Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:25, 10.04.2019

Gov't approves Memorandum on joint Serbia-Romania-Bulgaria-Greece candidacy for organising Euro 2028, World Cup 2030

The Government on Wednesday approved the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the submission of a joint candidacy of Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece for the organisation of the European and World Championships…

16:17, 17.03.2019

PMP's Tomac: With Traian Basescu opening EP election's list, we hope in 10pct score

The People's Movement Party (PMP) leader Eugen Tomac on Sunday said in eastern Vaslui that his party envisages to grab 10pct of the votes in the May European Parliament's election, a scrutiny that is a test for…

16:57, 08.03.2019

PSD: Iohannis does not understand economy, does not know to read budget

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) maintains that President Klaus Iohannis "does not understand economy," "does not know to read a budget," but blocks the current Government, "instead of apologizing," after the…

15:25, 07.03.2019

Mondelez combate defrișările în regiunile în care se cultivă cacao

Mondelez va proteja și reface pădurile din regiunile unde se cultivă cacao, astfel încât fermele să fie mai rezistente la schimbările climatice. Planurile acoperă cele două mari piețe de aprovizionare cu cacao…

13:08, 30.01.2019

Association of Romania's Towns and Cities calls on gov't to understand needs of local communities

The Association of Romania's Towns and Cities (AOR), representing the small and medium-sized towns, calls on the government to understand the real needs of local communities and to find solutions together with…

15:02, 13.12.2018

Romanian-Cambodian agreement regarding elimination of visas for diplomatic passports and cooperation memorandum, signed at MAE

Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia Prak Sokhonn on Thursday signed a bilateral agreement on the elimination of…

14:07, 06.11.2018

What is Actually Happening with Vape Pen for Wax

What is Actually Happening with Vape Pen for Wax The Meaning of Vape Pen for Wax There is A wax pencil very intended to vaporize oil targets. When utilizing a multi-function vaporizer to get dabs, make certain…

12:18, 09.10.2018

Tribute to Holocaust victims worldwide by Foreign Affairs Ministry

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) pays tribute to the Holocaust victims worldwide and expresses solidarity with the survivors of the tragic events during WWII, a MAE release sent to AGERPRES informs.  On the very…

19:07, 08.10.2018

FinMin Teodorovici: 'Project money, not an issue, but how ministries understand to use money'

In Romania, project money has not been an issue, but the way some ministries "understand" to use money, "whether from the national budget, European money or from other sources of funding," Finance Minister Eugen…

18:38, 28.09.2018

Magdin: România nu duce lipsă de capital uman în leadership; liderii politici au cea mai mare responsabilitate

România nu duce lipsă de capital uman la capitolul leadership, ci de curajul de a readuce bunul simţ în spaţiul public, a afirmat, vineri, la o dezbatere, analistul Radu Magdin, precizând că liderii politici au…

14:33, 27.09.2018

PSD's Dragnea: There is no list on Cabinet reshuffle

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea, leader of the Social Democrats, denied on Thursday the existence of any list of ministers to be reshuffled.  He said he did not understand why discussions…

18:24, 19.09.2018

Dragnea on PSD leaders' letter:I understand that we must allign with Iohannis, SRI, SPP, DNA

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea mocked on Wednesday the letter in which leaders of the party request his resignation as leader of the party and as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. …

15:17, 28.08.2018

British ambassador: Everywhere in the world political life is turbulent; I'm here to listen, to learn, to understand

UK ambassador in Bucharest Andrew Noble said on Tuesday, referring to the political life in Romania, that everywhere in the world "political life is turbulent", specifying that he came to our country to listen,…

12:41, 28.08.2018

UK Ambassador: Political life, turbulent worldwide; here to listen, learn and understand

United Kingdom Ambassador in Bucharest Andrew Noble stated on Tuesday with regard to Romania's political situation that "political life is turbulent" everywhere in the world, specifying that he came to our country…

22:32, 28.07.2018

Hungary's PM Orban says Union Centennial no festive moment for Romania's Hungarians

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday at the Tusvanyos Summer University at Baile Tusnad, Harghita County, that Romania's Greeter Union Centennial this year is no festive moment for Romania's Hungarians.…

16:52, 16.06.2018

PSD Chairman Dragnea on Iohanis’ proposal for SIE leadership: I will read it until I understand it

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea mocked on Friday President Klaus Iohannis' letter recommending Gabriel Vlase as director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE). "Indeed, I have received…

