Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:15, 04.01.2023

”Western” în centrul Giurgiului: un ”cowboy” a tras mai multe focuri de armă, chiar în prezența polițiștilor

Un bărbat în vârstă de 33 de ani este cercetat penal după ce ar fi tras mai multe focuri de armă în centrului municipiului Giurgiu, chiar şi în prezenţa poliţiştilor, informează Inspectoratul de Poliţie Judeţean…

10:50, 03.01.2023

FOTO. „Fraude de milioane”: IGP anunță despre identificarea unor grupări infracționale, specializate în obținerea prin înșelăciune a mijloacelor financiare.…

Inspectoratul General al Poliției informează despre identificarea unor grupări infracționale, specializate în obținerea prin înșelăciune a mijloacelor financiare, sub pretextul depunerii unor investiții în criptomonede,…

21:46, 27.12.2022

Putin bans Russian oil exports to countries that implement price cap

President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday delivered Russia‘s long-awaited response to a Western price cap, signing a decree that bans the supply of crude oil and oil products from February 1 for five months to nations…

17:40, 24.12.2022

O cisternă de benzină a explodat, ucigând opt persoane în Johannesburg

O cisternă de benzină a explodat în Johannesburg, ucigând opt persoane, rănind mai multe și distrugând clădirile din apropiere. O cisternă aparent blocată sub un pod a explodat în Johannesburg sâmbătă (24 decembrie),…

11:50, 17.12.2022

EC President: We can say that both sides of the Black Sea have never been closer

The Agreement between the governments of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania and Hungary on the Strategic Partnership in the field of energy development and transport will connect the two shores of the Black Sea and could…

12:36, 16.12.2022

Over 80 tons of waste stopped from entering the country through customs in Western part of Romania

More than 58 tons of various waste - clothes, second-hand shoes, paper, cardboard, wood and plastic - were stopped from being introduced into the country through the border points Bors II, Bors I and Nadlac II,…

12:05, 15.12.2022

29 migrants found hiding in a truck loaded with furniture at western border

The authorities at the western Nadlac II Border Crossing Point caught 29 migrants from different countries who tried to illegally cross the border into Hungary, hidden in a truck loaded with furniture. Fii la curent…

22:16, 06.12.2022

Crown Custodian Margareta: Community of Western nations proves resistance, durability in face of war in Ukraine

The Custodian of the Crown, Margareta, hailed on Tuesday the "exceptional" way in which the community of Western nations responded to the war in Ukraine, which proved its "resistance" and "durability" in the face…

19:10, 06.12.2022

Iohannis: Romania is ready to continue supporting EU efforts to combat illegal migration along Western Balkan routes

Although Romania is not on the Western Balkan migration route and is not "a relevant source" of migrant flows within the EU, our country is ready to continue supporting the EU's efforts to combat illegal migration,…

14:50, 06.12.2022

EU seeks to reassure Western Balkans on accession amid fears of Russian influence

European Union and Western Balkans leaders met in the Albanian capital Tirana on Tuesday for a summit meant to reassure the region of a future in the bloc amid fears of rising Russian and Chinese influence, according…

16:50, 05.12.2022

Romania to actively and substantially contribute to implementation of Action Plan for Western Balkans presented by the EC

Romania reiterates its full readiness to "actively and substantially" contribute to the implementation of the measures and actions proposed by the European Commission through the EU Action Plan on the Western Balkans,…

13:05, 30.11.2022

NATO 2022 Bucharest: Europe must limit Russia's influence in Balkans, says head of Italian diplomacy Antonio Tajani

Europe should increase its presence in the Western Balkans to limit Russia's influence, the head of Italian diplomacy, Antonio Tajani, said on Wednesday in Bucharest, ahead of the discussions on the second day…

19:40, 29.11.2022

Educational Writing Writing A Tutorial Essay

The conclusion ought to reaffirm your answer to the question, and briefly summarize key arguments. It is very important to note that fully addressing the scope of the criteria does NOT mean that the item beneath…

16:25, 25.11.2022

Migration crisis at Europe's doorstep (enr)

Amid the French-Italian controversy over migrants, Brussels wants to combat illegal migration in the Central Mediterranean with a new action plan. However, the greater challenge is bound to be what is probably…

21:16, 23.11.2022

IntMin Bode meets with his Austrian counterpart; presents updated data on management of migration challenges

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Lucian Bode, met on Wednesday with his Austrian counterpart, Gerhard Karner, to whom he presented updated data on how Romania continues to ensure the protection of external borders…

10:20, 21.11.2022

Western powers meet to pledge urgent support for Republic of Moldova as winter nears

Some 45 countries and institutions meet in Paris on Monday to pledge millions of euros of aid for the Republic of Moldova, as fears mount that it could be further destabilized by the conflict in Ukraine, according…

