Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:16, 02.10.2022

Prima fotografie oficială a Regelui Charles III şi cu Regina consoartă alături de Prinţul şi Prinţesa de Wales

Palatul Buckingham a publicat, duminică, prima fotografie oficială a Regelui Charles al III-lea cu Regina consoartă, alături de noul Prinţ şi Prinţesa de Wales, după doliul decretat la moartea Reginei Elisabeta…

13:00, 20.09.2022

Seven feature films that test conventional limits of cinema, in BIEFF 2022 competition

The 12th edition of the Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival (BIEFF ) proposes, for the first time, an international competition dedicated to films made by directors who are on their first or second…

19:25, 19.09.2022

Center for Ukrainian children and their mothers, at Bucharest's Romexpo complex

World Vision Romania will inaugurate on Tuesday, at Bucharest's Romexpo complex, a center that will offer educational and recreational activities for Ukrainian children, preschoolers and students, as well as English…

15:56, 19.09.2022

Almost half of Romanians limit their spending in last year due to price hikes (survey)

Almost half (47pct) of Romanians have limited their spending in the last year due to price hikes, and a quarter are saving money for education and professional training, reveals the "Money Matters" survey, carried…

19:15, 17.09.2022

FARISEISM Locuitorii superbogați din Martha’s Vineyard, până ieri empatici cu imigranții din America de Sud, au refuzat să găzduiască 50 de ilegali expulzați…

Locuitorii din Martha"s Vineyard, pâna ieri empatici cu imigrantii din America de Sud, au refuzat sa gazduiasca 50 de imigranti ilegali, expulzati din Florida de guvernatorul republican Ron DeSantis. Comunitatea…

15:35, 11.09.2022

President Iohannis: Avram Iancu's tomb - a place where new generations reaffirm their roots

President Klaus Iohannis says that the participation of a large number of Romanians in the celebrations in Tebea shows that the new generations perceive the tomb of Avram Iancu and Gorunul lui Horea as a place…

10:45, 31.08.2022

PM Ciuca: Romanain language is history, culture, spirituality and treasure of mentalities

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Romanian Language Day on Wednesday sent a message of appreciation for all those who constantly contribute to the Romanian language dissemination, preservation, perpetuation and evolution,…

00:21, 06.08.2022

Just 5.7 pc of Romanian investors sold their portfolio during recent stock market sell-offs (survey)

Only 5.7 percent of Romanian retail investors sold their investments during the recent stock market decline, 34 percent expanded their portfolios, and 60 percent made no changes in their investments, found the…

15:45, 29.07.2022

VIDEO/ Inundații puternice în Emiratele Arabe Unite

Inundații puternice au lovit Emiratele Arabe Unite, o țară unde aproximativ 65% din suprafață este acoperită de deșert. Ulterior, mii de oameni au fost evacuați și duși de autorități în adăposturi. Străzile au…

15:15, 13.07.2022

EU tells Hungary, Poland to step up their democracy game

The European Union told Hungary and Poland on Wednesday to improve judicial and media independence, as well as anti-graft safeguards, saying conditions to unlock billions in aid for the two remain unaddressed and…

12:21, 11.07.2022

No free parking in downtown Bucharest starting August

Bucharest City Hall aims to organize parking spaces in central Bucharest according to a digitalized system where parking inspectors will be able to easily check who has paid or not from their cars, through an app,…

11:00, 10.07.2022

Împușcături într-un local din Africa de Sud. 14 persoane au fost ucise

Incidentul a avut loc în primele ore ale zilei de duminică, 10 iulie, într-o tavernă din orașul sud-african Soweto, aflat în apropiere de Johannesburg, relatează publicația locală Times și postul NDTV . 14 persoane…

12:25, 07.06.2022

Three in ten Romanians prefer to keep their savings stashed at home (study)

Three in ten Romanians (28%) continue to keep their savings stashed at home, one third of them fail to save, and another third believe they will save less than before, according to the findings in a recent study…

10:20, 02.06.2022

DefMin on Heroes' Day: It's our duty to thank them for their last full measure

The Minister of National Defense, Vasile Dincu, says that the Romanians have the duty to thank the soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the country, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:55, 17.05.2022

UK Ambassador Noble: Governments cannot Respond to cyber threats on their own

Governments cannot respond to cyber threats on their own, but all citizens need to take on the role they have in the online environment, British Ambassador in Bucharest Andrew Noble said on Tuesday. Fii la curent…