13:28, 24.05.2018

Iohannis: Government authorities need to understand foreign investors must not be regarded with adversity

President Klaus Iohannis said Thursday, in Pitesti (North-West of Bucharest) that the Executive needs to make all efforts in order to bring foreign companies to Romania.  "Government authorities need to understand…

13:42, 11.05.2018

Senate's Tariceanu retorts to former PM Ciolos: No light from anyone, we must understand Romania's legitimate interest

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu considers that Romanians do not have to "take light from anybody", but must understand what Romania's "legitimate interest" is and how to pursue it with courage and dignity. …

23:32, 04.05.2018

Iohannis: It is important to understand that rule of law is not a simple formality

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that each person must understand that the rule of law is not a simple formality. "I strongly believe in democracy and the rule of law. It is very important, for each of us,…

14:13, 08.04.2018

President Iohannis's Easter message: May you enjoy harmony, understanding next to your beloved!

President Klaus Iohannis on Sunday conveyed an Easter message urging the Romanians to enjoy harmony and understanding next to their beloved. "On the Holy Easter, the holiday of communion and solidarity, I wish…

12:07, 02.03.2018

Liberals' Orban: Europe is 'watching' us. If majority doesn't understand, Romania further treated as 'special case'

The PNL (National Liberal Party, ed. n.) chairman Ludovic Orban said on Thursday evening, in connection with the statements made by the First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, that Europe…

21:30, 22.11.2017

President Iohannis on Justice Laws: I am concerned; MPs should understand the need of consultation

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that he is concerned in respect to the Justice Laws, because there is "a dialogue of the deaf" among those who promote changes to the specific legislation and the judicial…

16:45, 10.10.2017

Economy Ministry and General Dynamics sign understanding memorandum to manufacture and deliver armoured vehicles

Economy Ministry and Romarm, through the Bucharest Mechanical Plant and the US company General Dynamic have signed on Tuesday an understanding memorandum and a collaboration agreement, with Prime Minister Mihai…

10:19, 10.10.2017

Hans Klemm, ambasadorul SUA, la Palatul Victoria

"Memorandum of Understanding" cu General Dynamics va fi semnat în cursul zilei de marți la Guvern. Premierul Mihai Tudose a declarat că România va semna marţi un contract pentru producţia de blindate cu firma americană…

10:13, 10.10.2017

ULTIMA ORĂ - Ambasadorul SUA Hans Klemm, la Palatul Victoria

Ambasadorul SUA Hans Klemm a venit marți la Palatul Victoria, în contextul în care astăzi Guvernul va semna un memorandum cu producătorul american de vehicule militare General Dynamics, pentru producerea de transportoare…

09:14, 10.10.2017

Guvernul semnează un acord pentru producerea de transportoare blindate la Bucureşti

La sediul Guvernului se semnează. marţi, un memorandum cu firma americană General Dynamics, pentru producerea de transportoare blindate la Uzina Mecanică Bucureşti, anunță un comunicat al Executivului. Acțiunea…

08:58, 10.10.2017

Guvernul semnează acordul cu General Dynamics pentru producerea de transportoare blindate la Bucureşti

La sediul Guvernului se semnează. marţi, un memorandum cu firma americană General Dynamics, pentru producerea de transportoare blindate la Uzina Mecanică Bucureşti, anunță un comunicat al Executivului. Acțiunea…

07:54, 10.10.2017

S-a aflat! Ce contract important semnează Guvernul, după întâlnirea cu secretarul general al NATO

Guvernul va semna, marţi, un memorandum cu producătorul american de vehicule militare General Dynamics, pentru producerea de transportoare blindate la Uzina Mecanică Bucureşti, informează news.ro.Potrivit programului…

08:16, 15.06.2017

15 iunie – Ziua mondială de conștientizare a abuzului față de vârstnici

La data de 15 iunie, este marcată, anual,  Ziua mondială de conștientizare a abuzului față de vârstnici. Tema pe anul 2017 a Zilei mondiale de conștientizare a abuzului față de vârstnici face apel la conștientizarea…

14:11, 07.06.2017

PM Grindeanu on criticism from PSD: Not my job to respond, I don`t understand such tension

Premier Sorin Grindeanu said that he is not in the position to reply to criticism certain Social-Democrat leaders are further levelling against him and the government, underscoring that PSD's political opponents…