Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:11, 10.02.2021

PSD deputies ask for Health minister's resignation for incoherence, lack of professionalism and commitment

The Social Democratic Party (PSD, opposition) deputies are demanding the resignation of Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu in the simple motion they tabled in Parliament on Wednesday, on the grounds that in the time…

11:21, 05.02.2021

Actorul Armie Hammer, starul din „Call Me by Your Name”, în centrul unui scandal sexual

Actorul Armie Hammer, cunoscut pentru rolurile din „Call Me by Your Name” şi „The Social Network”, moştenitor al unei importante familii din industria petrolului, se află în centrul unui scandal sexual care ar…

21:31, 27.01.2021

PSD's Rafila: We propose fund of 4bn lei to combat COVID-19 pandemic

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) proposes, in the alternative budget for 2021, the establishment of a fund of 4 billion lei to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, the PSD deputy Alexandru Rafila announced on Wednesday.…

08:31, 27.01.2021

PSD intends to submit simple motion against HealthMin, call to hearings leaders of vaccination campaign

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) intends to submit a simple motion against the Minister of Health, once parliamentary activity has been resumed and to call the leaders of anti-COVID vaccination campaign to hearings,…

15:46, 21.01.2021

PSD to present alternative national budget on January 27, a budget for development

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will present next week its alternative to the state budget, saying that it will be a "budget for development, not for freezing, like the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Save Romania…

15:21, 06.01.2021

PSD asks clearly for schools to reopen when holiday ends

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is calling for the reopening of schools once the holiday ends, the Social Democrat MP Alexandru Rafila said on Wednesday, arguing that a postponement "has no justification", according…

11:20, 22.12.2020

PSD will not go to consultations at Cotroceni Palace (sources)

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will not go, on Tuesday, to the consultations with President Klaus Iohannis, aimed at designating the candidate for the office of Prime Minister, according to some party sources.…

18:56, 21.12.2020

PSD's Romascanu: We're in a gridlock, we've interrupted negotiations for leadership positions in Parliament

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) Senator Lucian Romascanu said on Monday that negotiations to share leadership positions in the two chambers of the Parliament and in standing committees are stalled, and the Social…

07:05, 21.12.2020

Duminică noapte, asociația criticilor de film din Los Angeles a pus Colectiv pe locul 2 în anul 2020, după ce cei din Boston îl plasaseră pe locul 1

În Statele Unite au loc obișnuitele gale, care se derulează online în pandemie, în care criticii de film aleg cele mai bune pelicule ale anului. Filmul românesc regizat de Alexander Nanau, ales documentarul european…

20:35, 20.12.2020

PSD: Orban has only negotiated his position as Chamber speaker

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) maintains in a Facebook post that the National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Ludovic Orban has only negotiated a position for himself - the Chamber of Deputies speakership, and the…

18:05, 16.12.2020

Grindeanu: PSD has a 35% share in Parliament; it cannot be ignored

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has a share of approximately 35% in Parliament, and this cannot be ignored, PSD First Deputy Chairman Sorin Grindeanu said on Wednesday. "What we take into account all the time…

17:20, 13.12.2020

PSD: Only reasonable solution for Romania - Social Democrats gather majority around Rafila

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) claims that the "only reasonable solution" for Romania is that President Iohannis "stop ignoring" the Constitution and allow this party to gather a majority around professor Alexandru…

12:16, 13.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/BEC - Final results Senate: PSD - 1,732,289 votes, PNL - 1,511,227 votes

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) has obtained in the parliamentary elections for the Senate 1,732,289 votes, while the PNL has obtained 1,511,227 votes, according to the final results after the solving of complaints…

12:16, 13.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/BEC - Final results Chamber of Deputies: PSD - 1,705,786 votes, PNL - 1,486,402 votes

The Social Democrat Party (PSD) has obtained in the parliamentary elections for the Chamber of Deputies 1,705,786 votes, while the PNL has obtained 1,486,402 votes, according to the final results after the solving…

17:30, 11.12.2020

Ce filme au urmărit românii în 2020, pe Netflix. Două producții românești în topuri

Cum ieșirile cu prietenii la cinematograf au devenit un lucru imposibil în ultimele luni, românii au luat cu asalt platformele online pentru a vedea cele mai importante apariții din domeniu. Netflix, una dintre…

