Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:05, 11.08.2023

Thousands of tax workers protest Romanian cuts plan, union says

Thousands of workers at Romania’s finance ministry and tax agency protested for a second day against a government plan to cut spending as a work stoppage initially in the capital Bucharest extended across the country,…

11:55, 28.07.2023

AstraZeneca, venituri in trimestrul al doilea de 11,4 miliarde USD

Producătorul de medicamente anglo-suedez AstraZeneca a înregistrat, vineri, profituri și vânzări mai mari decât așteptările în al doilea trimestru, deoarece o performanță puternică a medicamentelor sale de succes…

22:55, 23.07.2023

CURS Poll - National Voting Intent: AUR rises to second place, PSD maintains over 30%

The Center for Urban and Regional Sociology - CURS has published the data from the most recent survey, conducted between July 8th and July 20th, 2023. According to the sociological research, the national voting…

22:05, 17.07.2023

Simona Bucura-Oprescu, proposed labour minister: I want constructive partnership with civil society, professional structures

Social-democratic MP Simona Bucura-Oprescu, proposed for the position of Minister of Labor, says that she wants, in her future capacity, a real and constructive partnership with civil society and with professional,…

14:55, 17.07.2023

Romanian pianist Valentin Gheorghiu dies aged 95

Romanian pianist Valentin Gheorghiu dies aged 95. Pianist and composer Valentin Gheorghiu, one of the greatest pianists in our musical history and appreciated composer, member of the Union of Composers and Musicologists…

14:45, 12.07.2023

Argentinianul Kevin Mac Allister va juca în campionatul Belgiei

Fotbalistul argentinian Kevin Mac Allister, fratele campionului mondial Alexis Mac Allister, va evolua din viitorul sezon în campionatul Belgiei, la echipa Union Saint-Gilloise, anunţă presa sportivă belgiană,…

15:00, 06.07.2023

Grindeanu about new Braila bridge: It is a bridge of hope, a bridge of union

The Minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu, stated on Thursday that the new bridge over the Danube, inaugurated in Braila, is "a bridge of hope" and "a bridge of union", potrivit Agerpres."In 2017, few believed…

20:30, 30.06.2023

FinMin Marcel Bolos talkes on Friday with leaders of unions in finance

FinMin Marcel Bolos talkes on Friday with leaders of unions in finance. The Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, discussed on Friday with the leaders of the unions in the field about the challenges faced by professionals…

20:05, 28.06.2023

AUR's Simion, on law banning pension and state salary cumulation: Empty populism, lies

AUR's Simion, on law banning pension and state salary cumulation: Empty populism, lies. Alliance for Romanians' Union (AUR) Chairman George Simion criticised on Wednesday the draft law banning the cumulation of…

19:55, 26.06.2023

Peste 700.000 de americani au rămas fără curent electric. 6 milioane de oameni, în pericol din cauza vremii extreme din SUA

Peste 700.000 de americani au rămas duminică seară fără curent electric, iar aproximativ 6 milioane de persoane din SUA erau expuse fenomenelor meteo extreme, potrivit CNN, în urma unei furtuni puternice care a…

06:05, 26.06.2023

Fost director al CIA: Prigojin 'ar trebui să fie foarte atent în preajma ferestrelor deschise'

Fostul director al CIA David Petraeus a declarat duminică, în timpul unui interviu, că Evgheni Prigojin a pierdut controlul asupra grupului său Wagner după ce a organizat o rebeliune împotriva guvernului rus în…

20:55, 15.06.2023

Gov't investiture/Simion: We want to know about the payroll tax you promised to cut down

Gov't investiture/Simion: We want to know about the payroll tax you promised to cut down. The leader of AUR (Alliance for the Union of Romanians), Deputy George Simion, on Thursday said that the activity of the…

15:00, 15.06.2023

Farul Constanta a transferat un fotbalist argentinian, care a jucat si in Portugalia (VIDEO)

Incepand de astazi, Marco Borgnino este noul jucator al formatiei Farul Constanta, campioana Romaniei.In varsta de 25 de ani, Borgnino are 1,76 m, este nascut in Argentina, la Rafaela, si evolueaza pe postul de…

19:55, 13.06.2023

Gov't rotation/Ciuca: We will vote on formula with UDMR in which PNL gives up Ministry of Energy

Gov't rotation/Ciuca: We will vote on formula with UDMR in which PNL gives up Ministry of Energy. The President of the PNL (National Liberal Party), Nicolae Ciuca, stated on Tuesday that the liberals are willing…

