Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:16, 27.05.2021

Romania's DefMin Ciuca to attend informal meeting of EU defence ministers

Romania's Defence Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca will participate, May 27-28, in an informal meeting of the European Union defence ministers in Lisbon, Portugal, according to Romania's Defence Ministry (MApN), agerpres…

09:30, 13.05.2021

Bogdan Aurescu: Today, Romania and Poland are strong strategic partners

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, sent on Wednesday a message for marking the centennial of the Romanian-Polish Defence Alliance, which was broadcast during the international conference "One people,…

09:35, 27.04.2021

Romania's Brinza wins silver at European Grappling Championships

Romanian athlete Andreea Brinza on Monday won the silver medal in No-Gi 64kg class event at the European Grappling Championships in Warsaw, after losing in the final to Kateryna Stepanova Shalakalova of Ukraine,…

09:05, 19.04.2021

Lovitură. Americanii de la Moderna vin la Varșovia. Sute de persoane vor fi angajate

Compania farmaceutică americană Moderna, producător al unui vaccin mRNA împotriva coronavirusului, îşi va înfiinţa centrul global de servicii de business în Varşovia, relatează Warsaw Voice. Centrul va...

08:45, 19.04.2021

Moderna îşi va înfiinţa centrul global de servicii de business în Varşovia

Compania farmaceutică americană Moderna, producător al unui vaccin mRNA împotriva coronavirusului, îşi va înfiinţa centrul global de servicii de business în Varşovia, relatează Warsaw Voice. Centrul va angaja probabil…

16:00, 22.01.2021

AUR announces affiliation to EU conservatives and reformists' political family

The co-chair of the Alliance for Romanians Unity (AUR) George Simion announced, in the context of his travel the other day in Poland and Belgium, the party's affiliation with the "European political family of right-wing…

09:21, 18.11.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Elections in Republic of Moldova, a victory of democracy, European values and principles

The recent election of Maia Sandu as President of the Republic of Moldova is "a victory of democracy, of European values and principles," said on Tuesday the head of Romanian diplomacy, Bogdan Aurescu, at the international…

12:40, 12.11.2020

VIDEO | Peste 300 de persoane au fost reținute de polițiștii din Varșovia, după o manifestație a extremei drepte

Mii de susținători ai extremei drepte au defilat, miercuri, în centrul Varşoviei, cu ocazia marcării Zilei Naţionale a Independenţei, în ciuda restricțiilor anti-Covid. Evenimentul a fost marcat de violențe, iar…

00:05, 12.11.2020

Proteste violente la Varşovia, împotriva restricţiilor din pandemie. Poliţia a folosit gaze lacrimogene

Maşini şi motociclete decorate cu drapele poloneze au participat la defilare, precum şi mulţimi de persoane care au ignorat avertismentele poliţiei, care le-a cerut să se disperseze din cauza riscurilor de contagiune.…

13:35, 09.11.2020

Grupul ASBIS împlinește 30 de ani și mizează pe creștere în România

ASBISc Entreprises PLC (WSE: ASB), companie specializată în distribuția de produse și soluții VAD (distribuție cu valoare adăugată) în domeniul tehnologiilor informației și comunicațiilor provenind de la furnizori…

11:35, 05.11.2020

Three podium finishes for Romanians at Poland Open wrestling tournament

Romanian athletes grabbed three wrestling medals on Wednesday in Warsaw on the first day of the Poland Open wrestling tournament, the first international event in which they are taking part after a long break caused…

13:00, 26.10.2020

VIDEO Noi proteste în Belarus: Numeroși angajați ai fabricilor de stat au intrat în grevă, studenții au ieșit în stradă

Muncitorii din fabrici au început să scandeze sloganuri, studenții au ieșit în stradă iar poliția a efectuat noi arestări luni în Belarus după ce mulți locuitori au răspuns apelului făcut de opoziție…

23:45, 12.04.2020

Polonia ar putea naţionaliza fondurile private de pensii garantate de stat pentru a obține bani necesari în criza Covid-19

Guvernul polonez ar analiza o naţionalizare la scară largă a fondurilor private de pensii garantate de stat (OFE) pentru a dispune de fonduri în plus în lupta împotriva pandemiei de coronavirus, potrivit unor surse…

16:41, 11.03.2020

Coronavirus/Case number 32 - a man from Iasi

The Strategic Communication Group has announced a new case of infection with coronavirus - a 38-year-old man from Iasi, self-isolated from March 9. According to the same source, this is the 32nd case of infection…