19:40, 13.05.2022

Péter Szijjártó: 'Hungary, Romania relying on their respective ethnic communities as cooperation basis'

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó spoke on Friday in Miercurea-Ciuc in favor of the development of Romania - Hungary economic cooperation, pointing out that the Romanians living in…

21:06, 12.05.2022

Sri Lanka, la un pas de ANARHIE după prăbușirea economiei! 5 morți și 200 răniți în violențe masive - Imagini șocante

Oamenii din Sri Lanka sunt la capătul puterilor. Rebeliunea a început după ce Sri Lanka a rămas fără alimente, medicamente și combustibil.Inflația este la un nivel record, iar acum oamenii plătesc cu până la 30%…

15:36, 12.05.2022

Război în Ucraina, ziua 78. Înaintarea rușilor în Lugansk, încetinită de armata ucraineană. Explozie la o bază militară din Extremul Orient rus/Finlanda…

UPDATE 14:15 Analiștii de la Financial Times au estimat că în următorii cinci ani UE va trebui să cheltuiască 195 de miliarde de euro în plus pentru a putea spune un "nu" definitiv livrările de petrol și gaze din…

16:25, 10.05.2022

Kremlinul ar fi ordonat televiziunilor de propagandă să îi pregătească pe ruși pentru o înfrângere în războiul din Ucraina

Kremlinul ar fi ordonat televiziunilor rusești și presei de propagandă să îi pregătească pe ruși pentru o posibilă înfrângere în războiul din Ucraina, afirmă serviciul de informații militare al Ucrainei, citat…

10:25, 03.05.2022

PM Ciuca on World Press Freedom Day: Right of journalists to do their job must remain intangible

Informing the public is vital, especially in periods such as the pandemic or in the current context, created by the Russian invasion in Ukraine, mass-media having an increasing role in this sense, but also a major…

21:06, 29.04.2022

Romania, Bulgaria will act together for their Schengen accession

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Friday that he had agreed with Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov that, by the end of next week, a task force with specialists from both countries will be set up to…

13:30, 25.04.2022

Iohannis honors Land Forces, emphasizes their significant role in strengthening Romania's strategic profile

In a message sent on Monday on the occasion of Land Forces Day, President Klaus Iohannis states that this is "one of the most important Romanian Army service branches, which carries out complex missions that are…

06:55, 20.04.2022

INTERVIU. Cum e folosită violența sexuală ca armă de război în Ucraina. „Agresorii ruși intră peste femei în casă. Victimele au între 12 și 50 de ani”

Oricât de dur sună, într-un război, o victimă a violului nu poate face prea multe, spune avocata Yuliia Anosova, de la organizația La Strada Ucraina , într-o discuție cu Libertatea. „Noi le oferim informații să…

13:06, 07.04.2022

Half of Romanians believe their financial situation this year has worsened (survey)

Half of the Romanians believe that their financial situation this year has worsened compared to last year, and 43% estimate that they will do worse in the next period, according to a survey conducted by CEC Bank…

13:20, 05.04.2022

Details regarding Sercan case: MAI condemns any attempt of intimidating journalists, supports their independence

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) condemns "any sort of act of intimidating journalists" and expresses its support for their independence. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

22:50, 04.04.2022

Parliament/Ciuca: Too many lost their lives in the war; Atrocities in Bucha shook us all

Too many people lost their lives in the war in Ukraine, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Monday during a parliamentary session in which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy delivered a speech by video conference.…

10:40, 01.04.2022

Romanian liberals want to replace their leader Cîțu on April 10th

The leadership of the Romanian Liberal Party set in motion a mechanism aimed at replacing party leader Florin Cîțu in an Extraordinary Congress on April 10th. The party’s first-vice presidents reportedly invited…

11:40, 25.03.2022

PM Ciuca says NATO decisions guarantee measures expected by citizens regarding their safety, security

The decisions made at Thursday's NATO summit, including the establishment of four battle groups on the Eastern Flank, one of which in Romania, guarantee the measures that citizens expect in terms of their safety…

18:55, 24.03.2022

Almost 100 Ukrainian arhitects, designers announce their intention to work for Romanian companies

More than 90 Ukrainian architects and designers have announced their intention to work for Romanian companies, by filling in an online form, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

09:45, 23.03.2022

Over 100 Ukrainian children start classes in schools in Arad County

Approximately 100 children of Ukrainian refugees temporarily settled in Arad have joined schools in the county and started classes on Wednesday morning, part of them receiving tablets from the County School Inspectorate…