Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:25, 28.12.2020

Employers' associations, unions demand gov't to confer with social partners before adopting PNRR

Several employers' associations and trade unions have sent an open letter to the Government asking for consultation with the social partners before the adoption of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR),…

22:10, 12.09.2020

PM Orban on opening of schools during the pandemic: We are prepared to react in any situation

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban assures that the authorities are ready to intervene "in any situation" that may arise, amid the COVID-19 epidemic, after the start of the new school year. While paying a visit on Saturday…

17:37, 31.03.2020

Several trade unions ask Gov't to ensure universal minimum income for all citizens

Several trade union organizations have requested on Tuesday that the authorities adopt a series of measures to overcome the social crisis, of which the first is to ensure a universal minimum income for all adult…

08:46, 02.02.2020

Consiliul National al Elevilor cere sprijinul UE pentru rezolvarea problemei transportului generata de OUG 51

Consiliul National al Elevilor anunta ca, in cursul zilei de vineri, a transmis scrisori deschise grupurilor politice din Parlamentul European prin care le-au cerut sa se alature demersului prin care OUG 51/2019…

22:08, 04.12.2019

PSD's Ciolacu: Interim Standing Bureau of PSD to discuss agreements concluded by Dancila with trade unions

The Standing Bureau of PSD (Social Democratic Party) will meet on Monday to discuss, among other priorities, the agreements signed by the former leader of the party Viorica Dancila with certain trade unions, in…

15:38, 03.12.2019

Gov't looking into increasing minimum wage

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has given assurances that the minimum wage will increase, saying nothing about the size of the increase, just that the government is looking into suggestions from trade unions and employers'…

16:16, 27.11.2019

Ciolacu:PSD mustn't remain isolated,communication alternatives with Pro Romania, UDMR, PMP, ALDE, unions possible

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) mustn't remain isolated, said, on Wednesday, the interim chair of the PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, mentioning that there are "communication alternatives" with Pro Romania, the Hungarian…

12:54, 26.11.2019

President Klaus Iohannis: Increase in minimum wage is not a request of trade unions,it is a necessity and it will be done

President Klaus Iohannis has stated on Tuesday that the minimum wage will be increased because it is a necessary measure.  "The increase in the minimum wage is not a request of trade unions, it is a necessity and…

12:15, 05.11.2019

PM Orban about minimum wage increase: We will make decision based on serious effect analysis

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Tuesday that the Executive will make a decision regarding increasing the minimum wage following an analysis of the effects of this measure, underpinned by objective economic…

21:52, 18.10.2019

Romanian Gov't, defense industry unions sign 5-year financial support agreement

The government and the unions of the national defense industry signed on Friday a major agreement containing legislative and financial support measures for the national defense industry for the next 5 years, the…

12:32, 25.07.2019

PM Dancila: Public policies implemented by Gov't cannot be efficient without collaboration with employers' unions, entrepreneurs

The public policies implemented by the Government cannot be efficient without collaboration with employers' unions, entrepreneurs, regardless of the origin of capital, Romanian or foreign, said the Prime Minister,…

17:26, 14.03.2019

UNI-MEI global unions urge Romanian national television CEO Gradea be dismissed

UNI Europa organisation of artists and creators, UNI-MEI, is voicing solidarity with members of the MediaSind trade union at the Romanian National Television Broadcasting Corporation (SRTV) who demand the urgent…

11:58, 30.01.2019

Un semestru romnesc pentru consumatorii europeni

În 30 și 31 ianuarie 2019, reprezentanții Organizației Europene pentru Consumatori (BEUC) sunt prezenți pentru o vizită de lucru în România, cu scopul de a se întâlni și discuta cu…

16:23, 20.12.2018

PM Dancila about fiscal measures announced by FinMin: 'Gov't won't give up this Ordinance'

The Government won't give up this Ordinance announced by the Minister of Finance, but we are going to adopt it after a discussions with the Economic and Social Committee, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on…

11:47, 23.10.2018

The minimum wage will increase November 1. Unions are against the decision

The quick rise of the mininimum wage created a divide between the Government and social partners.  The Government is asked to give up the rise that was set to happen this year. They are stating that the rise can...

