Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:10, 12.06.2023

Gov't rotation/Orban: Activity ends for a gov't that was the gravedigger of the middle class

Gov't rotation/Orban: Activity ends for a gov't that was the gravedigger of the middle class. Unaffiliated deputy Ludovic Orban, leader of the Right Force party, said Monday that the government led by Nicolae Ciuca…

16:15, 05.10.2022

Unaffiliated MPs to table electronic voting bill

The non-affiliated MPs voting with the Right Alternative party have initiated a bill introducing electronic voting, so that the future elected officials will be much more representative of the citizens. Fii la…

14:16, 05.04.2022

Journalist Emilia Sercan, heads of Romanian Police, DGIA, invited at Committee for Human Rights

Unaffiliated deputy Violeta Alexandru announces that the journalist Emilia Sercan, as well as the heads of the Romanian Police and the General Directorate for Defence Intelligence (DGIA) will be invited for discussions,…

13:55, 10.02.2022

MP Ionel Danca: Any additional day with PSD-PNL Government is attack on Romanians' standard of living

Unaffiliated deputy Ionel Danca claims that any additional day with the Social Democratic Party (PSD) - National Liberal Party (PNL) Government is "an attack" on Romanians' standard of living, and the issue of…