Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:10, 23.04.2022

Premier League / Arsenal – Manchester United 3-1. Ronaldo a revenit cu gol

Arsenal Londra a învins-o cu 3-1 pe Manchester United, sâmbătă, pe „Emirates“, în primul meci din etapa a 34-a din Premier League. „Tunarii“ au făcut un pas important spre calificarea în viitoarea ediţie a Ligii…

15:05, 12.04.2022

Journalist Emilia Sercan tells MPs: You failed in reforming state institutions

Journalist Emilia Sercan was on Tuesday for the second time in front of the deputies, this time at the Committee for Human Rights, after being heard on April 6 by the Culture Committee on the subject of violation…

14:15, 18.03.2022

Putin tells Scholz that Kyiv is stalling peace talks with Moscow

Russian President Vladimir Putin told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during a phone call on Friday that Kyiv was attempting to stall peace talks with Russia but that Moscow was still keen to continue negotiations,…

13:20, 16.03.2022

PM Ciuca tells Beltrame group officials gov't supports industry investment

The Romanian government supports the development of investment projects for the industry for the modernisation of the national economy, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca told a meeting with officials of the Beltrame…

13:05, 16.03.2022

Cristiano Ronaldo, încurcat de propriii colegi în meciul cu Atletico » Portughezul, aproape să fie făcut KO de Maguire

Manchester United a pierdut acasă cu Atletico Madrid, scor 0-1, în „optimile” Ligii Campionilor și a fost eliminată din competiție (1-2 la general).  Căpitanul Maguire și golgeterul Ronaldo au rezumat printr-o…

08:55, 15.02.2022

DefMin Dincu tells visiting defence lawmakers they need to work together

Members of Parliament's defence committees had a working meeting on Monday at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) with ministerial officials, with Defence Minister Vasile Dincu emphasising…

13:35, 11.01.2022

Trust ECB to stabilise inflation, Lagarde tells citizens

Eurozone citizens worried about rising prices can trust the European Central Bank (ECB) to stabilise inflation, ECB President Christine Lagarde said on Tuesday, according to Reuters.  “We understand that rising…

16:30, 17.12.2021

Russia tells NATO to leave eastern Europe, stay out of former USSR

Russia said on Friday it wanted a legally binding guarantee that the NATO military alliance would give up any military activity in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, part of a wish list of ambitious security guarantees…

15:10, 09.12.2021

Polish PM tells Germany’s Scholz not to ‘give in’ over Nord Stream 2

Poland’s Prime Minister announced on Thursday that he would call on Germany‘s newly appointed Chancellor Olaf Scholz to oppose the start-up of Nord Stream 2, as Warsaw seeks to stop the gas pipeline it says will…

21:50, 02.12.2021

Manchester United - Arsenal » Duel pentru top 4 în Premier League! Ronaldo, titular

Manchester United și Arsenal se întâlnesc astăzi, de la ora 22:15, în derby-ul runde cu numărul 14 din Premier League. Meciul poate fi urmărit liveTEXT pe GSP.ro și televizat pe Eurosport 1. Rezultatele complete…

18:01, 29.10.2021

Meduza colaboreaza cu Hozier pentru melodia „Tell It To My Heart”

Anterioarea piesa, „Paradise”, feat. Dermot Kennedy, a adunat aproape un miliard de ascultari!Certificati cu discuri de Platina, Meduza si Hozier colaboreaza pentru piesa „Tell It To My Heart” O capodoperă electronică,…

22:15, 08.09.2021

Main suspect on the 2015 attacks in Paris, tells at trial he is an Islamic State soldier

  The main suspect in the jihadist rampage that killed 130 people across Paris, on November 13th 2015, described himself defiantly as “an Islamic State soldier” on Wednesday, upsetting some survivors who took it…

11:30, 22.07.2021

Britain tells EU on Brexit deal: it wasn’t going to last forever

British Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said on Thursday the European Union had been inflexible over renegotiating the Northern Ireland part of the Brexit divorce accord and cautioned Brussels that it was not…

10:20, 06.05.2021

A murit modelul şi cântăreţul Nick Kamen, celebru în anii ’80

Fostul model şi cântăreţ britanic Nick Kamen, cunoscut mai ales pentru piesa „I Promised Myself”, a murit marţi noapte, la vârsta de 59 de ani, după o boală îndelungată, informează Digi24 . Vestea tristă a fost…

16:50, 10.11.2020

PM Orban tells EU Member States Ambassadors about importance of European Economic Recovery Plan

