Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:08, 10.02.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Romania, committed to implement MoU with the U.S. on cooperating in civil nuclear energy

Romania is fully committed in implementing the Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Concerning Strategic Civil Nuclear Cooperation (NCMOU), signed in September 2019, Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan…

17:19, 31.01.2020

Romania's Transgaz signs MoU on development of natural gas networks in Eastern Europe

Romania's Transgaz national natural gas transmission corporation signed on January 28 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Partnership for the Development of Natural Gas Networks in Eastern Europe (EE-NGP),…

16:47, 29.01.2020

PM Orban addressing PSD: You can submit 10 censure motions, you won't change our view

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Wednesday said he couldn't understand the reasons for which the PSD (Social Democratic Party) wants to submit a motion of censure, and that, in his opinion, the Social Democrats…

15:25, 14.01.2020

UNICEF to provide assistance to the Ombudsperson

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) will provide assistance to the Ombudsperson (AP) based on a Memorandum of Understanding signed for 2020-2022 period between the AP and UNICEF Representation in Romania. …

22:20, 30.12.2019

Gelu Voican Voiculescu on abolition of Revolution Institute: We don't understand gov't motives for this move

Managing director of the December 1989 Romanian Revolution Institute, Gelu Voican Voiculescu, said on Monday that he doesn't understand the motives for the abolition of this institution, adding that this move comes…

12:06, 01.12.2019

Banca Mondială: Incendiul de la Colectiv a îmbunătăţit activitatea autorităţilor, iar presiunea publică a contat cel mai mult

Incendiul de la Colectiv a îmbunătăţit multe lucruri în activitatea autorităţilor cu privire la gestionarea dezastrelor, iar presiunea publică a avut un rol determinant, a declarat Alanna Simpson, senior expert…

11:54, 01.12.2019

Presiunea publică de după COLECTIV a avut rol determinat în îmbunătăţirea activităţii autorităţilor - Declaraţia unui oficial al Băncii Mondiale

Incendiul de la Colectiv a îmbunătăţit multe lucruri în activitatea autorităţilor cu privire la gestionarea dezastrelor, iar presiunea publică a avut un rol determinant, a declarat Alanna Simpson, senior expert…

17:26, 27.11.2019

Arafat: Oamenii de rând sunt primii care trebuie să intervină în caz de dezastre, să se ajute între ei

Oamenii de rând sunt primii care trebuie să intervină în cazul unor dezastre, să se ajute între ei şi să colaboreze cu autorităţile, pentru că niciodată o ţară nu va fi perfect pregătită, a declarat, miercuri,…

16:36, 27.11.2019

Arafat: Salvatorii români plecaţi în Albania caută supravieţuitori sub o clădire prăbuşită din Durres

Echipele speciale de salvatori plecaţi în Albania după cutremurul care a avut loc marţi dimineaţa caută supravieţuitori sub o clădire prăbuşită din oraşul Durres, a declarat, joi, Raed Arafat, secretar de stat…

08:25, 27.11.2019

Conferinţa UR Europe privind înţelegerea riscurilor generate de schimbările climatice şi de dezastrele naturale

Banca Mondială şi Departamentul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne din România organizează, în perioada 27 - 29 noiembrie 2019, la Bucureşti, conferinţa Understanding Risk Europe:…

17:23, 03.11.2019

Memorandum on 5G between the US and Romania disclosed: 5G vendors should be subjected to rigorous evaluation

Vendors of 5G networks must undergo a rigorous evaluation and the protection of the next generation communications networks from disruption or manipulation, and ensuring the privacy and the individual liberties…

14:42, 23.10.2019

PM-designate Orban: I expected Pro Romania not to endorse Gov't';I find it hard to understand this attitude

Prime Minister-designate Ludovic Orban stated on Wednesday that he expected for Pro Romania not to endorse the new Government, but he finds it hard to understand this party's attitude, which voted for the censure…

14:57, 07.10.2019

Nuclearelectrica, Falcon Consortium sign MoU on development of 'Alfred' 4th generation reactor

The National Company Nuclearelectrica SA (SNN) and the Falcon Consortium made of Ansaldo Nucleare, ENEA and ICN, last week signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation for the development of the 4th generation…

08:53, 30.09.2019

Gala 'Antreprenor în România', luni, la Bucureşti

Confederaţia Naţională a Antreprenoriatului Femeilor (CONAF), prima şi cea mai mare confederaţie de acest gen din România, împreună cu Federaţia Patronală Petrol şi Gaze (FPPG), organizează luni, la Bucureşti,…

08:52, 25.09.2019

MoU between Romania and US on civil nuclear cooperation, signed by PM Dancila, US Secretary Perry

