Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:25, 22.04.2024

Recunoașteri internaționale pentru Grupul Evryo, la SABRE Awards EMEA 2024

Recunoașteri internaționale pentru Grupul Evryo, la SABRE Awards EMEA 2024

Două dintre cele mai importante campanii de comunicare desfășurate anul trecut de Evryo, anterior Grupul CEZ în România, au fost premiate internațional la gala SABRE Awards EMEA 2024, una dintre cele mai prestigioase…

11:10, 05.07.2023

FinMin Bolos: We must deliver shortly modern and file-free tax administration

The digitisation of the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF) is a recurrent theme on the public agenda and we must deliver a modern and file-free tax administration to Romanian taxpayers as soon as possible,…

13:25, 27.11.2022

Enescu Festival shortlisted for International Opera Awards

The George Enescu International Competitive Music Festival has been shortlisted for the International Opera Awards, the festival category. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

09:20, 04.05.2022

DefMin says law regarding voluntary military service will enter approval circuit shortly

The Minister of National Defence Vasile Dincu declared on Tuesday evening that the law regarding military service will "shortly" enter approval circuit, and the interest of young people is quite high. Fii la curent…

20:45, 24.03.2022

Geoana: NATO battlegroups - operational shortly; the group in Romania - the most advanced

The four NATO-approved battlegroups will become fully operational "in a relatively short period of time", with the one in Romania being "the most advanced," NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana told AGERPRES…

10:56, 24.02.2022

Russian forces launch invasion of Ukraine with strikes on defences

Russian forces fired missiles at several cities in Ukraine and landed troops on its coast on Thursday, officials and media said, after President Vladimir Putin authorized what he called a special military operation in…

10:50, 25.01.2022

Young Afghan illegally crossing Ukrainian-Romanian border found in hypothermia, rushed to hospital

A young Afghan, who had illegally crossed the border between Romania and Ukraine, was found by the northern Botosani border police in a state of hypothermia, the spokesperson for the Botosani Border Police (STPF),…

14:10, 09.01.2022

One person injured, after several vehicles collide on A1 ahead of Hungarian border

Several vehicles collided on the A1 motorway on Sunday, ahead of the western Romanian border with Hungary, a person being injured and traffic diverted by police on the national road DN 7G. According to the Arad…

10:41, 17.08.2021

Un actor de la Hollywood a fost găsit mort în propria casă. Avea 33 de ani

Actorul Francis Mossman a fost găsit mort în propria locuință la vârsta de doar 33 de ani. El era cunoscut și pentru rolurile pe care le-a avut în Spartacus dar și Shortland Street sau The Horizon.Apropiații actorului…

18:05, 06.08.2021

ForMin Aurescu congratulates Moldovan counterpart on investiture, discusses bilateral cooperation

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu sent on Friday Moldovan Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Nicolae Popescu a congratulatory letter on the occasion of his investiture. Shortly after the inauguration…

15:50, 10.02.2021

Director Nanau calls his 'colectiv' documentary story about incompetent authorities trampling people's lives

Alexander Nanau, the director of "colectiv" (Collective), a documentary shortlisted in two categories of the 93rd Academy Awards, says the nomination is the result of the work of a team that has made a film that…

16:46, 10.12.2020

JusMin Predoiu: National strategy to combat organized crimed finalized; to be put in public debate shortly

The Minister of Justice, Catalin Predoiu, announced on Wednesday that the working group coordinated by the Justice Ministry together with the Ministry of the Interior has finalized the national strategy to combat…

16:25, 21.09.2020

PM Orban: Gara de Nord - Henri Coanda railway line to be available shortly

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that the Gara de Nord - Henri Coanda railway line would be made available to beneficiaries at the shortest time possible.He brought to mind that the idea of the Gara…

13:41, 26.08.2020

Bucharest International Film Festival - Rezumat

#BIFF2020 s-a adaptat contextului global al preocupărilor artistice. Pentru a marca alinierea în gânduri şi acţiuni, pentru prima dată în istoria festivalului, am pregătit secţiuni noi şi surprize conexe. Gala…

13:42, 24.07.2020

USR to meet PNL, Orban on single candidates in Bucharest elections

National leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna announced on Friday that he will have a meeting this weekend with the national leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban to discuss common…

17:14, 15.01.2020

President Iohanis: Gov't to shortly promote legislation for two-round mayoral elections

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the government will promote, "in a very short time," legislation for two-round mayoral elections. "That's the best solution," Iohannis said at Cotroceni Palace.

