Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:44, 25.07.2019

Budget revision underway, waiting for CSAT approval

The government is working on a budget revision and awaiting the approval of the Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT), Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday.  "We are working on a budget revision,…

17:35, 21.07.2019

PM Dancila on Comarnic-Brasov motorway: In first CSAT meeting, it shall become of national importance

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Sunday in Pitesti that, in view of starting the works on the Comarnic - Brasov motorway more quickly, the motorway will be removed from the public-private partnership and…

17:16, 18.07.2019

CSM validates Corina Corbu as head of the Supreme Court

The Section for Judges of the Supreme Council of Magistracy (CSM) on Thursday validated Corina Corbu as head of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ).The CSM spokesperson confirmed that the Section for…

22:45, 10.07.2019

CSM head Lia Savonea says GRECO report contains 'obvious factual errors'

Head of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) Lia Savonea is calling for a debate that should go in depth and not just scratch the surface, on the recommendations made in the recently released GRECO report,…

21:35, 09.07.2019

Tariceanu on GRECO report recommendations: Require analysis by Justice Ministry, Supreme Council of Magistrates

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu considers that both the Ministry of Justice and the Superior Council of Magistrates should proceed to an analysis of the recommendations…

17:32, 24.06.2019

Disciplinary action against former anti-graft chief prosecutor, denied

The Prosecutors' Disciplinary Section of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Monday denied one of the actions taken by the Judicial Inspection against former chief prosecutor of the National Anti-Corruption…

17:17, 24.06.2019

JusMin Birchall on Baia de Arama adopted girl: I will never tolerate such abuse

Justice Minister Ana Birchall has said on Monday that she will discuss with interim Attorney General Bogdan Licu and the magistrates of the Justice Crime Investigation Section (SIIJ) for "gestures" like those in…

17:42, 18.06.2019

SIIJ deputy head Florea says judges' activity has come under pressure in recent years

Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Magistrates' Investigation Section (SIIJ), Adina Florea, said on Tuesday that the judges' activity has come under noticeable pressure in recent years.Speaking on Tuesday at the Supreme…

23:35, 15.05.2019

CSM validates Lucian Netejoru at helm of Judiciary Inspection (sources)

The plenary sitting of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) has validated on Wednesday Lucian Netejoru as chief inspector of the Judiciary Inspection, sources from CSM specified for AGERPRES.On 28 March judge…

12:48, 18.04.2019

Section for prosecutors approves request for retirement of Augustin Lazar (sources)

The Section for prosecutors of the Supreme Council of Magistracy (CSM) on Thursday approved Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar's request for retirement, as CSM sources told AGERPRES. The decision will be submitted…

08:55, 18.04.2019

PG Augustin Lazar applies for retirement

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar has filed a retirement request with the Supreme Council of Magistrates. He confirmed the information for AGERPRES. Lazar specified that his term in office as a Prosecutor General…

18:08, 28.03.2019

CSM's Prosecutors' Section: Emergency not justified in modification of criminal and criminal procedure codes

The Prosecutors' Section of the Supreme Council of Magistracy (CSM) believes there is no emergency right now in the modification of the criminal and criminal procedure codes, reads a release of the CSM posted on…

16:23, 26.03.2019

PG Lazar submits his candicacy for new term: I went to the minister's office

Augustin Lazar on Tuesday submitted his candidacy for a new term as prosecutor general of Romania.Read also: Euro trades at 4.7564 lei "Half an hour ago I submitted it [his candidacy - editor's note]. I went to…

17:33, 25.03.2019

PSD's Dragnea: Topic of moving Romania's Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem should be tackled in CSAT

The topic of relocating Romania's Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem should be discussed in Romania's Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) meeting, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Speaker…

10:26, 02.03.2019

CSM's Savonea: I received the text amending OUG 7; it brings substantial clarifications in areas of concern

Chair of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) Lia Savonea said on Friday that she received from the Ministry of Justice the text of a government ordinance amending emergency ordinance OUG 7, adding that the…

17:15, 26.02.2019

CSM: In applying OUG 7, Section for prosecutors denies extension of two leadership mandates at DNA

