Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:25, 29.10.2020

PSD to call to Parliament PM Orban for report regarding next year's budget

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has decided to call to Parliament Prime Minister Ludovic Orban so he can present a report regarding the budget for next year, announced on Thursday the first deputy chair of the…

15:35, 28.10.2020

PSD requests Gov't publish budget on 2021, claiming they intend to increase taxes

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) Senator Radu Oprea has requested, on Wednesday, that the Government publish the budget for next year, claiming that the Liberals intend to increase taxes, according to AGERPRES."It's…

22:00, 20.10.2020

PSD National Political Council validates lists of general election candidates in 19 chapters

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has validated the lists of candidates in the December general election for 19 chapters, and its National Political Council will convene on Wednesday for the remaining chapters,…

19:25, 08.10.2020

Grindeanu says PSD sees ALDE, Pro Romania as partners, but to run independently in general election

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) sees the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) and Pro Romania as dialogue partners, but will run independently in this year's general election, PSD First Deputy Chair Sorin…

17:15, 01.10.2020

PSD's Firea: It's diabolical plan to defraud elections

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate for the Capital City Hall, Gabriela Firea, declared on Thursday that the Liberals have devised a "diabolical plan" to defraud the elections, claiming that the difference…

16:10, 01.10.2020

Ciolacu, on situation at Sector 1: We will file complaint to General Prosecutor's Office

The Social democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday that he will file a complaint with the General Prosecutor's Office, referring especially to the situation in Sector 1, appreciating…

21:20, 30.09.2020

PSD: Report on the rule of law of European Commission, red card for President Iohannis

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) considers the European Commission's report on the rule of law to be a red card for President Klaus Iohannis, who "has not been able to do anything in recent months in this area.""PSD…

21:32, 27.09.2020

Exit-poll CURS - Avantgarde/CGMB: PSD - 33.7%, USR PLUS Alliance - 33.1%, PNL - 17.3%

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) obtained, on Sunday, 33.7% of the votes in the local elections for the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, the USR PLUS Alliance - 33.1%, and the National Liberal…

08:10, 27.09.2020

Firea: I voted thinking of all our children, young people, adults, grandparents

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate for the mayoralty of Bucharest, Gabriela Firea, declared on Sunday morning that she voted in the local elections thinking of all the children in Bucharest, all our young…

19:21, 16.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu hails speech of EC President on state of Union

The new European ambitions regarding digitization, sustainable development, foreign action, and economic and social consolidation are welcome if we desire a better future for Romanians in Europe, states the chairman…

15:00, 15.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: PSD to go alone in parliamentary elections

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will run alone in the parliamentary elections of this year, will make no alliances, said, on Tuesday, the chairman of the party, Marcel Ciolacu. "I have discussed with my colleagues…

20:10, 09.09.2020

AEP transfers to parties' accounts 57.2mln lei in first 10 days of September

The value of the subsidy transferred by the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) to the account of each political party, in the first 10 days of September, is 57,192,424.10 lei, informs AEP in a release sent to…

14:40, 08.09.2020

Recomandări Netflix în luna septembrie. Ce filme și seriale vei urmări toamna asta

Luna septembrie vine la Netflix cu o ofertă specială de titluri noi, între care serialul ”Ratched”, documentarul ”The Social Dilemma” și filmul ”The Devil All The Time”. Filme și seriale pe Netfilx, în septembrie…

19:40, 07.09.2020

VIDEO Toamna se numără producţiile bune pe Netflix: recomandările lunii septembrie

Prima lună de toamnă, cel puţin calendaristic, vine la Netflix cu o ofertă generoasă de titluri noi, între care filmul „The Devil All The Time“, serialul „Ratched“ şi documentarul „The Social Dilemma“.

