Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:45, 05.02.2024

Government's bill amending legislation in field of social assistance, tacitly adopted by Senate

Government's bill amending legislation in field of social assistance, tacitly adopted by SenateThe Senate tacitly approved on Monday the Government's draft law on the reform of the social assistance system, which…

20:35, 08.03.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: Special pensions law must pass Senate in three weeks, otherwise it passes tacitly

The acting President of the Senate, Alina Gorghiu, says that the draft law on special pensions must be voted on in the upper chamber of the Parliament in the next three weeks because otherwise it will pass by tacit…

19:10, 31.10.2022

Bill on protection and promotion of children's rights, tacitly adopted by the Senate

The Senate plenary sitting tacitly adopted on Monday by fulfilling the deadline for debate and adoption, the bill for the amendment and completion of Law no. 272/2004 regarding the protection and promotion of children's…

15:55, 07.12.2021

Chamber of Deputies tacitly adopts draft law for repeal of locally elected officials' special pensions

The Save Romania Union (USR) draft law on the repeal of special pensions for locally elected officials was tacitly adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday, the deadline for debate and vote having been exceeded,…

21:10, 04.10.2021

Draft amendment to Law on establishing "Danube Delta" Biosphere Reserve, tacitly adopted by the Senate

The legislative proposal for amending and supplementing Law no. 82/1993 on the establishment of the "Danube Delta" Biosphere Reserve initiated by PSD parliamentarians and a deputy from minorities, Ibram Iusein,…

17:20, 01.02.2021

Senate head Dragu: In previous legislature, 40% of draft laws, adopted tacitly

The Senate's chairwoman Anca Dragu declared on Monday, during the opening of the first ordinary session of this year, that in the previous legislature, 40% of draft laws submitted to the Senate as first chamber…

16:57, 04.05.2020

Senate's Cazanciuc about UDMR bill on Administrative Code adopted tacitly by Senate:Deputies' Chamber will reject it

The draft law initiated by the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), which passed the Senate by tacit approval, will be rejected by the Deputies' Chamber, Senate Vice-President and Social Democratic Party…

17:42, 27.02.2019

Opposition bill to disband controversial investigation section, tacitly adopted

The Chamber of Deputies tacitly adopted on Wednesday a bill tabled by the opposition Save Romania Union (USR) amending justice legislation by proposing to disband a controversial special department that was to…