The Section for prosecutors of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Tuesday rejected the proposals made by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) for extension of two leadership delegation mandates…

17:38, 25.02.2019

Attorney General's Office's prosecutors to wear armbands to protest against passage of justice legislation ordinance

Prosecutors with the Attorney General's Office on Monday decided to wear armbands in protest over the way the government passed an emergency ordinance amending the justice legislation."On February 25, 2019, the…

19:34, 15.02.2019

Senior magistrate disagrees with pubic allegations on case involving former chief corruption prosecutor

Chair of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) Lia Savonea, "strongly" disagrees with public allegations made "in a continuous and aggressive way" that can "intimidate and seriously affect" independence of the…

13:27, 04.02.2019

PM Dancila endorses a relocation of budget funds from services to healthcare

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila endorses a relocation of budget funds from services to healthcare.  "We have three priority areas in which we want to make important steps: healthcare, education and public investment.…

20:17, 28.01.2019

JusMin Toader: CSM validates Gheorghe Stan's appointment as head of Section for investigating crimes in Justice

The plenary sitting of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) has validated the appointment of the deputy chief inspector of the Judiciary Inspection, Gheorghe Stan, as chief of the Section for the investigation…

19:02, 16.01.2019

JusMin Toader: Compensatory remedy law was promulgated by the President, without notifying Constitutional Court

Minister of Justice Tudorel Toader on Wednesday stated that the Law on compensatory remedy was voted by all parties, including by the PNL (National Liberal Party) and USR (Save Romania Union), and it was promulgated…

19:02, 16.01.2019

Presidential Administration: Romania still hasn't 2019 budget exclusively because of gov't incapacity

The Presidential Administration points out that the statements of Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship Minister Stefan-Radu Oprea referring to the delay of the budget draft for 2019 because of the lack…

19:57, 14.01.2019

President Iohannis: DefMin filing administrative complaint against extension of General Ciuca mandate inopportune, risky

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday appreciated the administrative complaint filed against the decree on the extension of General Nicolae Ciuca's mandate as Chief of the Defence Staff as "inopportune" and "risky.""I…

17:48, 14.01.2019

JusMin Toader: Draft law on compensatory remedy initiated by technocratic gov't

Minister of Justice Tudorel Toader stated that the draft law on compensatory remedy was in fact initiated during the time when the technocratic government was at rule and came into force during his mandate."I have…

12:33, 08.01.2019

General Ciuca's mandate extension challenge in contentious administrative court being prepared at MApN (sources)

The initiation of a challenge procedure in a contentious administrative court of the decree to extend General Nicolae Ciuca's mandate as Chief of General Staff is being prepared at the National Defence Ministry…

23:27, 07.01.2019

President Klaus Iohannis notifies CCR about law amending pieces of legislation in public order and safety

President Klaus Iohannis Monday sent to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) a notification of unconstitutionality on the Law for the amendment and addition of certain pieces of legislation in public order…

14:45, 29.12.2018

Iohannis' decree on extending mandate of Chief of Staff, published in Official Gazette

The Official Gazette published on Saturday the decree signed by President Klaus Iohannis on extending the mandate of General Nicolae Ciuca as Chief of Defence Staff for a year.  The head of state warned on Friday,…

13:33, 27.12.2018

CSAT to meet on Friday - agenda includes requests to fill in offices at Army leadership level

President Klaus Iohannis convened the meeting of the Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) on Friday, 12.00 am, at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, reads a release of the Presidential Administration.At…

19:17, 21.12.2018

President Iohannis convences CSAT meeting on 28 December

President Klaus Iohannis convened the meeting of the Supreme Council for National Defence on 28 December, at the Cotroceni Palace, to analyse the requests of Defence Minister Gabriel Les, referring to filling in…

18:57, 20.12.2018

Deputies Chamber's Dragnea on adoption of 2019 state budget: 'In January, from what I know'

The state budget for 2019 will be adopted in January next year, the Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, stated on Thursday."In January, from what I know. Because of this game we were forced to play…