Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:40, 18.06.2021

UK Ambassador Noble: Almost one million Romanians have chosen to live in the UK, despite Brexit

British Ambassador Andrew Noble said on Thursday at the Queen's Day reception that approximately one million Romanians have chosen to live in the UK, in the context of Brexit, the vagaries of the weather and culinary…

15:36, 30.04.2021

AgriMin: Sustainable insurance system, solution for crops affected by unfavorable weather

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Adrian Oros, declared, on Friday, in Zlatna that the only realistic long-term measures for all farmers the crops of which are affected by unfavorable weather,…

09:35, 27.04.2021

Apare super vacccinul anti-COVID! Acoperă absolut toate mutațiile și toate tulpinile virusului

Campaniile de vaccinare împotriva Covid-19 nu au stins și incertitudinile privind capacitatea lor de a stopa reinfectările. Mai ales când la orizont apar variații și mutații ale noului coronavirus. Doi cercetători…

10:21, 31.12.2020

Weather forecaster: December 2020, warmest month in past 60 yrs in Romania

This year's December was the warmest since 1961 in Romania, with an average uptick of 3.5 degrees Celsius compared to normal for this period, the managing director of the National Meteorological Administration…

12:00, 21.11.2020

VIDEO | Stare de urgență în Rusia, după o furtună de zăpadă. „Nu am văzut așa ceva în 30 de ani!”

O furtună de zăpadă a lovit cu putere Extremul Orient Rus, provocând întreruperi de energie electrică, închiderea școlilor și haos în transport, informează BBC. Furtuna a lovit, joi, regiunea Primorie din Siberia…

12:20, 06.10.2020

La mai bine de un secol de la naufragiul Titanicului, apar mărturii care coincid cu un nou motiv al scufundării vasului

La mai bine de un secol de la naufragiul Titanicului, a apărut o nouă ipoteza în ceea ce privește motivul scufundării vasului. Dacă Titanicul nu a putut să evite ciocnirea cu aisbergul din cauza unui fenomen meteorologic?…

20:45, 18.09.2020

Climatologii au lansat o nouă versiune a cauzei naufragiului Titanicului

Scufundarea Titanicului care a avut loc în 1912 ar putea fi provocată de aurora boreală. Această versiune a fost exprimată de climatologul Mila Zinkova din San Francisco, scrie life.ru cu referire la revista Weather.…

09:06, 24.07.2020

ANM: Unstable weather in most of the country, until Saturday morning

High atmospheric instability has been forecasted in most regions of the country until Saturday morning, according to the National Meteorological Administration (ANM). According to meteorologists, between July 24,…

10:39, 21.07.2020

Code Yellow for unstable weather in 19 counties, until Wednesday morning

On Tuesday, the National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued a Code Yellow warning for unstable weather, valid in 19 counties until Wednesday morning. According to meteorologists, between July 21 starting…

21:09, 24.06.2020

Siberia se topește: 38 de grade Clesius în mijlocul uneia dintre cele mai reci zone de pe Terra

Temperatura în orașul Verkhoyansk din Siberia, situat deasupra Cercului Polar, a ajuns sâmbătă la 38 de grade Celsius, scrie phys.org Valul prelungit de caniculă din Siberia este „indiscutabil alarmant”, spun specialiştii…

11:39, 22.06.2020

Temperaturi record - 38 de grade celsius la nord de Cercul Polar

Temperatura în orașul Verkhoyansk din Siberia, situat deasupra Cercului Polar, a ajuns sâmbătă la 38 de grade Celsius. Dacă măsurătoarea va fi confirmată oficial, va fi depășit vechiul record de 37,3 grade, care…

10:27, 22.06.2020

Record de temperatură în Siberia, deasupra Cercului Polar: 38 de grade în orașul Verkhoyansk

Temperatura în orașul Verkhoyansk din Siberia, situat deasupra Cercului Polar, a ajuns sâmbătă la 38 de grade Celsius. Dacă măsurătoarea va fi confirmată oficial, va fi depășit vechiul record de 37,3 grade, care…

15:57, 14.06.2020

MAI: IGSU orders subordinated units to supplement staff reserves, given inclement weather warnings

On Sunday, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations ordered the subordinated units to supplement the staff reserves, taking into account the hydrometeorological forecasts, according to which inclement…

10:45, 12.06.2020

Code Yellow advisory for unstable weather valid nationwide extended until Monday morning

Meteorologists extended until Monday morning the Code Yellow advisory for atmospheric instability, valid in the entire country as of Friday. According to the forecast published by the National Meteorological Administration…

11:09, 10.06.2020

Code Yellow of storm in 32 counties, until Thursday morning; unstable weather in the next 3 days

