Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:21, 07.09.2023

Southeast Asians wary of new conflicts as big powers join ASEAN summit

Indonesian President Joko Widodo called on world leaders on Thursday to defuse tensions as they met at a Southeast Asian-hosted summit to focus on security and trade against a backdrop of intensifying big-power…

10:20, 11.04.2023

Polish leader heads to US to further strengthen defense ties

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki flew Tuesday to the United States for meetings aimed at strengthening the economic and defense cooperation of the two nations, according to AP News. Morawiecki is due…

08:15, 27.04.2022

Vicepreședinta SUA, Kamala Harris, testată pozitiv la COVID

Kamala Harris a anunțat marți, 26 aprilie, într-o postare pe Twitter, că, deși nu prezintă simptome și este și vaccinată și cu doza booster, a fost depistată cu coronavirus. Potrivit CNN , care a citat-o pe purtătoarea…

21:15, 11.03.2022

President Klaus Iohannis: 'I can emphasize that we have no data indicating that Romania would be targeted by an aggression'

There are no data indicating that Romania would be targeted by an aggression, President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday in a joint press statement with visiting US Vice President Kamala Harris. Fii la curent cu cele…

08:31, 11.03.2022

US Vice President Kamala Harris, in Bucharest, to meet with President Iohannis and PM Ciuca

The Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris, who will arrive in Bucharest on Friday for her first visit in Romania since taking on mandate, will be welcomed by President Klaus Iohannis, at…

13:15, 10.03.2022

USA Vice President Kamala Harris to be welcomed by President Klaus Iohannis, at Cotroceni Palace, on Friday

The Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris, who will arrive in Bucharest on Friday for her first visit in Romania since taking on the mandate, will be welcomed by President Klaus Iohannis,…

12:40, 09.03.2022

U.S. Vice President to visit Poland, Romania for talks on Ukraine

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris will collaborate with Poland and Romania on next steps to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and reassure them of Washington’s support during her meetings with leaders of…

22:40, 08.03.2022

President Iohannis to welcome US Vice-President Harris on March 11

President Klaus Iohannis will hold political consultations on Friday at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace with US Vice President Kamala Harris, who will be on an official visit to Romania, according to the Romanian…

22:45, 01.03.2022

PM Ciuca, U.S. Vice President reaffirm their governments' determination to continue supporting Ukraine

During a phone talk today between Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, the decision of both governments was reaffirmed to continue supporting the Ukrainian government and people against…

09:05, 18.02.2022

Ukraine crisis takes centre stage at Munich Security Conference

World leaders converge this weekend on Germany for the annual Munich Security Conference which will be dominated by the Ukraine crisis as major Western powers warn the Kremlin looks close to launching an invasion…

10:15, 07.06.2021

Avionul vicepreşedintelui american Kamala Harris, obligat să revină la sol din cauza unei probleme tehnice: Cu toții am spus o mică rugăciune

Avionul vicepreședintelui american Kamala Harris a fost forțat să aterizeze la scurt timp după decolare, din cauza unei probleme tehnice, în drum spre Guatemala, pentru prima ei vizită în străinătate,…

07:41, 07.06.2021

Avionul vicepreşedintei SUA, Kamala Harris, s-a întors la sol din cauza unei probleme tehnice. ”Am spus o mică rugăciune, dar suntem bine”

Vicepreședinta americană Kamala Harris a trecut prin momente de panică duminică, 6 iunie. Avionul Air Force Two cu care călătorea a trebuit să revină la sol din cauza unei probleme tehnice, în timp ce decolase…