Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:55, 29.03.2024

In its 20 years of NATO membership, Romania has proved a genuine provider of security, stability (gov't)

The Romanian Government welcomes the 20th anniversary of Romania's accession to NATO, saying that during this time Romania has strengthened its profile as a responsible ally, actively involved in promoting democratic…

13:36, 20.11.2023

World Children's Day marked at Victoria Governmental Palace with blue light

World Children's Day marked at Victoria Governmental Palace with blue lightThe Government will mark this year's World Children's Day by lighting up the Victoria Governmental Palace in blue, the symbolic colour…

17:20, 26.01.2023

Gov't decides to reopen Racovat - Dyakivtsi border crossing point

The Romanian Government decided at its Thursday's meeting to reopen the Racovat, Romania - Dyakivtsi, Ukraine international state border crossing point and customs office, according to governmental spokesperson…

10:25, 07.12.2022

Romania: Austria’s objections on Schengen bid are factually incorrect

The Romanian Government has rejected the objections raised by Austria related to the country’s Schengen bid, objections broadly concerning alleged illegal migrant flows crossing Romania’s borders and reaching Austria,…

09:05, 22.02.2022

Government: Doubting statehood of UN member state, approach that threatens world peace

The Romanian Government condemns any attempt of doubting the territorial integrity of Ukraine and highlights that doubting the statehood of a member state of UN represents a "revisionist view" that threatens peace…

13:41, 27.01.2022

Government rejects any attempt of intimidating journalists, so-called lists with

The Government "firmly" rejects any attempt of intimidating journalists, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, highlighting that it is unacceptable that so-called "toxic newsroom" lists are being promoted…

12:45, 11.01.2022

PM Ciuca argues Romania should produce, not import green technologies

The Romanian Government discussed on Monday, how can it best use the EUR 16 bln financing that the country can get from the European Union by 2030 for upgrading its power sector with a particular focus on renewable…

21:05, 28.12.2021

Interdepartmental Committee for Sustainable Development approves report for 2021 to be presented to Parliament

The Interdepartmental Committee for Sustainable Development adopted on Tuesday the Report on the implementation of objectives in this field in 2021, which will be presented to Parliament, with Prime Minister Nicolae…

17:06, 28.10.2021

Government approves donation of 48,500 boxes of Favipiravir from Terapia SA pharmaceutical company

The Government approved, on Thursday, by decision, the donation of 48,500 boxes of the antiviral drug Favipiravir from Terapia SA pharmaceutical company, at the request of the Ministry of Health. "The Romanian…

14:56, 12.07.2021

Florin Citu, about SIIJ: The solution must be found in Romania's Parliament

Prime Minister Florin Citu said, asked if the coalition could be broken due to the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania's (UDMR) refusal to accept the solution coming from the Government regarding the Section…

12:50, 08.07.2021

PM Citu: Pfizer, AstraZeneca vaccines donated to Moldova, Georgia

The government on Thursday adopted a decision regarding the donation of over 100,000 doses of anti-COVID vaccine to the Republic of Moldova and over 10,000 to Georgia, Prime Minister Florin Citu informed. "The…

12:25, 17.02.2021

Publisind union protests in front of Gov't seat

Representatives of the Publisind Federation are protesting on Wednesday in front of the Government's seat against the freezing of salaries and bonuses, the non-indexation of pensions with the value of inflation,…

14:15, 08.01.2021

Bilateral relations between Hungary, Romania have "huge untapped potential" (Magyar Nemzet)

Bilateral relations between Hungary and Romania have "huge untapped potential", including in terms of cross-border interregional cooperation, economic and energy cooperation, as well as cooperation with the Visegrad…

08:21, 27.10.2020


Christian Orthodox feast: St. Demeter the New, protector of Bucharest City 1872 - Romania and Austria-Hungary signed in Bucharest a convention on the junction of their respective railway roads 1890 - Birth of prose…

18:05, 23.10.2020

Romania asking court to repeal problematic EU freight transport competitiveness provisions

The Romanian Government on Friday brought three actions in annulment before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) related to problematic provisions in the EU Mobility Package I regarding competitiveness…

