Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:26, 29.11.2019

ForMin Aurescu tells Albanian counterpart on phone additional humanitarian assistance possible

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu, on a phone call with his Albanian counterpart, Gent Cakaj, on Friday, said the Bucharest Gov't is analysing ways to provide additional assistance to the earthquake-hit country,…

20:29, 20.11.2019

ForMin Aurescu tells French counterpart Romania not thinking NATO in crisis

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu held a bilateral meeting with the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian at the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels on Wednesday. The two officials…

10:33, 10.10.2019

PM Dancila tells President Iohannis to not interefere with judiciary independence

The message of Social Democrat leader, Premier Viorica Dancila for President Klaus Iohannis is that he should "let justice be independent", in the context of the statements made on Wednesday by the head of state…

09:54, 01.10.2019

Chief prosecutor Banila tells President Iohannis that resignation could reveal cowardice

Chief Prosecutor with the Directorate for the Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) Felix Banila said on Tuesday that office resignation is a one-sided act of will, "but there are circumstances…

15:57, 21.09.2019

PM Dancila: We won't go to Parliament when President tells us to go

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Saturday stated that the Social Democrats will go to Parliament to ask for a vote of confidence for a Government reshuffle, but not when President Klaus Iohannis tells them to…

22:53, 28.08.2019

President Iohannis tells PM proposals for European Commissioner are not right

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday specified he informed PM Viorica Dancila about the proposals for the office of European Commissioner not being right. The head of the state on Wednesday told an informal discussion…

21:05, 16.07.2019

PM Dancila tells EP Romania has proved its ability to contribute to EU's added value

While holding the presidency of the EU Council, Romanian officials proved Romania's ability to contribute to the added value of the European Union, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said in Strasbourg on Tuesday at…

08:22, 13.07.2019

Actorul Christoph Waltz revine în rolul personajului negativ Blofeld din franciza 'James Bond'

Actorul Christoph Waltz revine în rolul personajului negativ Blofeld din franciza "James Bond", a confirmat o sursă pentru Variety.Waltz a apărut prima dată în filmul "Spectre" din celebra serie. El a interpretat…

13:55, 28.06.2019

PM Dancila tells Renault officials new investment projects signal trust in Romania's economy

Renault's new investment projects are "an important signal of confidence in the Romanian economy," Prime Minister Viorica Dancila told the opening on Friday of new Renault offices in Bucharest.  "I welcome the…

19:25, 09.05.2019

Majority leader Dragnea tells Iasi rally Europe is their new home

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), major at rule, Liviu Dragnea told a May 9 rally in Iasi that Europe is the new home to Romanians, adding that Romania joining the European Union is the most…

19:42, 06.05.2019

PM Dancila welcomes Bucharest EU Children's Declaration, tells children they are Europe's future

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila welcomed at the Government House on Monday the "Bucharest EU Children's Declaration on Child Participation in Decision-Making," underlining that the responsibility of current…

14:36, 06.05.2019

PM Dancila tells meeting with EUROPALIA chairman 2019 can be considered Romania's year in Brussels

Romania's Prime Minister Viorica Dancila had a meeting at Victoria Palace on Monday with chairman of the EUROPALIA International Steering Committee Count Georges Jacobs de Hagen, saying that 2019 may be considered…

09:07, 25.04.2019

Madonna a lansat videoclipul suprarealist al piesei 'Medellín' - VIDEO

Madonna a lansat, miercuri seară, videoclipul suprarealist al piesei „Medellín”, primul single de pe cel de-al 14-lea album pe care îl cântă împreună cu interpretul columbian Maluma, potrivit news.ro.Videoclipul,…

17:54, 24.04.2019

President Iohannis tells Venice Commission delegation that PSD legislates defectively

President Klaus Iohannis welcomed a delegation of the European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe (the Venice Commission) at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Wednesday to voice dissatisfaction…

21:47, 17.04.2019

​LiveText Manchester City vs Tottenham / Porto vs Liverpool (de la ora 22:00) - Echipele de start

​Cel mai interesant duel al serii este de departe cel dintre Manchester City și Tottenham. Bătălia decisivă pentru calificarea în semifinalele Champions League are loc pe Etihad Stadium, după ce echipa lui…

16:35, 15.04.2019

PSD's Dragnea tells top court his case is politically motivated and time will prove it

Social Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea told the top court judges on Monday that the case of the fictitious hiring of two women at the Teleorman Social Assistance and Child Protection Directorate General (DGASPC)…

