Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:45, 14.06.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: Anti-government censure motion completed, will be filed to Parliament next week

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has finalized the text of the censure motion against the Citu Government and will submit it to Parliament next week, party Chairman Marcel Ciolacu announced on Monday, agerpres…

22:06, 08.06.2021

Social Democrats to file on Wednesday simple motion against European Projects Minister

The Social Democrat lawmakers will submit on Wednesday a simple motion against Minister of European Investments and Projects Cristian Ghinea, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu announced.…

16:05, 28.05.2021

PSD says CNSU decision applicable as of 1 June contains discriminiatory provisions, requests immediate removal

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) says that the decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU), applicable as of 1 June contains "discriminatory" provisions and requests their immediate removal,…

15:35, 26.05.2021

Ciolacu: On June 14, PSD to submit motion of no confidence

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will submit a motion of no confidence on June 14, the party's leader, Marcel Ciolacu, announced in the plenary session of Parliament on Wednesday. "Today, the National Recovery…

14:40, 26.05.2021

Ciolacu: PSD delivered Romania from IMF loans, current Government to bring them back

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) delivered Romania from the IMF loans, and the current the National Liberal Party - Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (PNL - USR PLUS) Government…

16:20, 25.05.2021

PSD opposes decision of governing coalition to cancel increase tranches for children's allowances

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) announced, on Tuesday, that it opposes the governing coalition's decision to cancel the tranches to increase children's allowances and will vote to maintain the increase provided…

19:00, 24.05.2021

PSD calls for radical change in COVID-19 vaccination strategy

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) calls for a "radical change" in the COVID-19 vaccination strategy, given that the Government has "missed all the targets" it initially set for itself. "Another reason to table…

17:30, 20.05.2021

Opposition asking gov't to suspend discriminatory measures between vaccinated, unvaccinated, pending European Parliament decision

The opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) is calling on the government to suspend the differentiated measures between COVID-19 vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, saying that they are "discriminatory" and that…

17:30, 20.05.2021

PSD requests dismissal of Minister of Economy following complete annulment of Measure 3

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) requests the dismissal of the Minister of Economy, Claudiu Nasui, following the failure of Measure 3, announces a party's release sent to AGERPRES. "PSD requests that Prime Minister…

08:31, 17.05.2021

PSD not to support PNL's minority government, such a thing, out of the question

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) rules out the possibility of supporting a possible minority government of the National Liberal Party (PNL), PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu said on Sunday evening. "We will not support…

09:25, 12.05.2021

Un vot pentru Eveline şi arta sa

REŞIŢA – Am primit la redacţie un mesaj care circulă în aceste zile pe Facebook, să dăm un mic impuls voturilor pentru a o sprijini pe Eveline Rus într-o competiţie de artă plastică. Într-adevăr, nu costă nimic,…

15:50, 20.04.2021

Ciolacu: PSD will certainly submit a motion of censure in this parliamentary session

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will "certainly" submit a motion of censure in this parliamentary session, depending on the discussions in the governing coalition, party's chairman Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday.…

15:40, 19.04.2021

PSD's Simionis: PSD Senators to vote for lifting Bodog's immunity, decision taken unanimously

The Social Democrat senators will vote to lift the immunity of Florian Bodog, regardless of the report of the Legal Committee on the DNA (National Anti-corruption Directorate) request addressed to the Superior…

19:05, 14.04.2021

PSD: Snap election - the only solution if coalition parties cannot sort out their crisis

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will not support in Parliament a Liberal minority government, and snap election is the only solution if the governing coalition parties cannot sort out the current crisis. "PSD…

00:01, 13.04.2021

Social Democrats calling on PM to file blank resignation for it to become effective if vaccination target is missed

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is calling on Prime Minister Florin Citu to file his blank resignation for it to come in effect if the country's announced COVID vaccination target is missed, because - PSD claims…

22:35, 11.04.2021

VIDEO BAFTA 2021: ''My Octopus Teacher'', desemnat cel mai bun documentar

Lungmetrajul ''My Octopus Teacher'', în regia lui Pippa Ehrlich şi a lui James Reeda, primit premiul BAFTA pentru cel mai bun documentar duminică seară, la Londra, în cadrul celei de-a 74-a ediţii…

