Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:12, 15.03.2019

Bucharest traffic, blocked for 15 minutes; several persons join #sieu protest

The traffic was blocked on Friday for approximately 15 minutes on Lascar Catargiu Boulevard to Romana Square and on KiselRoad, eff from Architect Ioan Mincu Street towards the Victoriei Square, after several drivers…

15:55, 09.01.2018

Emanuel Vornicu, head of Roadway Surveillance Service for districts 1, 2 and 6 removed from office

The head of the Roadway and Traffic Surveillance Service for city districts 1, 2 and 6, Emanuel Vornicu, has been removed from office, the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR) announced on Tuesday,…

16:50, 08.01.2018

SNPPC's Coarna: Pedophilia suspect admits guilt; similar case existed in 2015

The pedophilia suspect admitted his guilt, according to the leader of the National Trade Union of Police Officers and Contract Personnel (SNPPC), Dumitru Coarna, who also added that he same man could have committed…

13:32, 17.01.2017

Traffic Brigade: Traffic on A2 highway resumed

The traffic on the A2 highway was resumed, after being closed on Tuesday, around 11:00 hrs, because of the blizzard, on the Bucharest - Fundulea road section, on the direction to Constanta, the Press Office of…