15:38, 15.01.2020

Sibiu, shortlisted for European Best Destination 2020

Sibiu has been nominated to compete this year for the European best tourist destination 2020, after in 2007 it was the first city in Romania to become a European capital of culture and in 2019 it was Romania's…

09:16, 25.07.2019

Romania shortlists three to vie for European prosecutor

Daniel Horodniceanu, Catalin-Laurentiu Borcoman and Claudiu Dumitrescu are the three candidates shortlisted by the Romanian Ministry of Justice (MJ) for the office of European prosecutor.  According to a MJ press…

15:06, 30.05.2019

PM Viorica Dancila, President Klaus Iohannis discuss ministerial picks one by one

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday that she had discussed with President Klaus Iohannis each pick for ministerial positions and hopes to receive an answer shortly."We need stability and continuity…

19:42, 11.05.2019

Un actor cunoscut a murit subit, la doar 38 de ani. A fost unul dintre cei mai populari "ninja"

Pua Magasiva avea 38 de ani, el fiind născut pe 10 august 1980 la Apia, în Samoa. Pua Magasiva era un actor foarte popular, cu numeroase apariţii în filme şi seriale de televiziune. Era cunoscut mai ales pentru…

00:33, 11.02.2019

Kovesi, 'periată' în New York Times: 'Este puţin probabil ca România să poată bloca numirea la Parchetul European'

Laura Codruţa Kovesi este din lăudată în The New York Times, unde jurnalistul Kit Gillet, corespondentul din România al publicaţiei americane, o prezintă ca pe o eroină a luptei anticorupţie, înconjurată de duşmani…

12:08, 21.11.2018

PM Dancila: Romanian Parliament to shortly vote final form of EU Council's presidency

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on Wednesday that the final program form of the presidency of the Council of the European Union will be voted shortly in the Romanian Parliament."I want to assure you from…

12:57, 12.10.2018

De 15 ani ii ajuta pe tinerii creativi ai Romaniei sa depaseasca granitele tarii #Interviu cu fondatoarea The Alternative School

O Romanie in care tinerii ar pleca de pe bancile scolii cu educatia creativa bine pusa la punct, ar fi o Romanie mult mai centrata pe solutie, mult mai greu de speriat, mai greu de prostit, mult mai emancipata…

21:37, 25.05.2017

Summit NATO la Bruxelles: Donald Trump i-a îmbrâncit pe ceilalţi lideri, ca să ajungă el în faţă la o fotografie de grup

În imaginile de pe reţelele de socializare se vede clar cum Donald Trump "ţâşneşte" pur şi simplu din grupul care se pregătea pentru fotografie. El l-a împins la o parte cu mâna pe premierul Muntenegrului, Milo…

14:37, 04.03.2017

FOTO Şase fotografi români, finalişti la cea mai mare competiţie de fotografie

În lista scurtă au fost selectaţi, la fiecare dintre cele 10 categorii, 10 fotografi din toată lumea. Câştigătorii vor fi desemnaţi pe 20 aprilie, când va fi desemnat şi fotograful anului ales dintre aceştia. …

15:33, 18.01.2016

Trupa Foals a lansat un nou videoclip: “Birch Tree”

“Nu poate fi ignorat faptul ca Foals s-au intors” (Evening Standard) “Cine va domina festivalurile de anul viitor? Foals – datorita acestui nou album extraordinar” (GQ) “Peste orice limite – Foals sunt la varful…

16:58, 11.01.2016

Noul site care foloseşte inteligenţa artificială! Îţi poate spune ce vârstă ai şi cât de atrăgător eşti

”Hot or not” a devenit mai inteligent. Un nou site, care folosește inteligență artificială (aparent), îți spune cât de bine arăți în pozele pe care le încarci și încearcă să stabilească ce vârstă ai, scrie playtech.ro.…

14:32, 08.01.2016

A woman from Vaslui gave birth without any medical assistance

A woman from Vaslui gave birth without any medical assistance, only three hours after local doctors had sent her home. The new mother was told it was unlikely for her baby to be born any time soon, although she…

04:54, 05.11.2015

Sibel satisfied $1.58 million which will pull at the our liberties sent out little group NFC dvds. Approximately four months or even a lot of shortly…

that could obtainable people mental faculties on preventing terrorism Mafia wars provides two categories which unfortunately have sizeable destruction symptoms on pungent product furrows. With no questionable fishing…

09:17, 18.09.2015

Corneliu Vadim Tudor, back from the grave

Corneliu Vadim Tudor was buried with military honours yesterday, at the Ghencea Cememetry in Bucharest, with thousands of people attending the funeral.  Friends paid an emotional tribute to his memory…