Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:08, 29.08.2018

Iohannis requests Government to urgently adopt measures for stopping high number of swine flu outbreaks

President Klaus Iohannis requests the Government to urgently adopt all measures in order to stop the high number of outbreaks of African swine flu and to compensate the affected producers as quickly as possible.…

13:55, 16.08.2018

Cabdriver of Israeli citizens beaten at Victoriei Sq. rally: Tourists and I, beaten without reason

The cabdriver of the Israeli citizens who sustain were assaulted by gendarmes in the Victoriei Square on 10 August rally, Valeriu Ionut Radulescu, on Thursday showed up at the Bucharest Military Prosecutor's Office…

19:03, 07.07.2018

Simona Halep stopped in her tracks in Wimbledon third round

World No. 1 Simona Halep suffered a dramatic defeat to Taiwan's Su-Wei Hsieh (aged 32, WTA's 48th) who beat her 3-6, 6-4, 7-5 in the Wimbledon third round, informs Agerpres.This is the first loss for Halep after…

14:04, 10.06.2018

PSD-ALDE protest: PM Dancila: Result of Romanians' vote must be respected; abuse in Justice - stopped

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Saturday, at the PSD-ALDE protest in Victoria Square, that the result of Romanians' vote must be respected and "abuse in Justice stopped."  "We are here together today to…

11:53, 21.02.2018

Six trains temporarily suspended as falling bridge brings traffic at Ploiesti West Station to a halt

Railway traffic through the Ploiesti West Station was suspended on Wednesday morning as a metal bridge through which a water pipeline was running fell at 08:30hrs, local, stopping six passenger trains in their…

20:17, 30.01.2018

Senate President Tariceanu: We are facing an attack of the 'parallel state'

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, on Tuesday claimed that Romania is facing "an attack of the parallel state" and stated that Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), the political party he leads, has…

10:36, 10.01.2018

roster due to personal reasons

Karpa has 27 goals and Primack has 26 with at least six to go. He even ran the ball 68 times for the Bruins — 11 for touchdowns! He was a liability right field . Before that, I got drilled a few times. Paradis…

16:15, 05.09.2017

LabourMin Vasilescu: Nobody contributes to child raising allowance, we cap that, we could've stopped paying it

Nobody in Romania contributes to the child raising allowance, on Tuesday said the Labour Minister Lia-Olguta Vasilescu, adding that the state opted for capping this benefit to EUR 1,800, although it could have…

18:38, 03.02.2017

Adrian Năstase: Nu-i arătați comentariul lui Iohannis

"Ministerul Public, prin procurorul general, a decis sa-si retraga ambasadorii din Ministerul Justitiei. Astfel, dl Sima si dna Haineala, procurori, au fost rechemati in centrala parchetului. Nu stim daca vor urma,…

11:54, 29.01.2017

Gardoș a revenit pe teren, după o pauză de aproape doi ani. Echipa românului a fost UMILITĂ de Arsenal, în Cupa Angliei

Gardoș, integralist în duelul cu Arsenal Florin Gardoș (28 de ani) a revenit, aseară, pe teren pentru prima dată din februarie 2015. Însă, echipa sa, Southampton, a fost învinsă categoric de Arsenal scor 0-5, în…

12:53, 27.01.2017

Mikhail Gorbachev: 'It All Looks as if the World Is Preparing for War'

The world today is overwhelmed with problems. Policymakers seem to be confused and at a loss. But no problem is more urgent today than the militarization of politics and the new arms race. Stopping and reversing…

10:53, 30.10.2015

Queen's heart back to where it stopped beating

 Last-minute dash to complete preparations for the royal event of the year! In a few days' time, the heart of the most beloved Queen of all Romanians will be laid to rest at the Pelişor Castle, as her grandson,…

16:36, 21.07.2014

apelul borşenilor ascultat de autorităţi. Au reînceput lucrările pe DN18 – FOTO

Work on Route 18, section mise-Iacobeni resumed Monday, July 21. This time the carrying out part of the road works are those from regional Cluj CNADNR. “According to discussions with Prime Minister Victor Ponta…

23:03, 21.05.2011

Află care sunt premianții secțiunii Un certain regard, la Cannes 2011

Festivalul de Film Cannes 2011 se apropide sfârșit și și-a anunțat câștigătorii la secțiunea "Un Certain Regard". Premiul special al juriului "Un Certain Regard": "Elena", regizat de Andrey Zvyagintsev Premiul…