Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:28, 20.05.2019

PM Dancila attends signing of Brasov - Comarnic motorway financing contract, voices hopes deadlines will be met

Premier Viorica Dancila, who attended on Monday in Rasnov the formal signing of the financing contract for the Brasov - Comarnic motorway, said that she is pleased that the works will be carried out by a Romanian…

17:28, 25.04.2019

BusinessMin Oprea: As of May, we start signing the contracts for Start-up Nation 2018

The Government will start, in the first part of May, to sign the contracts with the first 200 companies that have already been checked within the Start-up Nation 2018 programme, Business Environment, Trade and…

18:18, 28.03.2019

MMACA: Signing of Free Trade Agreement between European Union and Vietnam, supported by Romania

A trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Vietnam eliminating a significant number of custom taxes will bring new advantages to the business milieus in these two areas, the Ministry for Business Environment,…

12:48, 21.01.2019

President Iohannis to participate in French-German cooperation,integration treaty signing ceremony in Aachen and meet Romanian servicemen

President Klaus Iohannis will participate in Aachen, Germany, on Tuesday, in the signing ceremony of the French-German cooperation and integration treaty, at the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and…

12:53, 09.11.2018

Premier Dancila: Gov't taking concern that EU money is spent to the Romanians' benefit

The government attaches due importance to attracting European funds as a key resource for Romania's development and we take concern that European money is used to the benefit of the Romanians, Premier Viorica Dancila…

19:55, 16.07.2018

MRP and Azerbaijan's State Committee on Work with Diaspora sign Cooperation Memorandum

The Ministry for Romanians Abroad (MRP) and the State Committee on Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan became partner institutions by signing on Monday, at the MRP headquarters, a Memorandum of Cooperation,…

12:33, 06.06.2018

PM Dancila, in Portugal, meets Portuguese counterpart, participates in signing health, scientific memoranda

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila will meet on Wednesday, with Portuguese counterpart Antonio Costa, during her official visit to Portugal, and will sign some memoranda on health and scientific collaboration.  According…

14:57, 21.05.2018

FAIR-MediaSind suspends protest actions, following signing of Agreement with Ministry of Culture and National Identify

The FAIR-MediaSind Federation of Culture and Mass Media decided to suspend the strike movements scheduled to be set off in the upcoming period, upon consultations with affiliated organisations regarding the signing…

15:25, 29.03.2018

PM Dancila: Transgaz becomes regional actor by signing privatisation contract of Vestmoldtransgaz company

Transgaz became the main regional actor by signing the privatisation contract of the Vestmoldtransgaz company, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Thursday in the opening of the Government sitting. She added…

14:27, 28.11.2017

Deputy PM Ciolacu: BRUA project, particularly important to Romania's security and independence

The BRUA project is a priority for the Romanian Government, as it is of particular importance to Romania's security and independence, Deputy Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday.  A signing ceremony for…

11:35, 14.11.2017

ForMin Melescanu, DefMin Fifor in Brussels at ceremony of signing notification on participation in PESCO

Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu and Minister of National Defence Mihai Fifor participated on Monday in the ceremony of signing the notification on the participation in the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO),…

13:02, 21.12.2016

Nicolae Stanciu și Alexandru Chipciu sunt iubiți de fanii echipei Anderlecht | GALERIE FOTO&VIDEO

Internaționalii români Nicolae Stanciu și Alexandru Chipciu sunt iubiți de fanii echipei Anderlecht. Cei doi fotbaliști au oferit autografe și s-au fotografiat cu admiratorii la magazinul clubului din Bruxelles.…

01:52, 24.06.2016

Acord istoric. Guvernul columbian a semnat un armistiţiu cu rebelii FARC, după 52 de ani de conflict armat

Guvernul de la Bogota şi rebelii stângişti din Forţele Armate Revoluţionare Columbiene (FARC) au semnat joi un armistiţiu istoric, ce pune capăt celui mai lung conflict armat din emisfera nordică, care s-a desfăşurat…