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued, on Wednesday, a new Code Yellow alert of atmospheric instability, valid until Thursday morning in 32 counties, a bad weather alert, respectively, targeting…

14:51, 21.05.2020

Cel mai puternic ciclon al secolului XXI face prăpăd în Asia. Cel puţin 84 de morţi, potrivit unui bilanţ parţial VIDEO

Bilanţul uman al acestui ciclon - cel mai puternic din secolul al XXI-lea la Golful Bengal - rămâne foarte incert, din cauza amplorii dezastrelor şi întreruprii telecomunicaţiilor. Bilanţurile oficiale ale celor…

16:27, 18.05.2020

Weather forecast: atmospheric instability around the country until Thursday morning

National Meteorological Authority (ANM) on Monday issued an alert of atmospheric instability, which will be valid until Thursday morning, in the entire country. According to the forecast, between May 18, 10.00…

17:29, 10.02.2020

Furtuna Ciara a ajutat un avion transatlantic să facă o cursă în timp record

Experții au anunţat că un zbor British Airways a făcut cea mai rapidă călătorie subsonică de la New York la Londra, în doar 4 ore și 56 de minute, cu ajutorul frutunii Ciara, potrivit BBC . Avionul de tip Boeing…

12:36, 07.02.2020

CNAIR announces there are no more closed roads or weight restrictions because of weather conditions

All road segments closed because of the weather conditions have been reopened on Friday morning, according to a press release of the National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration (CNAIR) sent to AGERPRES.…

10:32, 06.02.2020

35 trains cancelled Thursday morning due to weather conditions

A number of 35 trains running in the south and south-east of the Romania are cancelled on Thursday morning due to adverse weather conditions, informs CFR Calatori (Romanian National Railway Company - Passengers)."The…

21:22, 29.11.2019

Apple a acceptat să arate Crimeea ca parte a teritoriului rusesc pe harta sa din aplicaţiile Maps şi Weather

Apple a acceptat să arate Crimeea ca parte a teritoriului rusesc pe harta sa din aplicaţiile Maps şi Weather, la solicitarea Moscovei, scrie romania-actualitati.ro.Conform BBC, modificarea nu este vizibilă decât…

17:25, 02.10.2019

Advisory for rain, much colder weather countrywide as of Thursday morning

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued on Wednesday an advisory for rain, atmospheric instability and temporary wind intensifications, valid throughout the country, starting on Thursday morning.According…

10:54, 26.06.2019

Dangerous weather in Romania hits 40 settlements, Bucharest City

Firefighters have been working over the last 24 hours to clean up after dangerous weather in 40 settlements in 13 counties and the capital city of Bucharest, according to the Inspectorate General for Emergency…

18:17, 02.06.2019

Pope in Romania/ Pontiff leaves Blaj by automobile due to harsh weather conditions

Pope Francis left Blaj for Sibiu on Sunday afternoon by automobile, due to harsh weather conditions, after meeting representatives of the Roma community in a city district."Due to the unfavourable weather conditions,…

17:27, 01.06.2019

Over 10,800 firefighters, policemen and gendarmes in action in counties covered by weather and hydrological warnings

More than 10,800 firefighters, policemen and gendarmes have been deployed to and are taking action this Saturday at the sites under weather and hydrological warnings, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) said…

17:27, 01.06.2019

President Iohannis: Urgent need for strategies to prevent extreme weather phenomena

In the context of the recent tragedy in Prahova County that saw four young children swept away by a flash flood, President Klaus Iohannis argues that strategies need to be devised to prevent the effects of extreme…

17:56, 16.05.2019

Local authorities representatives, MAI employees ready to intervene in context of weather advisories extending

Local authorities representatives and Interior Ministry employees will monitor the situation on the filed in view of a speedy intervention in the context of extending, until Sunday morning, the weather warnings…

13:17, 18.04.2019

Groaznic: Natura dezlănţuită - Peste 100 de morţi după ploi şi furtuni (Video/Foto)

CHIȘINĂU, 18 apr - Sputnik. Furtunile puternice au declanșat, luni, praf, fulgere, grindină, ploi și vânturi puternice în nordul și centrul Indiei, dezrădăcinând copaci, deteriorând…

11:54, 05.02.2019

Healthcare Minister Pintea says flu death toll reaches 81

Healthcare Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Tuesday that the flu death toll in Romania reached 81.  "The latest fatality is a two-year old boy with preexisting medical conditions, probably unvaccinated," Healthcare…

13:08, 02.02.2019

CNN: Extreme weather shatters records around the world

By Kara Fox, CNN US cities as cold as the Arctic. An Australian inferno. The UK covered in snow. It’s only one month into 2019 and meteorologists are already talking in superlatives as extreme weather patterns…