Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:11, 14.05.2024

Romanian Parliament staff unions show solidarity with govt secretariat staff protest on low salaries

Romanian Parliament staff unions show solidarity with gov't secretariat staff protest on low salaries

The trade unions of civil servants in the Romanian Parliament and contractual staff declare their "full solidarity" with the protest of the employees of the General Secretariat of the Government, regarding the…

08:35, 02.02.2024

CultMin Turcan says pay increase for museum, library employees, soon

CultMin Turcan says pay increase for museum, library employees, soonCulture Minister Raluca Turcan announced on Thursday that, following discussions with trade unions in the area, it can be said that there will…

10:40, 01.02.2024

Gov't, healthcare unions getting closer to agreement

Health minister Alexandru Rafila said on Thursday that most of the demands of the Sanitas healthcare trade unions will be resolved "for sure" and that the two sides are "close to reaching an agreement.""We will…

13:25, 20.11.2023

HealthMin Rafila to meet unions representing public healthcare directorate staff

HealthMin Rafila to meet unions representing public healthcare directorate staffHealth Minister Alexandru Rafila has announced that on Wednesday he will meet trade unions representing employees of the public healthcare…

12:40, 10.11.2023

National airline's trade unions request exemption from recent tax regulations

TAROM national airline's United Trade Union is requesting the government to exempt the company from the application of the provisions of Law 296/2023 on tax and budget measures because those measures "will place…

20:45, 18.09.2023

Publisind trade unions to stage protests against austerity measures

Publisind trade unions to stage protests against austerity measuresThe Publisind trade union federation says it will stage protests against expected austerity measures that include pay and job cuts, layoffs, tax…

19:30, 29.07.2023

Un român de 15 ani a furat un BMW și un Mercedes, împreună cu 7 prieteni, și le-au făcut praf, intrând în mașina poliției, în Austria: „E incorogibil!”

Un grup de adolescenți au furat două mașini în Linz, joi seară, un Mercedes și un BMW, și le-au lovit în urmărirea cu poliția care a urmat furtului. Doi polițiști au fost răniți în accidentul în care a fost implicat…

20:30, 30.06.2023

FinMin Marcel Bolos talkes on Friday with leaders of unions in finance

FinMin Marcel Bolos talkes on Friday with leaders of unions in finance. The Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, discussed on Friday with the leaders of the unions in the field about the challenges faced by professionals…

15:20, 12.06.2023

Romanian teachers end pay strike after government negotiations

Romanian teachers will end a three-week general strike after their pay demands were partially met, unions said on Monday, but the government faces further unrest from healthcare staff and other public sector workers,…

13:40, 12.06.2023

104 people vaccinated against COVID in the last week, 24 people have died

As many as 104 people were vaccinated against COVID in the week of June 5 - 11, of which 88 with Pfizer Omicron adapted to the new strains of coronavirus, the serum of which administration began on November 28,…

13:11, 12.06.2023

Gov't to pass emergency ordinances on salary increases for Education staff

The government will approve, on Monday, the emergency ordinances regarding the salary increases for the staff in Education, prime minister Nicolae Ciuca declared, at the beginning of the Executive sitting, after…

12:50, 09.06.2023

PM Ciuca holds new round of negotiations with education trade unions

PM Ciuca holds new round of negotiations with education trade unions. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca will have a new round of negotiations with the representatives of the education unions, on strike since May 22,…

09:00, 09.06.2023

Education unions expect 20,000 people to attend Friday's protests in Bucharest

Education unions expect 20,000 people to attend Friday's protests in Bucharest. The unions in education are expecting 20,000 people to attend the protests organised on Friday, in Bucharest, from 11:00hrs to 16:00hrs.…

13:41, 07.06.2023

Education unions: 86.93pct of the strikers continue their protest

Education unions: 86.93pct of the strikers continue their protest. As many as 134,007 trade union members, or 86.93% of those having signed the strike referendum, continued their protest on Tuesday, according to…

15:10, 06.06.2023

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, voiced her conviction, on Tuesday, after the meeting with trade unionists…