16:50, 13.06.2023

AUR's Simion: It is not normal for former enemies to govern together

AUR's Simion: It is not normal for former enemies to govern together. National leader of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) George Simion on Tuesday said that during the latest presidential consultations…

18:26, 12.06.2023

President Iohannis calls consultations on designation of PM candidate

President Iohannis calls consultations on designation of PM candidate. President Klaus Iohannis has called the parliamentary parties to the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Tuesday for consultations on the designation…

18:10, 12.06.2023

Gov't rotation/Orban: Activity ends for a gov't that was the gravedigger of the middle class

Gov't rotation/Orban: Activity ends for a gov't that was the gravedigger of the middle class. Unaffiliated deputy Ludovic Orban, leader of the Right Force party, said Monday that the government led by Nicolae Ciuca…

15:20, 12.06.2023

Romanian teachers end pay strike after government negotiations

Romanian teachers will end a three-week general strike after their pay demands were partially met, unions said on Monday, but the government faces further unrest from healthcare staff and other public sector workers,…

13:40, 12.06.2023

104 people vaccinated against COVID in the last week, 24 people have died

As many as 104 people were vaccinated against COVID in the week of June 5 - 11, of which 88 with Pfizer Omicron adapted to the new strains of coronavirus, the serum of which administration began on November 28,…

13:11, 12.06.2023

Gov't to pass emergency ordinances on salary increases for Education staff

The government will approve, on Monday, the emergency ordinances regarding the salary increases for the staff in Education, prime minister Nicolae Ciuca declared, at the beginning of the Executive sitting, after…

14:55, 09.06.2023

Alianța Națională a Organizațiilor Studențești din România ANOSR alături de cadrele didactice din învățământul preuniversitar și superior

Alianța Națională a Organizațiilor Studențești din România (ANOSR) este astăzi alături de cadrele didactice din învățământul preuniversitar și superior și susține demersurile sindicatelor acestora privind nevoia…

13:11, 09.06.2023

Court orders opening of Euroins Romania bankruptcy proceedings

Court orders opening of Euroins Romania bankruptcy proceedings. The Bucharest Tribunal has affirmed the merits of a request made by the Financial Oversight Authority (ASF) ordering the opening of the bankruptcy…

12:50, 09.06.2023

PM Ciuca holds new round of negotiations with education trade unions

PM Ciuca holds new round of negotiations with education trade unions. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca will have a new round of negotiations with the representatives of the education unions, on strike since May 22,…

09:00, 09.06.2023

Education unions expect 20,000 people to attend Friday's protests in Bucharest

Education unions expect 20,000 people to attend Friday's protests in Bucharest. The unions in education are expecting 20,000 people to attend the protests organised on Friday, in Bucharest, from 11:00hrs to 16:00hrs.…

11:15, 08.06.2023

Member states urged to scale up measures against child poverty

The European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) called for increased EU and national support for measures against child poverty, warning of an upward trend in the number of children at risk of poverty or social inclusion…

13:41, 07.06.2023

Education unions: 86.93pct of the strikers continue their protest

Education unions: 86.93pct of the strikers continue their protest. As many as 134,007 trade union members, or 86.93% of those having signed the strike referendum, continued their protest on Tuesday, according to…

18:50, 06.06.2023

Încă un an fără Hamburg în Bundesliga. VfB Stuttgart rămâne pe prima scenă a fotbalului german

VfB Stuttgart şi-a asigurat menţinerea în Bundesliga , după ce a câştigat ambele manşe ale barajului cu formaţia Hamburg SV. Ocupanta locului 16 în Bundesliga la finalul sezonului, Stuttgart s-a impus pe teren…

15:10, 06.06.2023

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, voiced her conviction, on Tuesday, after the meeting with trade unionists…

11:11, 05.06.2023

Royal Antwerp, campioana Belgiei pentru a cincea oară

Antwerp a cucerit al cincilea titlu de campioană a Belgiei în istoria sa de 66 de ani, după ce a trecut duminică de RC Genk şi Union Saint-Gilloise, potrivit news.ro.În clasamentul final, Antwerp are 47 de puncte,…

12:05, 03.06.2023

Uniunea pentru Controlul Internaţional al Cancerului, apel de Ziua Mondială a Mediului: Doar 1% din populaţia lumii respiră aer curat

Uniunea pentru Controlul Internaţional al Cancerului (Union for International Cancer Control, UICC) face apel, cu ocazia marcării Zilei Mondiale a Mediului la 5 iunie, la o acţiune globală pentru îmbunătăţirea…