Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:15, 05.04.2022

Ursula von der Leyen merge la Kiev

Președintele Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, și cel mai înalt diplomat al UE, Josep Borrell, se vor deplasa săptămâna aceasta la Kiev pentru o întâlnire cu Zelenski, a anunțat un purtător de cuvânt al…

12:56, 05.04.2022

Întâlnire urgentă între Ursula von der Leyen și Zelenski, la Kiev - De ce ajunge șefa Comisiei Europene în Ucraina

Ursula von der Leyen va face în următoarele zile o vizită la Kiev înaintea unei reuniuni speciale la Varşovia, organizată sâmbătă sub deviza StandUpForUkraine , potrivit Comisiei Europene. ???? Mark your calendar!This…

12:55, 05.04.2022

Ursula von der Leyen se deplasează la Kiev pentru a discuta cu Volodimir Zelenski

Președintele Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, și șeful diplomației europene, Josep Borrell, se vor deplasa în această săptămână la Kiev pentru a-și manifesta susținerea pentru poporul ucrainean și pentru…

12:11, 31.03.2022

Producătorul de carburanţi PKN Orlen a înfiinţat cel mai mare fond corporativ din Polonia

Aproximativ 100 de milioane de euro vor fi investiţi pe parcursul a 10 ani de către fondul de capital de risc Orlen în companii de tehnologie care oferă soluţii inovatoare revoluţionare, scrie Warsaw Business Journal.

11:16, 27.03.2022

Reacții americane după discursul lui Biden la Varșovia. Pentru unii "istoric", pentru alții "catastrofal"

Reacțiile la discursul lui Joe Biden au fost amestecate, unii considerând retorica sa  periculoasă și cuvintele goale, în timp ce alții au lăudat forța mesajului și l-au inclus în categoria marilor discursuri susținete,…

18:36, 26.03.2022

VIDEO Joe Biden, în mijlocul refugiaților ucraineni: "Putin e un măcelar"

Joe Biden  a discutat cu cei ce au fugit din calea războiului și le-a promis că îi va ajuta să ajungă înapoi acasă. Șeful de la Casa Alba a anunțat că Statele Unite ale Americii vor putea să primească o 100.000…

21:45, 25.03.2022

VIDEO. Manifestație uriașă pro-Ucraina în centrul Varșoviei, în ziua vizitei președintelui american

Mii de oameni s-au adunat, vineri seară, în centrul capitalei Poloniei pentru a-și arăta sprijinul pentru Ucraina. Manifestația uriașă care are loc în Varșovia vine la o zi după apelul președintelui ucrainean Volodimir…

13:55, 24.03.2022

Poland blocks Russian Embassy’s bank accounts

Russia‘s ambassador to Warsaw said on Thursday that Poland had blocked the Russian embassy’s bank accounts on the basis that they might be used to finance terrorist activity or launder money, according to Reuters. …

13:20, 23.03.2022

Poland seeks expulsion of 45 Russian diplomats suspected of spying

Poland is preparing to expel 45 Russian diplomats after arresting a low-level civil servant on suspicion of spying, joining a counter-espionage crackdown that’s sweeping the European Union’s eastern wing, according…

22:10, 03.03.2022

Polish PM Morawiecki: Poland and Romania are doing their utmost for peaceful coexistence

Poland and Romania are doing their utmost for peaceful coexistence, setting all their diplomatic and political actions in agreement, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Thursday in Warsaw at the end…

11:11, 03.03.2022

PM Nicolae Ciuca welcomed by Polish counterpart in Warsaw

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Thursday was welcomed by Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, in an official ceremony. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

12:15, 02.03.2022

PM Ciuca to go to Warsaw on Thursday for joint meeting of Romanian, Polish governments

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that together with a governmental delegation he would go to Warsaw for the joint meeting of the Governments of Romania and Poland, underscoring that the meeting had…

13:06, 24.02.2022

Central European countries prepare to receive Ukrainian refugees

Central European countries braced on Thursday to receive people fleeing Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine, with Poland setting up reception points on its border and Hungary planning to send troops to create a corridor…

18:50, 22.02.2022

Iohannis: I have decided with Poland's President to organise extraordinary B9 Format Summit in Warsaw on Friday

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced on Tuesday that together with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda he decided to organise an extraordinary Bucharest 9 (B9) Format Summit in Warsaw on Friday, in the context…

14:20, 08.02.2022

EU notifies Poland it will withhold its EU cash to cover unpaid fines

The European Commission notified Poland on Tuesday it would withhold cash that the EU was to pay Warsaw as part of regular EU transfers, to cover the first part of fines imposed by the EU’s court on Poland which…