08:56, 21.11.2022

Rușii au ajuns să se certe la televizor. Oficial SUA: E semn bun! Regimul începe să crape. Elitele au intrat în panică - VIDEO

O ceartă care a avut loc în timpul unei dezbateri la televiziunea de stat din Rusia este un „semn bun” că regimul de la Kremlin plesnește din toate încheieturile, a declarat fostul ambasador al SUA în Rusia, Michael…

15:55, 16.11.2022

Ukraine seeks access to site of blast in Poland

Ukraine wants access to the site of an explosion in eastern Poland which Western officials say was probably caused by a Ukrainian air defence missile, a senior Ukrainian defence official said on Wednesday, according…

15:40, 16.11.2022

North Macedonia subunit to join NATO's Multinational Brigade South-East

Romania's Chief of the Defence Daniel Petrescu has welcomed his counterpart from North Macedonia Vasko Gjurchinovski, on a visit to Romania, to discuss intensifying bilateral and NATO co-operation as well as aspects…

11:36, 15.11.2022

Several Turkish and Afghan citizens, discovered at border hiding in two trucks

The authorities from the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point caught 15 citizens from Turkey and Afghanistan who tried to illegally cross the border into Hungary, hidden in two trucks going to Western Europe, told Agerpres.…

11:55, 04.11.2022

EU Commission unveils €1bln energy support package for Western Balkans

The European Commission stated on Thursday it will mobilize 1 billion euro energy support package in the format of EU grants to the countries of the Western Balkans, according to See News. The financial package…

20:00, 02.11.2022

VIDEO Propagandiștii Kremlinului îi îndeamnă pe ruși să prefere moartea, decât să piardă războiul: „Vom fi ținuți în cuști, la zoo”!

Propagandistii Kremlinului îi îndeamna pe rusi sa prefere moartea, decât sa piarda razboiul: ei sustin, la principalul post public de televiziune, ca natiunea nu va putea supravietui unei înfrângeri. Russian state…

08:15, 02.11.2022

Propagandiștii Kremlinului îi îndeamnă pe ruși să prefere moartea, decât să piardă războiul

Propagandiștii Kremlinului îi îndeamnă pe ruși să prefere moartea, decât să piardă războiul: ei susțin, la principalul post public de televiziune, că națiunea nu va putea supraviețui unei înfrângeri. În 1945, când…

11:30, 01.11.2022

Truck with 24 tons of waste brought from Italy, returned from the border

A truck loaded with 24 tons of plastic and rubber waste brought from Italy was returned from the western border by the Romanian authorities, who found that the transport was illegal and forced the driver to take…

15:16, 31.10.2022

Authorities stop more than a dozen illegal border crossers in past 24 hrs

In the last 24 hours, Arad border police caught two groups of migrants - 13 in total - as they attempted to illegally cross into Hungary via the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point hidden in special compartments aboard…

10:55, 28.10.2022

Putin, derapaj la adresa fostului premier britanic Liz Truss: „Fata nu este în toate mințile” - De ce o acuză de șantaj nuclear

„Liz Truss a amenințat cu folosirea armelor nucleare și nimeni nu a răspuns în niciun fel”, a răspuns Vladimir Putin la întrebarea jurnaliștilor despre utilizarea armelor nucleare, la Forumul de la Valdai, din…

05:00, 28.10.2022

Putin, derapaj la adresa fostului premier britanic Liz Truss: „Fata nu este în toate mințile” - De ce o acuză de șantaj nuclear

„Liz Truss a amenințat cu folosirea armelor nucleare și nimeni nu a răspuns în niciun fel”, a răspuns Vladimir Putin la întrebarea jurnaliștilor despre utilizarea armelor nucleare, la Forumul de la Valdai, din…

08:15, 27.10.2022

Cuba a organizat prima conferinţă cu oameni de afaceri americani din ultimii ani, în căutarea de investiţii

Camera de Comerţ din Cuba şi compania de consultanţă FocusCuba din Washington, care găzduiesc întâlnirea, au declarat că evenimentul de trei zile este primul astfel de forum cel puţin din 2018, când fostul preşedinte…

15:55, 26.10.2022

EU urges members to coordinate arms purchases

The European Union urged the bloc’s defence ministers on Wednesday to coordinate purchases of weapons, to obtain better terms from suppliers as they seek to replenish supplies depleted by shipments to Ukraine,…

18:00, 25.10.2022

Invictus veterans' relays reach north-western Carei, join Romanian Army Day celebrations

The Invictus veterans' relays that set off in Marasesti, Fagaras and Chisinau reached on Tuesday their final destination in the north-western city of Carei - Satu Mare County; the participants were welcomed in…