Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:55, 13.02.2019

Ministry says statement by College of Medical Physicists contains inaccuracies, untruths

The Health Ministry (MS) said on Wednesday that it has not identified any complaints from the College of Romanian Medical Physicists over irregularities concerning uncertified persons illicitly practicing at medical…

16:45, 09.02.2018

JusMin Toader on EP debates: Some sort of a tempest in a teapot; many inaccuracies and untruths

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader stated on Thursday evening at TVR1 national television station that "many inaccuracies and untruths" have been said during the debates in the European Parliament on the justice laws,…

14:02, 12.09.2015

Lies about Mihai Gâdea, in the lawsuit of Mariana Rarinca

The case of Mariana Rarinca is far from being resolved, moreover the president of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Livia Stanciu brings the name of Mihai Gâdea in the story.  Livia Stanciu stated before…