Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:40, 08.02.2024

MEP Cretu says teachers must given the place they deserve in our societies

The working conditions of teachers were debated on Thursday in the plenary sitting of the European Parliament, the conclusion being that it is necessary to give back to teaching staff the place they deserve in…

16:00, 02.02.2024

PM Ciolacu, Italian ambassador Magnoni meet in run-up to joint sitting of Bucharest and Rome gov'ts

PM Ciolacu, Italian ambassador Magnoni meet in run-up to joint sitting of Bucharest and Rome gov'tsPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu met on Friday at the Victoria Palace of Government with Italy's ambassador to Romania…

16:55, 27.11.2023

Romanian Parliament to consider resolution on European perspectives of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Western Balkans

Romanian Parliament to consider resolution on European perspectives of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Western BalkansThe Romanian Parliament will debate and pass a resolution regarding the European perspectives of…

17:11, 21.03.2023

StateSec Precup: Romania is sitting on a bag of money and it's up to us to build concrete projects

Romania is sitting on a bag of money, which can be transformed into concrete projects, taking into account that, this year, a record amount was allocated from the state budget for investments, namely 7pct of Romania's…

18:15, 23.08.2022

Imagini foarte ciudate de la priveghiul Dariei Dughina. „Sicriu deschis pentru cineva aruncat în aer și ars într-o mașină?”

În dimineața de marți, 23 august, televiziunile ruse de stat difuzează imagini de la priveghiul Dariei Dughina, tânăra a murit după ce mașina în care se afla a explodat la marginea Moscovei pe data de 20 august.…

17:00, 23.08.2022

(VIDEO) Funeraliile Dariei la Moscova. Ce a zis Dughin

Sute de persoane s-au reunit marţi la Moscova pentru funeraliile Dariei Dughina, fiica ideologului ultranaţionalist rus Aleksandr Dughin, care a fost ucisă în explozia maşinii sale, un atac pe care Moscova îl atribuie…

16:15, 23.08.2022

„Dașa a murit pentru Rusia!”. Înmormântarea „martirei” Dariei Dughina, al cărei deces „ar trebui să inspire forțele care luptă în Ucraina”

Sute de oameni, între care politicieni de rang înalt, și-au luat rămas bun, marți, 23 de ani, de la Daria Dugina, fiica unuia dintre cei mai importanți ideologi naționaliști ai Rusiei, relatează agenția Reuters.și…

13:20, 23.08.2022

VIDEO/ Imagini foarte ciudate de la priveghiul Dariei Dughina. „Sicriu deschis pentru cineva aruncat în aer și ars într-o mașină?”

În dimineața de marți, 23 august, televiziunile ruse de stat difuzează imagini de la priveghiul Dariei Dughina, tânăra a murit după ce mașina în care se afla a explodat la marginea Moscovei pe data de 20 august.…

13:05, 23.08.2022

VIDEO/ Imagini foarte ciudate la priveghiul Dariei Dughina. „Sicriu deschis pentru cineva aruncat în aer și ars într-o mașină?”

În dimineața de marți, 23 august, televiziunile ruse de stat difuzează imagini de la priveghiul Dariei Dughina, tânăra a murit după ce mașina în care se afla a explodat la marginea Moscovei pe data de 20 august.…

23:15, 28.04.2022

Government makes practice of baby-sitting profession more flexible and simplified

The Government made the practice of the baby-sitting profession more flexible and simplified by a normative act adopted on Thursday, for the easier access of families to day care and supervision services, including…

16:35, 04.04.2022

PM Ciuca to attend sitting of Romanian Parliament marked by Ukraine's Zelenskiy speech

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca is taking part in a siting of the Romanian Parliament this evening that will be addressed by Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

10:45, 09.02.2022

Bill changing Chamber of Deputies' Rules of Procedure amended to allow media recording and broadcasting of sittings

According to amendments submitted by the National Liberal Party (PNL) to the bill changing the Chamber of Deputies' Rules of Procedure, plenary and committee sittings may be broadcast live or recorded by the media.…

22:45, 07.02.2022

Sitting on USR simple motion resumed; PSD, PNL, UDMR, minorities - do not participate

The sitting of the Chamber of Deputies was resumed on Monday, after the incident in which the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) leader George Simion assaulted Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, but he…

21:55, 07.02.2022

Chamber: Sitting debating simple motion, suspended after incident between energy minister, AUR leader

Monday's plenary sitting of the Chamber of Deputies debating the Save Romania Union (USR) simple motion was suspended, after the speech of the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, was interrupted by George Simion,…

