls are conducted whether there are Romanians detained following London attack

Romania's Ambassador in London Dan Mihalache stated on Sunday evening for agerpres. that controls are conducted in order to see if there are Romanians involved in the terrorist attack that took place in the capital…