23:10, 29.01.2022

MADRID SUMMIT - Joint statement of the Conservative parties in Europe

In July 2021, several political formations represented in the European Parliament signed a joint declaration reflecting our concerns and our commitment to defend a European Union that respects the sovereignty,…

19:30, 05.01.2022

OrthPhoto releases new photo album exploring European Orthodoxy

The best photographs submitted in the OrthPhoto Awards contest organised last summer were included in a new photo album published by the Publishing House of the Orthodox Metropolis of Warsaw. The album titled “Colours…

15:25, 27.12.2021

Polish president says he vetoed media law

Poland‘s President Andrzej Duda announced on Monday he vetoed a controversial media bill as he shared some Poles’ worries about freedom of speech and that signing it into law would strain relations with Warsaw’s…

14:06, 23.12.2021

PM Ciuca, Polish counterpart set up a new joint meeting of the governments of the two states

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had a telephone conversation on Thursday with his Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawieski, with whom he arranged for the next joint meeting of the two governments to take place on March…

06:35, 13.12.2021

Gaming-ul, industria ”vedetă” a polonezilor pe bursă: cum arată cifrele

Polonia are o industrie de gaming solidă, cu zeci de companii care se regăsesc și pe Bursa de la Varșovia(WSE - Warsaw Stock Exchange). Într-un interviu acordat Wall-street.ro, reprezentanții pieței de capital…

15:10, 09.12.2021

Polish PM tells Germany’s Scholz not to ‘give in’ over Nord Stream 2

Poland’s Prime Minister announced on Thursday that he would call on Germany‘s newly appointed Chancellor Olaf Scholz to oppose the start-up of Nord Stream 2, as Warsaw seeks to stop the gas pipeline it says will…

13:50, 06.12.2021

AUR supports declaration adopted at Summit of European conservative leaders in Warsaw

AUR (Alliance for the Union of Romanians) on Monday hailed the commitment of the participants in the Summit of the European leaders of conservative parties to collaborate to "counteract the worrying idea of a Europe…

18:05, 18.11.2021

Romania, Poland sign corruption prevention co-operation protocol

Romania's General Anti-Corruption Directorate (DGA) announced on Thursday having signed a co-operation protocol with Poland's Central Anti-Corruption Bureau to exchange experience and good practices in combating…

13:50, 09.11.2021

Poland closes border with Belarus amid migrant crisis

Poland has closed a border crossing along its eastern border with Belarus as Minsk warned Warsaw against “any provocations” amid a continuing migration crisis that has alarmed the European Union, according to RFE/RL.…

17:16, 19.10.2021

Poland comes under fire over challenge to supremacy of EU law

Poland‘s prime minister repeatedly came under criticism during a tense debate in the European Parliament on Tuesday, with the EU’s chief executive warning Warsaw that its challenge to the supremacy of the 27-nation…

11:06, 11.10.2021

Scandalul LGBT în Polonia, care contestă prin Tribunalul Constituțional deciziile Curții de Justiție a UE

WARSAW, POLAND: A participant holds up a religious icon among Polish flags at a religious gathering of ultra-conservative Catholics and right-wing nationalists at the Monument to the Polish Home Army during events…

22:55, 10.10.2021

​​VIDEO Zeci de mii de polonezi au demonstrat duminică pentru a sprijini apartenenţa la Uniunea Europeană a Poloniei

Zeci de mii de polonezi au demonstrat, duminică, pentru a sprijini apartenenţa la Uniunea Europeană, după ce o decizie a curții constituționale potrivit căreia părţi din legislaţia UE este incompatibilă cu Constituţia…

10:16, 24.09.2021

EnerMin Popescu: Decarbonisation process cannot be without nuclear power

Energy means security, and the decarbonisation process cannot be without nuclear power, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said on Thursday after the ministerial meeting of the Transatlantic Partnership for Energy…

12:20, 06.08.2021

Poland should not stay in EU at all costs, says minister

Poland should not remain a member of the European Union at all costs, the justice minister said in an interview published on Friday, as he railed against what he called “blackmail” from the bloc over Poland’s judicial…

09:05, 04.08.2021

Atleta pe care Belarus a vrut s-o repatrieze cu forța de la Tokyo 2020 a plecat în Viena

Atleta bielorusă Kristina Timonovskaia care a fost forțată să renunțe la participarea la Jocurile Olimpice și să părăsească Tokyo după ce a criticat federația țării sale, a fost surprinsă miercuri la un aeroport…