16:36, 01.06.2023

Gov't spokesman Carbunaru: Negotiations have ended, gov't adopted requests of trade unions

Gov't spokesman Carbunaru: Negotiations have ended, gov't adopted requests of trade unions. The emergency ordinance regarding education has been adopted by the Government and the negotiations ended, the spokesman…

13:10, 01.06.2023

New consultations with trade unions in education to take place today at Victoria Palace

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has scheduled, on Thursday, new consultations with the representatives of the unions in Education, according to the Prime Minister's official agenda.On Wednesday evening, Nicolae Ciuca…

14:40, 31.05.2023

President Iohannis urges coalition leaders to present conclusions of negotiations with unions

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday urged the leaders of the governing coalition to present, in the shortest possible time, the conclusions of the negotiations with the trade unions in education and the measures…

08:45, 31.05.2023

MAI leadership agrees with relevant trade unions to increase pay and salaries

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) decided on Tuesday evening, following a meeting with representatives of trade unions within the ministry structures, to increase the pay and the salaries,…

22:20, 30.05.2023

Gov't to approve unblocking of 14,000 positions in medical system in next period (unions)

Gov't to approve unblocking of 14,000 positions in medical system in next period (unions). The unblocking of hirings in the medical system, the elimination of inequities from Law 153/2017 and the construction of…

18:55, 30.05.2023

President Iohannis expresses his willingness to guarantee political agreement to resolve demands of teachers

President Iohannis expresses his willingness to guarantee political agreement to resolve demands of teachers. President Klaus Iohannis expressed, on Tuesday, at the meeting with the leaders of the trade unions…

18:50, 30.05.2023

PSD's Ciolacu after talks with unions of healthcare workers agrees to respond to most of their demands

PSD's Ciolacu after talks with unions of healthcare workers agrees to respond to most of their demands. National chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday that he and Health Minister…

11:16, 26.05.2023

PM Ciuca: Today, I should have ended my term; we decided to continue dialogue with unions in Education

PM Ciuca: Today, I should have ended my term; we decided to continue dialogue with unions in Education. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Friday that the dialogue with the unions in Education will continue.…

17:20, 25.05.2023

Iohannis: Gov't, coalition need to continue negotiating with unions, gov't rotation unlikely with ongoing negotiations

Speaking on Thursday in Sibiu, President Klaus Iohannis declared that the government and the ruling coalition must continue negotiations with the education unions, remarking also that he doesn't believe that the…

15:36, 24.05.2023

Iohannis: Parliament is required to take on ECHR ruling on same-sex unions

Iohannis: Parliament is required to take on ECHR ruling on same-sex unions. President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday with regard to the European Court of Human Rights ruling of May 23 on the legal recognition…

11:50, 24.05.2023

PM Ciuca: This afternoon we'll meet again education unions and I believe we'll find a solution

PM Ciuca: This afternoon we'll meet again education unions and I believe we'll find a solution. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced, at the Florica Villa in Arges, that he will have a meeting on Wednesday afternoon…

11:41, 24.05.2023

PM Ciuca: PNL aims to solve issues raised by unions in education; we had an open dialogue

PM Ciuca: PNL aims to solve issues raised by unions in education; we had an open dialogue.Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca stated on Wednesday, at the Florica Villa in Arges, that the National Liberal Party (PNL) aims…

08:51, 24.05.2023

Strasbourg court says Romania must recognize same-sex civil unions

The European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg found that Romania had a duty to provide adequate recognition and protection for same-sex relationships as it found Romania violated the right to family life of 21…

11:20, 23.05.2023

PM Ciuca: We'll continue dialogue with Education unions, problems not solved by blocking school year

PM Ciuca: We'll continue dialogue with Education unions, problems not solved by blocking school year. The dialogue with the education unions will continue, as education remains a national priority for the governing…

13:10, 19.04.2023

German unions to hit railway, airports with new strikes

A German labor union is calling for railway workers to stage an eight-hour strike on Friday to back calls for an inflation-busting pay raise. Walkouts are also scheduled at three airports this week in a parallel…