Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:30, 01.07.2024

Neptun Deep project is on schedule, we want to have first drillings by years end, EnergyMin Burduja says

Neptun Deep project is on schedule, we want to have first drillings by year's end, EnergyMin Burduja says

The Neptun Deep project is on schedule, and if everything goes as it should, we want to have the first drillings by the end of this year, the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja told a Monday's press conference…

14:50, 31.10.2023

OMV Petrom working at top speed to safely start Neptun Deep production in early 2027 (CEO)

OMV Petrom working at top speed to safely start Neptun Deep production in early 2027 (CEO)The Neptun Deep offshore gas project is progressing according to plan and we will continue to work at top speed, so as to…

11:01, 28.07.2023

Neptun Deep will have rd 20 billion euros in contribution to state budget during project (OMV Petrom)

The Neptun Deep project will contribute to the future of energy security in Romania and in the region and during the project it will have a contribution to the state budget estimated at approximately 20 billion…