Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:20, 08.05.2023

Over 500 Romanian soldiers with approximately 100 technical means, at Junction Strike 2023 exercise

More than 500 Romanian soldiers with approximately 100 land, air and naval technical means will participate, between May 8 and 18, in the Junction Strike 23 Special Operations Forces exercise. CITESTE SI 22 people…

12:45, 08.05.2023

PM Ciuca: Without an electronic system, discussions about progressive taxation lack technical support

Prime Minister Ciuca: Without an electronic system, discussions about progressive taxation lack technical support.Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, the national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), on Monday…

11:30, 25.04.2023

Hungary reaches technical agreement with EU over Justice reform

A technical agreement on a justice reform package – which could unblock at least €13 billion of Hungary’s catch-up aid – has been reached by the Hungarian government and the European Commission, Hungarian Justice…

18:45, 03.04.2023

Justice Ministry recommends RON 9,000 as threshold to penalise abuse of office

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said on Monday that he presented the technical data and the history of the problem regarding the abuse of office to the National Liberal Party (PNL) MPs, adding that the ministry…

22:26, 15.03.2023

Ciuca, on measurements on Bystroe: When approval comes from Ukrainian side, teams will go to site

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Wednesday in Calarasi, that measurements on the Bystroe canal and the Chilia arm would be made after the approval comes from the Ukrainian side and later the technical teams…

15:50, 14.03.2023

Rise in retirement age is set forth in NRRP, technical solution is for Labor Ministry to provide

The rise in the retirement age is set forth in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Minister of European Investments and Projects Marcel Bolos declared at the Parliament on Tuesday, pointing out that…

14:16, 09.03.2023

PM Ciuca: We have real chances to clarify technical aspects regarding RRF payment request No. 2

Romania has real chances to clarify in the immediately following period the technical aspects signalled by the European Commission in Recovery and Resilience Facility payment request No. 2, and thus receive the…

10:25, 08.03.2023

Vânzările Lego au crescut cu 17% în 2022 iar firma vrea să continue să deschidă noi magazine în China

Producătorul danez de jucării Lego A/S a anunţat marţi că magazinele deschise în China şi cererea solidă din Europa Occidentală şi cele două Americi i-au permis să îşi crească vânzările cu 17% în 2022, adăugând…

15:35, 27.02.2023

Coalition to find within short politically acceptable technical solution to Whistleblower Bill (Senate head)

The Senate's Standing Bureau acknowledged the receipt of an information report from the Justice Ministry on the Whistleblower Bill, and Parliament will have checked the relevant NRRP milestone after a technical…

19:05, 23.02.2023

PM Ciuca - meeting with Maia Sandu; reaffirms political, technical support for EU integration of Republic of Moldova

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca reaffirmed the political and technical support for the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union during the meeting he had on Thursday at the Victoria Palace, with…

19:40, 17.02.2023

Court of Accounts launches project that will implement measures related to Human Resources&Communication Strategies

The Romanian Court of Accounts launched on Friday the third project developed with the support of DG Reform, which aims to implement a set of measures related to the Human Resources and Communication Strategies,…

19:16, 18.10.2022

7 activități pe care le poți face alături de copilul tău pasionat de mașini

Copilăria este vârsta marilor descoperiri. Vârsta la care ne descoperim nu doar limitele, ci și interesele, fie că vorbim despre citit, desenat, sau despre mașini. Dacă ai un copil interesat de mașini, îi poți…

17:25, 10.10.2022

Senate's Gorghiu: Romania passed technical criteria for entering Schengen for a very long time

Romania has checked the technical criteria to be in Schengen for a long time, declared, on Monday, the Acting president of the Senate, Alina Gorghiu, who added that it is "an obligation" of the European partners…

12:56, 07.10.2022

Iohannis: Romania fulfills Schengen technical conditions since 2011

Since 2011, Romania has fulfilled all the technical conditions for joining the Schengen area and it is important for Romanians to benefit from the free movement of people, President Klaus Iohannis stressed on Friday,…

09:36, 24.09.2022

For now, Romania doesn't meet Visa Waiver technical criteria, but if we strive, we'll succeed

For now, Romania does not meet the technical criteria for entry into the Visa Waiver programme, said president Klaus Iohannis on Friday, and he emphasized that there must be an awareness campaign and better information…