22:16, 11.04.2021

Documentarul eco Octopus a câștigat premiul BAFTA și are prima șansă la Oscar

La aceeași categorie a mai fost nominalizat și documentarul Colectiv, fiind pentru prima oară când un film românesc a ajuns în cursa pentru un trofeu BAFTA. Premiile BAFTA, denumite și Oscarurile britanice, și-au…

10:10, 11.04.2021

Premiile BAFTA 2021, acordate în două gale. Pelicula „Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”, câștigătoare în prima seară

Pelicula ”Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” a câştigat sâmbătă două trofee BAFTA în cadrul primei seri a celei de-a 74-a ediţii a premiilor Academiei britanice de film şi televiziune (British Academy of Film and Television…

17:50, 02.04.2021

PSD challenges in court Gov't decision to close stores after 6 p.m.

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has challenged on Friday in court the government decision to close stores after 6 p.m., on reason that this measure was not thoroughly motivated with scientific proof. "The Social…

15:35, 29.03.2021

PSD to submit request for committee of inquiry into 'falsification' of COVID-19 pandemic data

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) National Standing Bureau has decided to submit arequest for the establishment of a parliamentary committee of inquiry into the "falsification" of the COVID-19 pandemic data, the…

18:00, 25.03.2021

Ciolacu: PSD is capable to assume power in full sanitary, economic crisis

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is capable to return to power in the midst of a sanitary and economic crisis, the PSD Chairman Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday in Botosani. He told a press conference that the…

13:45, 24.03.2021

PSD submits simple motion against Minister of Agriculture

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has submitted, on Wednesday, at the Chamber of Deputies, a simple motion against the Minister of Agriculture, Adrian Oros, according to AGERPRES. The motion is titled "Romania's…

14:10, 19.03.2021

Actorul american Armie Hammer, anchetat pentru viol

Actorul american Armie Hammer este cercetat de către poliția din Los Angeles, după ce o tânără l-a acuzat că a violat-o ”brutal”, în perioada când aveau o relație, relatează AFP şi dpa, citate de Agerpres . Tânăra…

19:05, 17.03.2021

Parliament: Negative notices for SRR budget execution accounts for 2018 and 2019

The reunited budget-finance select committees of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies have given on Wednesday negative notices for the budgetary execution accounts, for the years 2018 and 2019, of the Romanian Radio…

14:31, 10.03.2021

PM Citu: In no country has the PNRR been voted in Parliament, it is Government attribute

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is an attribute of the Government, and the Social-Democrats will have to explain to those in Italy, Spain, France "the "blackmail" on this subject, Prime Minister…

14:31, 10.03.2021

PSD tables simple motion "A Romania in agony with Nasui in the Economy"

The Social Democrats submitted on Wednesday, in the Senate, the simple motion against the Minister of Economy, titled "A Romania in agony with Nasui in the Economy", according to AGERPRES. Social Democratic Party…

08:26, 10.03.2021

Documentarul 'Colectiv' a fost nominalizat la premiile BAFTA

Au fost anunțate nominalizările la premiile BAFTA din 2021. „Colectiv” ajunge și la gala Academiei de film britanice, fiind nominalizat la categoria Cel mai bun documentar,informează Mediafax.ro. Producţia „Colectiv”…

15:06, 08.03.2021

PSD to submit simple motion against EconMin in Senate, this week

The Social Democratic Party will submit, this week, in the Senate, a simple motion against the Minister of Economy, Claudiu Nasui, declared on Monday, the PSD chairman, Marcel Ciolacu, according to AGERPRES. "We…

14:45, 08.03.2021

PSD to vote against disbanding of Special Section for Crimes Investigation in Judiciary, challenge it to Constitutional Court

The Social-Democrats will vote against the dissolution of the Special Section for the investigation of crimes in the Judiciary (SIIJ), and if the bill is still adopted they will take all steps to appeal it to the…

12:20, 03.03.2021

Filmul Netflix care l-a convins pe Andy Murray să-și șteargă conturile de Twitter și Instagram de pe telefon

Andy Murray muncește din greu pentru a reveni în elita tenisului, iar recent scoțianul a precizat că și-a șters conturile de Twitter și Instagram de pe telefonul mobil. Aflat în prezent pe locul 123…