17:24, 09.04.2019


Liverpool-FC Porto, în prima manşă a sferturilor de finală ale Ligii Campionilor, va începe la ora 22:00 şi va fi în direct pe Digi Sport 2, Telekom Sport 2, dar şi pe siteul RomaniaTV.net. Este genul de meci în…

17:23, 13.03.2019

Senate's Tariceanu tells counterpart Xhaferi that NATO membership is a guarantee for country's future

President of the Romanian Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu welcomed on Wednesday visiting Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia Talat Xhaferi to emphasise that North Macedonia's joining NATO…

21:40, 12.03.2019

Senator Tariceanu tells OIF SecGen Mushikiwabo that Francophonie is part of Romania's national identity

President of the Romanian Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu on Tuesday welcomed Secretary General of the International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF) Louise Mushikiwabo, pointing out that the Francophonie…

22:02, 06.03.2019

Timmermans tells Dancila urgent progress needed regarding all concern-causing matters

First Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans expressed increasing concern regarding the latest developments in matters related to the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) for Romania,…

17:36, 20.02.2019

Romania wishes to develop deeper partnership in sciences, Senate's Tariceanu tells Israel's Ambassador Saranga

Romania wishes to develop a deeper partnership in sciences and the new technologies with Israel, Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Wednesday at a meeting with the State of Israel's Ambassador to…

17:35, 24.10.2018

PSD team tells President Iohannis of 10 principles for real judicial independence, rule of law

The negotiating team of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), major at rule, that on Wednesday attended negotiations with President Klaus Iohannis offered Iohannis a list of 10 principles "for real judicial independence…

05:46, 03.04.2018

VIDEO EXCLUSIV/Ion Lăceanu nu se lasă, după șase decenii de muzică ! ”În serile când nu cânt, mă ia tristețea”

După șase decenii în care a cântat folclor românesc pe toate meridianele lumii, Ion Lăceanu continuă să-și ducă povestea mai departe, cu o energie și încântare admirabilă pentru cineva care a trecut de 80 de ani.”Nu…

14:46, 02.03.2018

Familia lui Jennifer Aniston: „Ne plăcea mai mult de Brad!”

Vărul lui Jennifer a făcut o serie de declaraţii uimitoare în acest interviu, pe fondul divorţului actriţei de Justin Theroux Markos Papasifaki pe numele său, vărul lui Aniston a acordat un interviu exclusiv pentru…

00:23, 22.02.2018

EC's Juncker tells PM Dancila he trusts Romanian judiciary

The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday told the Romanian Prime minister Viorica Dancila on her two-day official visit in Brussels that he "trusts very much Romania's judiciary"…

16:57, 20.02.2018

Iohannis tells young magistrates fully supports them in their mission

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday told the young magistrates welcomed at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace that he is "fully supporting" them in accomplishing their mission. "You are in the first line of defence…

16:06, 30.01.2018

EU Commissioner Cretu tells PM Romania risks losing substantial funding unless major efforts are made

European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu, who is in Romania on a two-day official visit, said on Tuesday that unless major efforts are made, Romania risks losing important European funds this year. …

16:23, 09.11.2017

Senate's speaker tells Kuwaiti ambassador Romania wants to return to Kuwaiti market

The Senate's Speaker Calin Popescu-Tariceanu emphasized on Thursday, in the meeting with Kuwait's Ambassador Talal Mansour Alhajeri, the interest of the Romanian side to resume its economic presence on the Kuwaiti…

15:10, 14.03.2017

LIVE TEXT: Juventus – FC Porto. Rezultat live din Champions League. Ultimele noutăți și echipele probabile

Juventus – FC Porto se joacă astăzi, în returul optimilor de finală ale Ligii Campionilor. În prima manșă, italienii s-au impus cu 2-0, grație reușitelor semnate de Pjaca (72) și Dani Alves (74) și sunt mari favoriți…

19:53, 05.03.2017

Monica Anghel, Marcel Pavel, Luminiţa Anghel şi Adrian Enache, protagoniştii flashmob-ului Eurovision

Monica Anghel, Marcel Pavel, Luminiţa Anghel, Adrian Enache, TrupaSuperchill, Oana Velea, Eduard Stoica şi Bianca Lixandru au reamintit trecătorilor de la Universitate câteva dintre melodiile câştigătoare ale Eurovision,…