The Memorandum of Understanding between Romania's and the United States of America's Governments on cooperation in the civil nuclear field was signed at a meeting between the Romanian Prime Minister, Viorica Dancila…

13:36, 16.09.2019

Letter of Understanding with IBRD on down payment destined to Justice District submitted to Parliament for ratification

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Monday the decree regarding the submission to Parliament for the ratification of the Letter of Understanding between Romania and the International Bank for Reconstruction and…

13:29, 12.09.2019

CONAF şi FPPG, integratori de soluţii pe piaţa muncii

PACTUL PENTRU MUNCĂ - O soluţie pe termen lung pentru diminuarea deficitului forţei de muncă Deficitul forţei de muncă reprezintă o problemă majoră în România, iar pentru rezolvarea ei, factorii implicaţi - patronate,…

23:02, 28.08.2019

PM Dancila: President Iohannis replaces constitutional duty of mediator with saboteur

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Wednesday stated that President Iohannis "replaced his constitutional duty of a mediator among parties with that of a saboteur," claiming that the head of the state doesn't understand…

15:26, 21.08.2019

Confederaţia Naţională pentru Antreprenoriat Feminin şi Federaţia Naţională de Petrol şi Gaze lansează "Pactul pentru Muncă"

"Pactul pentru Muncă reprezintă dovada de unitate antreprenorială a două entităţi patronale cu obiective principale diferite, Confederaţia Naţională pentru Antreprenoriat Feminin şi Federaţia Naţională de Petrol…

09:17, 21.08.2019

Romania, US conclude memorandum of understanding on 5G technology

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis announced on Tuesday, after meeting his American counterpart Donald Trump in Washington DC, that a memorandum of understanding was signed between the national governments of the…

23:16, 27.07.2019

Transgaz, Japanese company Itochu sign Memorandum of Understanding for infrastructure projects in gas field

National Gas Transmission System - Transgaz and Itochu Corporation from Japan have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for projects in the gas infrastructure field in Europe, the Romanian company announced on…

16:24, 06.06.2019

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila: 'Cybersecurity, priority for good functioning of any governmental system and not only'

Cybersecurity is a priority for the good functioning of any governmental system and not only, and in a technological world where cyberattacks are in a continuous change and evolution, an increased data protection…

15:18, 06.06.2019

Romania - Israel Memorandum of Understanding on cybersecurity cooperation signed at Gov't headquarters

Minister of Communications Alexandru Petrescu and the head of Israel's National Cyber Directorate (INCD) Yigal Unna signed on Thursday, at the Victoria Palace of Government, a Memorandum of Understanding on cybersecurity…

11:44, 02.06.2019

​VIDEO Moment controversat la Roland Garros: Dominic Thiem, scos din sala principală de presă pentru a-i lăsa locul Serenei Williams

Jucătoarea americană Serena Williams, numărul 10 WTA, şi tenismenul Dominic Thiem, locul 4 ATP, au fost protagoniştii unui moment controversat, sâmbătă, la Roland Garros, o situaţie care l-a revoltat pe austriac,…

16:42, 17.05.2019

President Iohannis: Those who rule should understand situation in education is disastrous

Those who rule in Romania must understand that the current situation in education, which is disastrous, can no longer continue, said President Klaus Iohannis on Friday, while participating in the debate "Become…

13:17, 10.05.2019

Viktor Orban: We need to understand that cooperation is also needed to be successful in the European Union

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday, in Sanpaul (coomune in Cluj County, ed.n.), at the opening of an investment of more than 15 million euro, that if the peoples of Central Europe do not understand…

16:28, 07.05.2019

Transgaz, Black Sea Oil & Gas sign Memorandum for Midia Project

SNTGN Transgaz SA and Black Sea oil & GAS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to use and develop the natural gas transmission network for the Midia Gas Development Project (the MGD Project), according…

13:07, 22.04.2019

BVB's Tanase: 'Regulating capital market creates confidence for investors'

The future of a capital market cannot happen in a deregulated area, because regulation creates confidence for investors, Adrian Tanase, the general manager of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), told a specialist…

13:06, 15.04.2019

PM Dancila meets Vietnamese PM: We agreed to speed up procedures on conditions to carry out exports of Romanian products

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila carried out discussions on Monday, at the Victoria Palace, with a governmental delegation of Vietnam, led by Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, agreeing to speed up the national…

20:48, 13.04.2019

Romanian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek governments sign Memorandum of Understanding for joint candidacy at EURO2028,WC2030

The Governments of Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece signed on Saturday in Thessaloniki a Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of an Initial Organising Committee in view of the joint candidacy for…