Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:54, 15.01.2019

Dancila: It is important to show European citizens that EU institutions work for them

Europe has always known to overcome obstacles and be born again after the less fortunate episodes in history, PM Viorica Dancila said in Strasbourg on Tuesday, adding that "it is important to show the European…

22:29, 09.01.2019

PM Dancila, ForMin Czaputowicz discuss key continuation of Romania - Poland Strategic Partnership-based dialogue

The importance of Romania and Poland continuing their dialogue based on the Strategic Partnership was a central subject of the talks during this Wednesday meeting at the Victoria Palace of Government between Premier…

20:22, 03.12.2018

PM Dancila tells Croatian President that Romania counts on member states' support during EU Council Presidency

In Zagreb on Monday, Romania's Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, occasion on which the PM said that Romania will count on all the EU member states, such as Croatia,…

14:07, 11.03.2016

The message  Dacian Cioloș conveyed to his Dutch counterpart: "Romania is able to assume without being monitored from abroad, the fight against corruption"

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos conveyed his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte Wednesday that the Romanian society is capable of assuming  "without being monitored externally"  the fight against corruption…

10:04, 09.12.2015

David Cameron seeks valuable advice from Dacian Cioloş

British Prime Minister David Cameron arrives in Romania today to meet with President Klaus Iohannis and Premier Dacian Cioloş. Cameron is reportedly seeking to consult with our high officials on the issue of Britain's…