12:05, 25.05.2022

LEGO prezintă mașina visurilor: noul LEGO® Technic™ Ferrari Daytona SP3

LEGO îi plasează pe pasionații de supercaruri în fața volanului celui mai recent model Ferrari, prin intermediul noii machete LEGO® Technic™ Ferrari Daytona SP3. Modelul format din 3.778 de piese etalează o puzderie…

18:00, 11.05.2022

ANRE's Nagy-Bege: World Bank offers us consultancy on technical regulations regarding hydrogen

The World Bank will help with a set of materials referring to technical regulations regarding hydrogen, said, on Wednesday, the Vicepresident of the National Energy Regulation Authority (ANRE), Zoltan Nagy-Bege,…

15:10, 21.03.2022

EU Commission supports Member States welcoming refugees from Ukraine

The European Commission announced on Monday that it has launched a special call to support Member States welcoming refugees from Ukraine following Russia‘s invasion and the phasing out of their reliance on fossil…

13:11, 08.03.2022

Four unarmed Ukrainian civilian helicopters at Iasi airport for technical stopover

The Ukrainian authorities have asked the Romanian side for diplomatic fly over approvals towards the final destination Ghimbav, Brasov County, for a number of 4 helicopters, in order to carry out maintenance operations…

14:50, 17.02.2022

Un băiețel din Afganistan, blocat de două zile într-un puţ secat. Salvatorii încearcă să-l scoată

Haidar, un băiețel în vârstă de 9 ani, a căzut marți într-un puţ secat, adânc de 25 de metri, într-un sat din provincia Zabul, în sud-estul Afganistanului. Copilul este conștient, iar la acest moment, este în curs…

14:46, 16.02.2022

Draft law on implementation of technical surveillance warrants ordered in criminal law, unconstitutional (sources)

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) admitted, on Wednesday, the notifications regarding the draft law for the approval of OUG 6/2016 on some measures for the execution of the technical surveillance warrants…

17:05, 10.02.2022

Gov't passes 227mln.-lei investment project for Constanta Port

On Thursday, the government passed a decision re-approving technical and economic indicators for an investment project worth 227 million lei regarding the Port of Constanta, according to governmental spokesperson…

17:00, 26.01.2022

Sorin Grindeanu anunţă că licitaţia pentru construcţia sectorului Margina – Holdea din Autostrada Lugoj – Deva continuă, după ce contestaţia depusă de…

”Licitaţia pentru construcţia sectorului Margina – Holdea din autostrada Lugoj – Deva continuă! Contestaţia firmei Aktor a fost astăzi definitiv respinsă de Curtea de Apel Bucureşti. Această decizie favorizează…

17:50, 19.01.2022

Memorandum granting technical and financial assistance to Republic of Moldova, approved by Government

The government approved the memorandum under which Romania will be able to continue providing technical and financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova in several areas, to support its European path, said Government…

19:21, 28.12.2021

Government: Labour Ministry to contract technical assistance services from World Bank to reform pension system

The Ministry of Labour will contract technical assistance services from the World Bank to implement the reform of the public pension system as provided in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), according…

20:55, 09.11.2021

Head of Romania's power suppliers organisation puts to rest concerns over possible countrywide blackout

A nationwide blackout is very unlikely because there are automations in place to prevent such an incident, president of Romania's Power Suppliers Association (AFEER) Laurentiu Urluescu told a conference organized…

16:35, 15.10.2021

Technical-scientific group of CNSU rejects proposal to quarantine Bucharest, Raed Arafat announces

The technical-scientific group of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) has decided to reject the proposal of the National Institute for Public Health (INSP) regarding the quarantining of Bucharest…

16:50, 29.09.2021

EduMin Cimpeanu: Technical-scientific support group adopts decoupling schools' functioning scenarios from infection rate

The technical-scientific support group regarding the management of the highly contagious diseases nationwide has adopted, unanimously, the decoupling of the schools' functioning scenarios from the infection rate…

18:06, 28.09.2021

Profitul net al Grupului danez LEGO a crescut cu 140% în primul semestru, la 846 milioane euro

“LEGO a anunţat astăzi rezultatele financiare şi operaţionale pentru primele 6 luni ale anului, până la 30 iunie 2021. Acestea au înregistrat o creştere de 46% faţă de aceeaşi perioadă a anului trecut, atingând…

16:20, 27.09.2021

Virtual fair "TOP EMPLOYERS" to kick off on Monday, with more than 6,000 jobs, 60 companies

Over 6,000 job opportunities and internship programmes in technical and non-technical fields are available at the Virtual Job Fair "TOP Employers" - autumn edition 2021, where they announced the presence of 60…