Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:55, 26.06.2024

Romanian writers should return to the city, especially in troubled moments like these(Writers Guild head)

Romanian writers should return to the city, especially in troubled moments like these(Writers' Guild head)

The Romanian writer has to return to the city, and the Romanian Writers' Guild should gain greater visibility in the European cultural network, says author Varujan Vosganian, who on Wednesday was elected chairman…

11:36, 13.06.2024

Procter & Gamble și Penny, în colaborare cu organizația World Vision, au renovat spațiul verde al școlii din Ștefăneștii de Jos, Ilfov

Procter & Gamble și Penny, în colaborare cu organizația World Vision, au renovat spațiul verde al școlii din Ștefăneștii de Jos, Ilfov

Procter & Gamble și Penny, în parteneriat cu organizația World Vision și cu sprijinul constant al consumatorilor, au lansat un nou proiect pentru sprijinirea comunităților locale. Ca urmare a colaborării, spațiul…

17:20, 27.05.2024

Romania should have to regularly report on measures to support people with health problems (official)

Romania should have to regularly report on measures to support people with health problems (official)

The European Charter of Human Rights should be amended to put Romania under an obligation to regularly report on the progress made through measures to support children and adults with health problems, Minister…

21:05, 18.04.2024

A date should be set for lifting controls at land borders for Romania and Bulgaria

A date should be set for lifting controls at land borders for Romania and Bulgaria

European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said on Thursday in Sofia that two days previously she proposed that the European Council this year set a date for lifting controls at land borders for Romania…

15:45, 28.03.2024

Yvonne revine în fața melomanilor cu videoclipul piesei „Should have listened”

Yvonne revine în fața melomanilor cu videoclipul piesei „Should have listened”

Artista pop Yvonne, a lansat un nou videoclip, de această dată, pentru hit-ul „Should have listened”, o baladă modernă ce îmbină sound-ul super catchy specific genului pop cu elemente de indie și electronica într-un…

18:10, 22.03.2024

Yvonne a lansat single-ul “Should Have Listened”

Yvonne a lansat single-ul “Should Have Listened”

Yvonne a lansat single-ul “Should Have Listened”, o piesă ce învelește regretul într-un sound electropop super catchy. Yvonne, una dintre cele mai promițătoare artiste din noul val al muzicii electropop din România,…

16:15, 12.03.2024

Von der Leyen says EU should open membership talks with Bosnia

Von der Leyen says EU should open membership talks with Bosnia

The European Commission will recommend opening accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ursula von der Leyen announced in Strasbourg on Tuesday, according to Politico.  With enlargement on the agenda…

11:00, 08.03.2024

Bianca Musat, researcher at BRGV Buzau: Doing something relevant for community brings satisfaction

Bianca Musat, researcher at BRGV Buzau: Doing something relevant for community brings satisfaction

Research should be in style and young people should follow the path of science, believes Dr. Eng. Bianca Musat, a specialist at the Buzau Plant Genetic Resources Bank (BRGV). The career of a researcher often starts…

19:05, 04.03.2024

PSD MP Budai says motion theme not seriously treated

PSD MP Budai says motion theme not seriously treated

Social Democrat MP Marius Budai said on Monday that the Save Romania Union (USR) and the Right Force [Forta Dreptei] did not treat seriously the theme of the simple motion they initiated against the Minister of…

17:55, 06.02.2024

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: Discussion on military service should have started from the president

The discussion on military service should have had a natural order, from the president of Romania, then to Parliament and then General Gheorghe Vlad should come up with arguments, Hungarian Democratic Union of…

15:15, 06.02.2024

Doliu in muzica internationala: A murit starul american de muzica country Toby Keith

Starul american de muzica country Toby Keith a murit in noaptea de luni spre marti, la varsta de 62 de ani, potrivit unui mesaj postat pe retelele de socializare, conform stiripesurse.ro.Cantaretul cunoscut pentru…

15:05, 06.02.2024

Doliu în muzica internațională: A murit un superstar premiat cu Medalia Națională a Artelor /VIDEO

Starul american de muzică country Toby Keith a murit în noaptea de luni spre marţi, la vârsta de 62 de ani, potrivit unui mesaj postat pe reţelele de socializare.Cântăreţul cunoscut pentru hitul său din 1993 "Should've…

14:10, 06.02.2024

Doliu în lumea muzicii: un cântăreț adorat de public a murit. Fusese diagnosticat cu cancer la stomac

Cântăreţul cunoscut pentru hitul său din 1993 "Should've Been a Cowboy" a anunţat în 2022 că a fost diagnosticat cu cancer la stomac, spunând că are nevoie de timp pentru "a respira, a se recupera şi a se relaxa".Foto:…

