Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:15, 08.06.2023

Member states urged to scale up measures against child poverty

The European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) called for increased EU and national support for measures against child poverty, warning of an upward trend in the number of children at risk of poverty or social inclusion…

13:41, 07.06.2023

Education unions: 86.93pct of the strikers continue their protest

Education unions: 86.93pct of the strikers continue their protest. As many as 134,007 trade union members, or 86.93% of those having signed the strike referendum, continued their protest on Tuesday, according to…

18:50, 06.06.2023

Încă un an fără Hamburg în Bundesliga. VfB Stuttgart rămâne pe prima scenă a fotbalului german

VfB Stuttgart şi-a asigurat menţinerea în Bundesliga , după ce a câştigat ambele manşe ale barajului cu formaţia Hamburg SV. Ocupanta locului 16 în Bundesliga la finalul sezonului, Stuttgart s-a impus pe teren…

15:10, 06.06.2023

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle

EduMin Deca, after meeting with unions: In order to remain on track, we must meet in the middle. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, voiced her conviction, on Tuesday, after the meeting with trade unionists…

11:11, 05.06.2023

Royal Antwerp, campioana Belgiei pentru a cincea oară

Antwerp a cucerit al cincilea titlu de campioană a Belgiei în istoria sa de 66 de ani, după ce a trecut duminică de RC Genk şi Union Saint-Gilloise, potrivit news.ro.În clasamentul final, Antwerp are 47 de puncte,…

12:05, 03.06.2023

Uniunea pentru Controlul Internaţional al Cancerului, apel de Ziua Mondială a Mediului: Doar 1% din populaţia lumii respiră aer curat

Uniunea pentru Controlul Internaţional al Cancerului (Union for International Cancer Control, UICC) face apel, cu ocazia marcării Zilei Mondiale a Mediului la 5 iunie, la o acţiune globală pentru îmbunătăţirea…

16:40, 02.06.2023

VfB Stuttgart, victorie la scor de neprezentare în barajul de menținere în Bundesliga

VfB Stuttgart a învins-o cu scorul de 3-0, pe teren propriu, pe SV Hamburg, în manşa întâi a barajului pentru menținerea în Bundesliga. Deși sărbătorise săptămâna trecută promovarea în prima ligă germană, la finalul…

22:00, 01.06.2023

Licitatii Tulcea: Primaria Greci a batut palma cu trei firme din tara pentru mobilier la scoala gimnaziala (DOCUMENT)

Dolas Ecotrade SRL, Eurodidactica SRL, Union CO SRL au semnat cu Primaria Greci Valoarea finala este de peste 700.000 lei Primaria comunei Greci a atribuit un contract, in urma unei licitatii publice pentru dotarea…

16:36, 01.06.2023

Gov't spokesman Carbunaru: Negotiations have ended, gov't adopted requests of trade unions

Gov't spokesman Carbunaru: Negotiations have ended, gov't adopted requests of trade unions. The emergency ordinance regarding education has been adopted by the Government and the negotiations ended, the spokesman…

13:10, 01.06.2023

New consultations with trade unions in education to take place today at Victoria Palace

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has scheduled, on Thursday, new consultations with the representatives of the unions in Education, according to the Prime Minister's official agenda.On Wednesday evening, Nicolae Ciuca…

15:40, 31.05.2023

AUR requests clarifications of Hungarian officials' visits to Romania

MP Dan Tanasa of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) says the issue of visits by Hungarian officials to Romania are "unacceptable," requesting the government and the President to "clear up" this matter…

14:40, 31.05.2023

President Iohannis urges coalition leaders to present conclusions of negotiations with unions

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday urged the leaders of the governing coalition to present, in the shortest possible time, the conclusions of the negotiations with the trade unions in education and the measures…

13:35, 31.05.2023

Alliance for the Union of Romanians wants all parliamentary groups to confirm natural family support

The president of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), deputy George Simion, announced on Wednesday that the party's parliamentary groups submitted to the Standing Bureaus of the two Chambers a statement…

08:45, 31.05.2023

MAI leadership agrees with relevant trade unions to increase pay and salaries

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) decided on Tuesday evening, following a meeting with representatives of trade unions within the ministry structures, to increase the pay and the salaries,…

22:20, 30.05.2023

Gov't to approve unblocking of 14,000 positions in medical system in next period (unions)