14:50, 02.09.2020

PSD requests resignation of Transport Minister after traffic accident involving him

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) requests the Transport Minister, Lucian Bode, resign his position after the vehicle in which he was in was involved, on Sunday, in a traffic accident, accusing the fact that the…

21:30, 31.08.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: It was PNL strategy not to have quorum at motion debate

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) chairman, Marcel Ciolacu, claimed on Monday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) had a strategy so that quorum was not achieved in the sitting that would have the debate and vote…

12:55, 28.08.2020

Madonna, Michael Jackson şi Beyoncé, artiştii cu cele mai bune videoclipuri din toate timpurile

Madonna, Michael Jackson şi Beyoncé au fost aleşi de echipa revistei Billboard drept artiştii cu cele mai bune videoclipuri din toate timpurile.Madonna a fost desemnată pe primul loc în top, iar „Vogue” (1990),…

11:50, 27.08.2020

Deputy PM Turcan: From image exercise for Ciolacu the PSD reaches point to destabilize country

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has realized that voting the censure motion in an ordinary session would have been unconstitutional and now they are trying to vote it on August 31 (when still in extraordinary…

08:15, 25.08.2020

Ludovic Orban: By censure motion PSD wants to get its hands on power to control electoral process

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has filed the censure motion only to "get its hands on power" to control the electoral process, and to leave the country without a government at the moment it is an act of political…

08:35, 19.08.2020

PSD to discuss congress and context for submission of motion of censure at CExN meeting

The Social Democrats are having a meeting of the National Executive Committee (CExN) on Wednesday, on which occasion they are set to discuss the organisation of the extraordinary congress on Saturday, and the local…

13:01, 17.08.2020

PM Orban: Motion of censure, another irresponsible act on PSD'part

National leader of the National Liberal party (PNL), Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, said on Monday that the censure motion the Social Democratic Party (PSD) intends to table is "irresponsible action." "Things never…

08:35, 17.08.2020

PSD to table motion of censure, likely read this week

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) would table with Parliament today a motion of censure against the Orban Cabinet. Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Marcel Ciolacu, interim national leader of PSD, announced on…

08:40, 31.07.2020

PSD, prepared to come with PM proposal, a specialist recognized by everyone

The Social Democrats are prepared to come, together with other forces in the opposition, with a Prime Minister proposal, "a specialist recognized by everyone," if the censure motion they intend to submit will be…

10:03, 24.07.2020

PSD urges gov't to do its best to reopen schools safely

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is urging the National Liberal Party (PNL) government to do "everything possible" to start the school year safely, adding that online education is impossible in many areas and,…

19:45, 30.06.2020

PSD: Iohannis, Liberals are making a party in a luxury restaurant out of country's economic recovery plan

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) argues that President Klaus Iohannis and the Liberals (the National Liberal Party - PNL) are making of the country's economic recovery plan "a party in a luxury restaurant." "Iohannis…

16:37, 30.06.2020

PSD says less than 0.1pct of population exposed to COVID-19; reality Gov't wants to hide

The Social-Democrats believe that less than 0.1 percent of the country's population has been exposed to the infection with the novel coronavirus, a reality, they argue, that the Government wants to hide by blocking…

09:25, 23.06.2020

Deputies' Chamber: Debate is about to start on simple motion on health; PSD wants Nelu Tataru's resignation

The simple motion against Health Minister Nelu Tataru called "Romanians' health is not a funeral house" is to debated on Tuesday starting 4.00 pm by the plenary sitting of the Deputies' Chamber and to be voted…

12:51, 17.06.2020

PSD proposed and will vote for 85 percent tax on special pensions

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has proposed and Parliament will cast a vote today on the 85 percent taxation of special pensions, PSD acting Chairman Marcel Ciolacu declared on Wednesday."PSD proposed and we…

17:21, 11.06.2020

PSD, not to vote extension of state of alert in last 30 days' form

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will not vote for an extension of the state of alert in the last 30 days' form, announced on Thursday the Acting Chairman of the party, Marcel Ciolacu."It is out of the question…

11:18, 10.06.2020

PSD says extending state of alert to deal death blow to thousands of companies

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has claimed that extending the state of alert "deals the death blow to thousands of companies," and the number of unemployed will surge. "Extending the state of alert deals a death…