11:46, 23.12.2021

Solemn sitting devoted to 1989 Romanian Revolution 32-year celebration begins

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies met on Thursday in a solemn joint plenary siting devoted to the 1989 Romanian Revolution 32-year celebration. The sitting began with the performance of the National Anthem and…

09:10, 23.12.2021

State budget for 2022 - adopted on articles by joint plenary sitting

The deputies and senators approved, on Wednesday night, in the joint plenary sitting, the draft budget for 2022 on articles and the final vote will be given on Thursday. In the sitting that lasted over 6 hours,…

08:30, 06.12.2021

Parliament to convene in solemn sitting to mark the 30th anniversary of Constitution

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies convene today at 13:00hrs in a solemn sitting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of Romania's Constitution in force, agerpres reports. According to a memorandum…

10:45, 25.11.2021

Parliament: Sitting for investiture of Government proposed by Nicolae Ciuca has started

The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate convened on Thursday for the investiture vote on the Government proposed by Prime Minister-designate Nicolae Ciuca, agerpres reports. The sitting is chaired by the Speaker…

17:30, 17.11.2021

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanţa, medaliată cu bronz la turneul internațional de darts pentru persoane cu nevoi speciale

sursa foto: Universitatea Ovidiu din Constanța Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța (UOC) a participat în perioada 12-13 noiembrie 2021, la Ankara, Turcia, la turneul internațional de darts adresat persoanelor cu…

16:55, 17.11.2021

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta a obtinut medalia de bronz la turneul international de darts pentru persoane cu nevoi speciale

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta UOC a participat in perioada 12 13 noiembrie 2021, la turneul international de darts adresat persoanelor cu nevoi speciale, organizat in cadrul proiectului european Sitting Darts.…

19:06, 02.11.2021

Chamber: Tribute in memory of Aurel Vainer, honorary president of Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania

A tribute was paid, on Monday, in the plenary sitting of the Chamber of Deputies, by the representatives of the parliamentary groups, to the honorary president of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania…

12:15, 26.10.2021

Cat/dog sitting la Cluj-Napoca. Cât costă ora sau ziua de îngrijire a patrupedului. Se oferă servicii de taxi sau toaletaj

Pe lângă pensiunile şi hotelurile de animale de companie, la Cluj-Napoca apar şi business-uri de cat/dog sitting, la domiciliul clientului sau al celui care oferă serviciul, unele care oferă şi toaletaj sau transport…

19:26, 18.10.2021

Ciolos Cabinet members to be heard Tuesday, voted on in plenary session Wednesday

At a joint meeting on Monday, the standing bureaus of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies decided that the ministers picked by Prime Minister-designate Dacian Ciolos will be heard on Tuesday by the specialist…

12:46, 15.09.2021

Protest of AUR deputies in Parliament hallways; Simion announces parliamentary strike

The AUR deputies protested on Wednesday, in the hallways of the Parliament Palace, with flags in their hands, against the fact that the censure motion they submitted together with USR PLUS was not subject to debate…

15:30, 08.09.2021

Speaker Orban's declarations summary

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday that he will not vote on a motion of censure against the prime minister and no liberal MP will, emphasising that as national chairman of the National…

17:20, 06.09.2021

PSD's Grindeanu: PSD will vote any motion reaching the plenary sitting

The lawmakers of the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) will vote on any motion that reaches the plenary sitting of Parliament and invite the National Liberal Party (PNL), major at rule, and the Save Romania…

15:21, 30.08.2021

Universitatea Ovidius: 17 tineri au început antrenamentele pentru turneul de darts destinat persoanelor cu dizabilități motorii

sursa foto: Universitatea Ovidius Cei 17 tineri din localitate înscriși în proiectul Sitting Darts implementat de Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța (UOC) prin programul Erasmus+, au început antrenamentele la…

11:11, 30.08.2021

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta: Au inceput antrenamentele pentru turneul de darts destinat persoanelor cu dizabilitati motorii

Echipa Erasmus de la UOC a dat startul primelor antrenamente cu cei 17 tineri inscrisi in proiectul Sitting Darts, care vor lua parte la turneul sportiv local.Cei 17 tineri din localitate inscrisi in proiectul…

08:25, 11.08.2021

Draft decision on Military Strategy of Romania's approval to be adopted in gov't sitting

A draft decision for the approval of Romania's Military Strategy is to be adopted on Thursday in the government sitting. "The document provides the necessary directions by 2024 and at the same time underpins the…

10:10, 23.04.2021

Orele online, baby-sitting fără autoritate

Orele online, mai ales cu clasele mari, se desfășoară ca o emisiune „Profesorii au talent”: elevii au camerele închise, cum i-a învățat Cumpănașu („nu le funcționează”), deci nu sunt nici absenți, nici prezenți……