19:50, 09.12.2020

BEC-final results:Senate: PSD 29.32%, PNL 25.58%; Chamber of Deputies: PSD 28.90%, PNL 25.19%

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has won the parliamentary election with 29.32 pct of the votes cast for the Senate and 28.90 pct of the ballots for the Chamber of Deputies, followed by the National Liberal Party…

18:15, 09.12.2020

PSD appeals for respecting Constitution in Republic of Moldova

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is making a firm appeal for the Constitution in the Republic of Moldova to be respected and will act at European level for this state to return to the path of democratic reforms,…

09:05, 09.12.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: We will never vote for anyone else as Prime Minister besides Rafila

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will not vote for any other government than the one led by its proposal for Prime Minister - Alexandru Rafila, this party's leader, Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Tuesday evening, according…

23:10, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/Exit poll at 21:00hrs: Senate - PSD: 30.3%, PNL: 29.4%; Chamber - PSD: 30.2%, PNL: 29.3%

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) garnered 30.3% of the votes cast in Sunday's parliamentary elections nationwide, and 30.2% of the votes for the Chamber of Deputies, whereas the National Liberal Party (PNL) won…

21:30, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/CURS-Avangarde exit poll: Senate - PSD: 30.6%, PNL: 29.1%; Chamber - PSD: 30.5%, PNL: 29%

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) garnered 30.6% of the votes cast in Sunday's parliamentary elections nationwide, and 30.5% of the votes for the Chamber of Deputies, whereas the National Liberal Party (PNL) won…

13:31, 26.11.2020

Parliamentary2020/Razvan Cuc: Transportation field, PSD's priority for the future government of Romania

The governing programme developed by the PSD (Social Democratic Party) for the period 2020 -2024 includes measures aimed at supporting all areas of activity, among which transport is a priority, Social Democratic…

19:55, 25.11.2020

PSD files complaint with CNA, asking that Iohannis speak in PNL electoral space

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has submitted a complaint with the National Council for Audiovisual (CNA), the broadcasting watchdog, requesting that President Klaus Iohannis speak in the electoral space of the…

19:31, 24.11.2020

Rafila: Number of tests has started to drop quite a lot

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate for the Chamber of Deputies, Professor Dr. Alexandru Rafila, member of the WHO Executive Committee, said on Tuesday in southern Ploiesti that the number of tests has…

15:50, 23.11.2020

PSD: Orban and PNL have sentenced hundreds of thousands of families to poverty

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) considers that the National liberal Party (PNL) "failed" in terms of pandemic control and in supporting the economy and education, while Minister of Finance Florin Citu's priority…

08:36, 20.11.2020

Deputy PM Turcan: Constitutional Court, a political instrument through which PSD aims to control other institutions

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) uses the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) as a political tool to try to control other state institutions, the National Liberal Party (PNL) First vice-president, Deputy PM…

15:15, 11.11.2020

Cazanciuc: PSD to vote in Senate "Without convicted in public offices" initiative

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) senators will vote on Wednesday, in the plenary sitting, the citizens' initiative to revise the Constitution "Without convicted in public offices", as did the party's deputies,…

12:40, 11.11.2020

Ciolacu: Veterans - symbol of military honor, bravery and dignity

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu, states, on Wednesday, in a message on the occasion of Veterans Day, that they defended the homeland with honor and courage, being "a symbol of military…

09:31, 03.11.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Ciolacu: PSD to nominate Prime Minister, we'll win elections

The Social-Democrats will win the parliamentary election due this December and will go to Cotroceni (presidential palace, ed. n.) with a prime minister nomination, on Monday night said PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu,…

11:15, 30.10.2020

Doi moldoveni au ajuns să colaboreze cu Netflix

Cel mai popular documentar al momentului de pe Netflix, „The Social Dilemma”, a făcut valuri din primele momente ale lansării. Mai mulți foști angajați din corporații ca Google, Facebook, Pinterest sau Instagram…

22:35, 29.10.2020

PSD's Grindeanu calling on Gov't to release 2021 budget blueprint as per public transparency requirements

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) renewed its call on the government, specifically on Finance Minister Florin Citu, to keep with public transparency and release next year's budget blueprint, PSD first Deputy Chairman…