12:30, 24.09.2020

Government will treat carefully subject of Black Sea gas starting with December

The Romanian Government desires the exploitation of gas resources in the Black Sea and will treat carefully the subject starting with December, so that there are no discussions that would affect these projects,…

15:01, 05.08.2020

MAE: Gov't, not to challenge ECHR decision in Kovesi case; decision aimed at strengthening independence of prosecutors

The Romanian Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), has decided not to request the referral to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) of the ECHR decision in the Kovesi…

10:57, 08.05.2020

New localities and areas in Romania, certified as tourist resorts of national and local interest

The Romanian Government, at the initiative of the Ministry of Economy, adopted on Thursday, the Decision for approving the certification of some localities or parts of localities, as tourist resorts of national…

14:33, 07.10.2019

Hungarian ForMin Szijjarto: It's revolting what happened with Romanian, Hungarian commissioner proposals

Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian Government, Szijjarto Peter, stated, on Monday, in western Arad, that the way in which the proposals for European commissioners made by Romania and…

17:17, 12.09.2019

Draft law on development of new SMEs through business accelerators and incubators approved by Gov't

The Romanian Government on Thursday approved the draft law meant to support the newly-established companies with the help of business accelerators and incubators, informed the Ministry for Business Environment,…

17:26, 09.09.2019

USR PLUS delegation to European Parliament opposes Rovana Plumb's appointment as European Commissioner

The USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - the Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) alliance's delegation to the European Parliament opposes the appointment of Rovana Plumb as European Commissioner, as the proposal on behalf…

14:15, 20.06.2019

PM Dancila: Gov't expresses solidarity with persons displaced from homes, communities and countries of origin

The Romanian Government expresses its solidarity with the persons displaced from their homes, communities and countries of origin because of war, violence, persecution or other causes independent of their will,…

19:06, 15.04.2019

FORT: Hundreds of trucks loaded with fruit, vegetables wait tens of hours for ANAF staff

The Romanian Government must find a more effective method of combating tax evasion in the fruit / vegetable trade, one which does not affect the transport of goods and the contracts with beneficiaries not in the…

20:46, 29.03.2019

Romanian gov't passes Romanian-Turkish co-operation agreement on health and medical sciences

The Romanian Government approved on Friday, an agreement between the governments of Romania and Turkey on cooperation in the field of healthcare and medical sciences, signed in Ankara on October 15, 2018.The document…

17:24, 07.03.2019

Gov't assumes letter sent by JusMin Toader to Financial Times, says Deputy PM Suciu

The Romanian Government assumes the letter sent by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader to the Financial Times, Deputy Prime Minister Daniel Suciu on Thursday told a press conference at the ruling Social Democratic…

20:44, 25.10.2018

PM Dancila: 'Gov't pays maximum attention to strenghtening country defence capabilities'

The Government pays maximum attention to strengthening the country's defence capabilities, in making efforts to reach Romania's major objectives, both in terms of endowment and training of the troops, Prime Minister…

17:38, 24.08.2018

Government: Blocking budget rectification by President negatively affects economy, Romanians' fundamental rights

The President Klaus Iohannis's move to block the adoption of the first budget rectification negatively affects the economy and the Romanians' fundamental rights, the Goverment specified, in a press release sent…

09:42, 11.05.2018


1849 - Death of professor and historian Stephan Ludwig Roth, a participant in the 1848-1849 Revolution in Transylvania. (b. November 24, 1796)  1849 - Revolutionary prefect Ioan Buteanu is killed by Hungarian troops. 1877…

00:28, 22.12.2017

PM Tudose: Gov't is open to communication; a democratic and prosperous society cannot exist without the media

The government is open to communication, says Prime Minister Mihai Tudose, specifying that a democratic and prosperous society cannot exist without the mass media.  "I want to thank all the journalists accredited…

17:07, 04.08.2017

Gov't approves action plan to implement national reform programme, country specific recommendations

The Romanian Government approved on Friday, under a memorandum, an action plan for the Implementation of the National Reform Programme (PNR) 2017 and country specific recommendations for 2017, a document containing…