08:49, 05.03.2020

Romanian Crown Custodian Margareta and Prince Radu pay visit to Poland

Romanian Crown Custodian Margareta and Prince Radu on Wednesday started a three-day visit to the Republic of Poland, the first foreign visit of the Royal Family in 2020. According to romaniaregala.ro, Her Royal…

17:40, 09.01.2020

Romanian judges and prosecutors go out in sign of solidarity with Polish magistrates

Romanian judges and prosecutors will go out on Friday in front of the country's courts as a sign of solidarity with Polish magistrates, who will protest in Warsaw in connection with 'the systematic attempts by…

13:29, 13.09.2019

eMAG testează un credit cu dobânda zero, dedicat sellerilor din Marketplace

Conform unui comunicat remis, vineri, proiectul-pilot se adresează sellerilor din eMAG Marketplace şi va fi optimizat timp de două luni pe un număr de 135 de selleri, care pot accesa un plafon de creditare de peste…

21:41, 03.08.2019

Folosind măsurători ale cefeidelor, cercetătorii arată că, în fapt, Calea Lactee nu este plată

credit: J. Skowron / OGLE / Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw O echipă de cercetători de la Universitatea din Varșovia a creat cel mai precis model 3-D al galaxiei Calea Lactee de până acum. În articolul…

11:56, 01.07.2019

Judo: Romania wins silver medal in mixed team event at Cadet European Judo Championships in Warsaw

Romania won the silver in the mixed team event on Sunday at the Cadet European Judo Championships in Warsaw.  In the final, Romania was defeated by Turkey, after prevailing in the quarterfinals over Hungary, and…

09:47, 18.06.2019

Premiul Dassault Aviation 2019 a fost acordat unei echipe UPB-FIA! Echipa a fost coordonată de prof. dr. ing. Sterian Dănăilă, directorul Departamentului…

Premiul Dassault Aviation 2019 a fost acordat unei echipe UPB-FIA! Echipa a fost coordonată de prof. dr. ing. Sterian Dănăilă, directorul Departamentului de Științe Aerospațiale ”Elie Carafoli”. Pe 6 iunie 2019…

18:52, 01.05.2019

Romanian PM Dancila meets Polish counterpart Morawiecki in Warsaw

Romania's Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met her Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki in Warsaw on Wednesday, underscoring the importance of a declaration adopted at a meeting in Warsaw of the heads of government…

18:36, 01.05.2019

PM Dancila says Romania to continue to be supportive of cohesive, inclusive Europe

Romania will continue to be a supporter of the European design based on convergence, cohesion and solidarity among member states, which must be treated equally, on a non-discriminatory basis, irrespective of land…

18:24, 01.05.2019

PM Dancila says this year's European elections to have major impact on EU's next institutional set-up

This year's elections to the European Parliament will have a major impact on the next EU institutional configuration, will be a good opportunity to reconfirm the joint pro-European commitment of the member states…

23:36, 05.04.2019

Electoral registry has 18,949,141 citizens with voting rights

The total number of citizens with voting rights registered in the electoral registry on 31 March is 18,949,141, by 11,883 more than in the latest public information made by the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP)…

21:35, 05.04.2019

DefMin Les, at B9 Defence Ministers' Meeting in Warsaw, proposes intensification of cooperation in military mobility

Minister of National Defense Gabriel Les participated on Thursday and Friday in the B9 Defence Ministers' Meeting in Warsaw, advocating on this occasion for a coherent and comprehensive NATO approach in the long…

14:06, 05.04.2019

Romania's DefMin Les, Polish counterpart discuss strengthening EU's role in defence, security

Strengthening the security and defense dimension of the EU, the strategic partnership between Romania and Poland and their joint contribution to strengthening the NATO forward presence were the main topics of discussion…

12:24, 04.04.2019

Romania's DefMin Les attending B9 ministerial meeting in Warsaw

Romania's Defence Minister Gabriel Les will be attending, April 4-5, a meeting in Warsaw of the B9 Initiative defence ministers according to Agerpres. According to a news statement released by Romania's Defence…

23:07, 23.01.2019

ICT official: IT development, a Romanian Gov't priority

The development of the IT sector is one of the Romanian government's priorities, with focus placed on the implementation of 5G technologies, cloud services, the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and of…

09:28, 31.10.2018

PSD's Dragnea hopes that meeting with coalition be held in reasonable time to unblock ordinance on FSDI

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea voiced hope, after attending a meeting with officials in Warsaw regarding the Polish experience in respect to the Development Fund, that a meeting of…

16:27, 27.09.2018

Bucharest Security Conference to unfold in Bucharest Friday, Saturday

The third edition of the Bucharest Security Conference, one of the leading international security and defence conferences in Romania addressing recent developments in the security and defence agenda at the eastern…