Gov't to approve unblocking of 14,000 positions in medical system in next period (unions). The unblocking of hirings in the medical system, the elimination of inequities from Law 153/2017 and the construction of…

18:55, 30.05.2023

President Iohannis expresses his willingness to guarantee political agreement to resolve demands of teachers

President Iohannis expresses his willingness to guarantee political agreement to resolve demands of teachers. President Klaus Iohannis expressed, on Tuesday, at the meeting with the leaders of the trade unions…

18:50, 30.05.2023

PSD's Ciolacu after talks with unions of healthcare workers agrees to respond to most of their demands

PSD's Ciolacu after talks with unions of healthcare workers agrees to respond to most of their demands. National chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday that he and Health Minister…

17:20, 30.05.2023

President Iohannis having talks with education unionists

President Iohannis having talks with education unionists. President Klaus Iohannis is having talks Tuesday with education trade unionists. CITESTE SI EconMin Spataru: Romania has the capacity to become supply hub…

15:55, 30.05.2023

Education unionists continue protest at Cotroceni Presidential Palace

The education trade unionists who have been protesting on Tuesday, from 11:00 in Victoriei Square, arrived at Cotroceni Presidential Palace around 14:30.The union leaders requested the urgent intervention of President…

15:25, 30.05.2023

PM Ciuca presents education union representatives measures on increasing teaching staff income

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met on Tuesday at the Victoria Governmental Palace with representatives of education union leaders. During the dialogue, which was also attended by Minister Ligia Deca, PM Ciuca presented…

17:55, 29.05.2023

Simion: Government of Romania should challenge ECHR decision on same-sex couples

Simion: Government of Romania should challenge ECHR decision on same-sex couples. The President of the Alliance for Union of Romanians (AUR), George Simion, said on Monday that the Government of Romania must contest…

14:10, 29.05.2023

Ministrul francez al domeniului Digital, Jean-Noël Barrot, ameninţă cu ”interzicerea” Twitter în UE

”Twitter, dacă nu se conformează regulilor noastre, va fi interzis, în caz de recidivă, în Uniunea Europeană”, a subliniat la postul Franceinfo ministrul. Désinformation : “Si Twitter ne se conforme pas à nos règles,…

11:16, 26.05.2023

PM Ciuca: Today, I should have ended my term; we decided to continue dialogue with unions in Education

PM Ciuca: Today, I should have ended my term; we decided to continue dialogue with unions in Education. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Friday that the dialogue with the unions in Education will continue.…

17:20, 25.05.2023

Iohannis: Gov't, coalition need to continue negotiating with unions, gov't rotation unlikely with ongoing negotiations

Speaking on Thursday in Sibiu, President Klaus Iohannis declared that the government and the ruling coalition must continue negotiations with the education unions, remarking also that he doesn't believe that the…

15:45, 25.05.2023

Education unionists march down Calea Victoriei

Education unionists march down Calea Victoriei. Education trade unionists who protested in Victoriei Square on Thursday marched down Calea Victoriei after union leaders announced that they reject the government's…

15:35, 25.05.2023

USR Chairman Drula: Congress on 17 June; decisions to be made on creating an alternative around USR, in 2024

USR Chairman Drula: Congress on 17 June; decisions to be made on creating an alternative around USR, in 2024. Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula announces that a party congress will take place…

15:35, 25.05.2023

Official Carbunaru: Gov't is not on strike, we are ready for dialogue

Official Carbunaru: Gov't is not on strike, we are ready for dialogue. The spokesman for the Government, Dan Carbunaru, on Thursday called for a dialogue with the trade union leaders in education and mentioned…

15:35, 25.05.2023

Unionists in education say a clear no to gov't

Unionists in education say a clear no to gov't. Trade unionists in the education field rejected the Government's offer to end the strike, the president of the 'Spiru Haret' Federation of Education Trade Unions,…

15:36, 24.05.2023

Iohannis: Parliament is required to take on ECHR ruling on same-sex unions

Iohannis: Parliament is required to take on ECHR ruling on same-sex unions. President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday with regard to the European Court of Human Rights ruling of May 23 on the legal recognition…

11:50, 24.05.2023

PM Ciuca: This afternoon we'll meet again education unions and I believe we'll find a solution

PM Ciuca: This afternoon we'll meet again education unions and I believe we'll find a solution. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced, at the Florica Villa in Arges, that he will have a meeting on Wednesday afternoon…