13:26, 23.05.2018

Romanian transporters request support from European Transport Workers' Federation to alter social legislation in Romania

We have asked for the European Transport Workers' Federation (EFT)'s support to change social legislation in Romania, because we have major problems with amending the Labor Code, which brings harm to trade unions,…

23:25, 16.05.2018

Emergency ordinance concerning the amendment of wage law, agreed upon with unions

The Government approved the emergency ordinance concerning the amendments to Wage Law, agreed upon with the unions, that will benefit employees from Health and Education, declared the spokesperson of the Executive,…

09:04, 14.12.2017

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, national days of mourning for King Mihai I

Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be days of national mourning in Romania, declared so in memory of King Mihai I.  The decision was taken last week by the Government. During these days, all institutions and central…

12:33, 21.09.2017

FOTO VIDEO Premierul canadian Justin Trudeau, viral pe internet, din cauza șosetelor sale

remierul canadian Justin Trudeau a ajuns în atenția presei internaționale, datorită șosetelor sale.  Trudeau a participat, miercuri, la o dezbatere în cadrul Forumului Global Bloomberg, organizat…

15:52, 16.03.2017

Police trade unions stage protest over uniform wage law

About 100 police officers - members of the 'Europol' European Police trade union protested on Thursday in front of the Labour Ministry against the uniform wage bill."We are here for the uniform wage bill that has…

13:04, 15.04.2016

Dodon: Năstase joacă în jocuri unionste pentru a dezbina opoziția

Dodon: Năstase joacă în jocuri unionste pentru a dezbina opoziția Foto: noi.mdConsideraţi că autorităţile moldoveneşti trebuie să contracareze propaganda unionistă din republică?- Da- Nu- Greu de răspunsrezultatele…

13:25, 14.04.2016

Dacian Ciolos: Next week I'll invite trade unions for talks on public pay

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said Thursday that next week he will start talks with trade unions on public pay with the intent of finding a solution they can accept that would also be feasible in budget and legal…

18:17, 25.11.2015

Iohannis signed into law a salaries increase of 10% for the staff in the public sector

President Klaus Iohannis enacted Tuesday the law approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 35/2015 on increasing the salaries of staff paid from public funds by 10%.The Chamber of Deputies adopted on November…

16:58, 07.08.2015

Warning for Romanians traveling to the UK

Foreign Affairs Ministry warns Romanian citizens traveling to Great Britain that unions have announced that London's subway will be closed for 24 hours.The strike is to begin Wednesday at 18:30 hours local time…

12:48, 08.03.2013

Muncitorii britanici sunt ingrijorati de consecintele iesirii Marii Britanii din UE

Aproximativ 74% din muncitorii britanici sunt ingrijorati ca o iesire din Uniunea Europeana ar putea aduce pierderea unor drepturi in ce priveste programul de lucru, nediscriminarea sau concediul anual, desi numarul…

12:08, 08.03.2013

Sondaj îngrijorător pentru viitorul UE în Marea Britanie

Din cei 1.004 angajaţi intervievaţi, 41% s-au declarat în favoarea ieşirii din UE, iar 14% nu au exprimat o opinie.  Premierul britanic David Cameron a promis organizarea unui referendum până în 2017 cu privire…

22:00, 13.05.2012

Cu ajutorul proiectelor UE derulate de Sanitas,

Zeci de medici si asistenti medicali din Prahova sunt instruiti la cele mai inalte standarde  Proiectul “Organizarea flexibila a muncii in contextul descentralizarii serviciilor publice de sanatate", finantat cu…

08:24, 31.08.2011

Excelenţă prin competenţă şi profesionalism ECoP

Miercuri, 31 august 2011, ora 10:00, va avea loc la sediul Agenţiei Judeţene pentru Ocuparea Forţei de Muncă Giurgiu, Conferinta de Lansare a proiectului cu titlul: „Excelenţă prin competenţă şi profesionalism…