14:05, 06.02.2024

Toby Keith a murit. Starul american al muzicii country avea 62 de ani

Starul american de muzică country Toby Keith a murit „liniştit, înconjurat de familia sa”, în noaptea de luni spre marți, la vârsta de 62 de ani, potrivit unui comunicat publicat pe site-ul său, relatează BBC,…

19:20, 05.02.2024

Orban: Gov't, law enforcement agencies should be much more present in managing atypical risks

Orban: Gov't, law enforcement agencies should be much more present in managing atypical risksRomania's government and law enforcement agencies should be much more involved in managing atypical threats and risks,…

17:30, 17.01.2024

Biro Rozalia (UDMR): 2024 should be year of rebuilding trust, as was established at Davos

Biro Rozalia (UDMR): 2024 should be year of rebuilding trust, as was established at DavosHungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) deputy Biro Rozalia, the chairwoman of the Foreign Policy Commission in the…

10:20, 15.01.2024

Film director Afrim: Young people want a culture in their own language

Film and theatre director Radu Afrim says that Culture Day should be "about facts" and that, beyond paying homage "to poets' statues," there is a need for investment in culture."Culture Day is about facts. Politicians…

09:55, 29.12.2023

More than 80% of ministries should be reorganized by end of February

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu declared, on Thursday evening, on Romania TV, that he hopes that by the end of February over 80% of the ministries will be reorganized, Agerpres reports."I have more than 10 ministries…

09:00, 20.12.2023

Interim Speaker Simonis: We should have internal security service in the Chamber of Deputies

Interim Speaker Simonis: We should have internal security service in the Chamber of DeputiesChamber of Deputies interim Speaker Alfred Simonis on Tuesday evening called for the establishment of an internal security…

08:55, 19.12.2023

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: I don't agree to tax increases, collection is at catastrophic level

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: I don't agree to tax increases, collection is at catastrophic levelHungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Chairman Kelemen Hunor said on Monday evening that he does not agree with tax…

21:11, 13.12.2023

President Iohannis: Schengen file did not go as it should have, we need to negotiate more

President Iohannis: Schengen file did not go as it should have, we need to negotiate moreThe Schengen file "did not go as it should have," and our country is not "just one step away" from a favourable result in…

20:55, 13.12.2023

President Iohannis says PM's visit to the USA should have been prepared better

President Iohannis says PM's visit to the USA should have been prepared betterPresident Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday said that the visit of prime minister Marcel Ciolacu to the United States of America "should have…

14:10, 13.12.2023

We should be at the forefront of Ukraine's reconstruction, says Economy minister Oprea

Romania should be "at the forefront" of Ukraine's reconstruction process, Economy Minister Radu Oprea told the international conference "Ukraine's Reconstruction and Romania's Strategic Role", held in central Sinaia."We…

22:45, 04.12.2023

CURS Survey – Romanians want more women on electoral lists, but based on merit. Of those who prefer an imposed solution, only half call for a law

A CURS survey reveals very interesting figures that could have a significant impact on how the electoral lists for the 2024 elections (European Parliament, local, and parliamentary) will be designed. Romanians…

08:50, 22.11.2023

Hagi: The ambition of the current generation should be to surpass us

Hagi: The ambition of the current generation should be to surpass usFormer international football player Gheorghe Hagi said, after Romania's 1-0 win over Switzerland on Tuesday evening at the National Arena that…

11:50, 13.11.2023

Euro zone should not ease bank buffers, ECB says

Euro zone economic growth will remain weak in the near term as services and the labour market weaken but nations in the bloc should not free discretionary bank buffers to ease the pain, European Central Bank Vice…

17:45, 02.11.2023

AUR's Simion says administration reform should start in Parliament

Alliance for Romanians' Union (AUR) Chairman, MP George Simion, said on Thursday that administrative reform in Romania must start with reducing the number of parliamentarians to 300, as per the referendum that…

10:01, 27.10.2023

HealthMin Rafila: Medicine and pharmacy universities should form professionals inspiring trust and respect

HealthMin Rafila: Medicine and pharmacy universities should form professionals inspiring trust and respectHealth Minister Alexandru Rafila expressed his hope on Thursday that Romanian medical and pharmacy universities…

15:20, 24.10.2023

World Bank: Romania should invest almost 3pct of GDP for decarbonised energy sector up to 2050

World Bank: Romania should invest almost 3pct of GDP for decarbonised energy sector up to 2050Romania has the potential to significantly improve its living standards while decarbonising the economy towards the…

14:10, 23.10.2023

Commander of Multinational Corps South-East in Sibiu: Romanians and Bulgarians should feel safer as of today

Commander of Multinational Corps South-East in Sibiu: Romanians and Bulgarians should feel safer as of todayMajor General Dragos Dumitru Iacob, commander of the Multinational Corps South-East in Sibiu, said on…