Prime minister Ludovic Orban attended a video-conference meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions of the accredited EU Member States in Bucharest, organised by the German Presidency of the Council of the European…

15:10, 01.10.2020

DefMin tells cadets: Challenges - high, it will not be easy for you to maintain academic level

On Thursday, Minister of National Defence Nicolae Ciuca sent a message to the cadets of the military faculties and underlined the high academic level, but also the challenges of the pandemic, according to Agerpres.…

09:00, 14.09.2020

In first-day-of school remarks, Iohannis tells school children each of them gets to be superhero

President Klaus Iohannis has sent a first-day-of-school message for new school year underlining the importance of complying with the special measures imposed amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. "Dear students,…

12:45, 08.09.2020

Doliu în lumea filmului - 'Kojak' a murit la vârsta de 77 de ani

Actorul Kevin Dobson, cunoscut pentru rolurile din seriale ca „Kojak” şi „Days of Our Lives”, a murit la vârsta de 77 de ani, potrivit Deadline, potrivit news.ro.United Veterans Council of San Joaquin County a…

11:25, 31.08.2020

PM Orban tells education, health ministers to publish Tuesday order restarting schools

On Monday, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban asked Health Minister Nelu Tataru and Education Minister Monica Anisie to complete the order on the re-opening of schools, so that it will be published on Tuesday, mentioning…

00:06, 16.07.2020

Cinematograful sătesc – viitorul neamului românesc

Florin Tănăsescu   Primesc un SMS de la Claudia Cardinale. Îmi spune să ne întâlnim  şi  să fumăm în tihnă o ţigară, să bem o cafea. „Unde ?” a fost întrebarea mea. Un Vagabond mă sfătuieşte să-i spun la Apostolache.…

17:46, 09.06.2020

Prime Minister tells Alliance of Trade Unions of Defense Industry that this sector of activity, a priority

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stressed on Tuesday that the defense industry is a "priority" and specified that "there is a willingness on the part of the Government to increase the competitiveness and efficiency…

17:27, 20.05.2020

PM tells environmental NGOs that he supports the idea of managing protected areas together

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Wednesday told the environmental NGOs he held consultations with that he supports the idea of joint management of the protected areas by the public authorities and the associative…

11:37, 30.04.2020

ForMin Aurescu: MAE tells Romanians to pay attention when signing agreements to work abroad

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu tells Romanians who want to leave the country to work abroad to be careful when signing their labour agreements because the MAE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) has the ability…

16:17, 21.04.2020

UPDATE President Iohannis tells elderly gov't not to enforce inhumane restrictions on them

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday criticised a proposal for the elderly to be quarantined, calling such measure inhumane and totalitarian. "(...) That will not happen. It is unacceptable. We live in a free society,…

15:07, 21.04.2020

President Iohannis tells elderly gov't not to enforce inhumane restrictions on them

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday criticised a proposal for the elderly to be quarantined, calling such measure inhumane and totalitarian."(...) That will not happen. It is unacceptable. We live in a free society,…

12:07, 15.04.2020

PSD says EU certified two rapid tests for antibodies;Orban says tests are not accurate

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) argues that the European Union certified two rapid tests for antibody and the U.S. just approved one, whereas Prime Minister Ludovic Orban "tells us that rapid tests for antibodies…

21:53, 08.04.2020

PM telles representatives of creative industries that Gov't will come up with solutions to remedy problems

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban told representatives of creative industries, at a meeting that took place on Wednesday, that the Government will come up with solutions and resources to remedy the dysfunctionalities…

13:03, 03.03.2020

Acting PM Orban tells police officers to do their job lawfully

Acting Prime Minister Ludovic Orban urged the employees of the Interior Ministry (MAI) to perform their duties in accordance with the law, saying that the MAI departments are vital to securing public peace, to…

09:43, 09.02.2020

FC Porto învinge Benfica în derby-ul Portugaliei

FC Porto a învins Benfica, scor 3-2, sâmbătă, în derbiul campionatului Portugaliei, însă echipa din Lisabona rămâne lider, potrivit news.ro.Benfica a pierdut doar două meciuri în acest sezon, în campionat: la 24…

15:29, 02.12.2019

Iohannis tells Parliament cohesion around major national projects needed more than ever

Romania needs, more than ever before, cohesion around major national projects, unity, consensus, tolerance and solidarity, President Klaus Iohannis told a plenary solemn sitting of Parliament on Monday dedicated…