Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:30, 12.02.2021

Justice Minister sends Gov't bill proposal for dismantling SIIJ

Justice Minister Stelian Ion announced having sent on Friday morning to the government the bill on the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ), emphasizing that the negative opinion…

20:45, 11.02.2021

CSM gives negative opinion on abolition of the Section for Justice Crimes Investigation

The plenum of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) gave a negative opinion on Thursday to the draft law on the abolition of the Section for Justice Crimes Investigation (SIIJ), sources from the CSM told AGERPRES.…

15:45, 04.02.2021

Another patient from Matei Bals Institute's section affected by fire has died

Another patient who had been admitted at the Matei Bals Epidemiology Institute, in the ward affected by the fire on Friday morning, January 29, has died on Thursday, the Ministry of Health announced. The patient…

16:16, 02.02.2021

Robert Fleckhammer, delegated as DIICOT section chief prosecutor, despite opposition by several NGOs

The Prosecutor's Section of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) decided on Tuesday to delegate Robert Fleckhammer as chief prosecutor of the Section for Combating Crimes of Terrorism and Cybercrime of the…

08:50, 22.01.2021

JusMin says not obsessing over undoing court section, not feather in his cap

Justice Minister Stelian Ion said on Thursday evening that he does not obsess over undoing the court section for investigation of judicial crimes (SIIJ), adding that he will not turn the issue into a feather in…

15:10, 23.12.2020

Governing programme/Judiciary - abolition of Section investigating magistrates; strengthening fight against corruption

The abolition of the Section investigating magistrates, the reorganization of the Judicial Inspection, the elimination of the early retirement scheme for magistrates and the strengthening of the fight against corruption…

08:55, 21.12.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: We will vote against dissolution of Section investigating magistrates

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu said Social Democrats will vote against the dissolution of the Section investigating magistrates. "We will definitely vote against [the dissolution of the Section…

19:45, 18.12.2020

Gov't opens dedicated Brexit section on its website

The Government has launched, on its website, the section "On the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union," which provides useful information on the changes that will take place in the relation…

11:05, 18.12.2020

Donald Trump, decizie controversată pe final de mandat: 'Voi respinge prin veto proiectul de lege a apărării, care ar face China foarte fericită'

Preşedintele american Donald Trump a anunţat că va respinge proiectul de lege a apărării, în valoare de 740 de miliarde de dolari, care stabileşte cheltuielile şi politica Pentagonului, unul dintre motive fiind…

10:35, 18.12.2020

Donald Trump a anunţat că va respinge proiectul de lege a apărării, de 740 de miliarde de dolari. Care este motivul

Preşedintele american Donald Trump a anunţat că va respinge proiectul de lege a apărării, în valoare de 740 de miliarde de dolari, care stabileşte cheltuielile şi politica Pentagonului, unul dintre motive fiind…

09:06, 16.12.2020

Mai multe companii de tehnologie, coaliţie pentru susţinerea beneficiilor unei legi americane care protejează companiile din sectorul internetului

Mai multe companii de tehnologie, între care Snap, Pinterest, Dropbox şi eBay, au anunţat, marţi, formarea unei coaliţii care va susţine beneficiile legii americane Section 230, care protejează de mai multe decenii…

08:50, 16.12.2020

Mai multe companii de tehnologie au format o coaliţie pentru o legislaţie americană care protejează companiile din sectorul internetului

Mai multe companii de tehnologie, între care Snap, Pinterest, Dropbox şi eBay, au anunţat, marţi, formarea unei coaliţii care va susţine beneficiile legii americane Section 230, care protejează de mai multe decenii…

21:30, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Voting in the country ends; more than 18,000 polling sections, closed

The polling stations organized in the country for the appointment of future deputies and senators have closed on Sunday, the electoral process coming to an end. Romanians in the country went to the polls on Sunday…

17:56, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ PM Orban: Next parliament must be representative for as large as possible sections of society

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban urged Romanians to turn out to the polls, on Sunday, emphasizing that "the next Parliament must be representative for as large as possible sections of society", according to AGERPRES.…

18:00, 03.12.2020

DefMin Ciuca: Military Hospital in Craiova to be regional anti-COVID-19 vaccination centre

The Military Hospital in Craiova will become a regional anti-COVID-19 vaccination centre, Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca said in a message posted on Facebook. He added that he visited, on Thursday, a section of…

14:01, 16.11.2020

Record number of COVID-19 patients in ICU sections: 1,187, admitted to medical units: 13,467

Aa many as 13,467 people with COVID-19 are admitted to health facilities, of which 1,187 are in Intensive Care units, the Strategic Communication Group reported on Monday. On the territory of Romania, 47,397 people…

08:21, 16.11.2020

Piatra Neamt fire/ DSP: ICU section was reconfigured on fire day without seeking opinion

The Directorate of Public Health (DSP) Neamt management said, on Sunday evening, in a press release submitted to AGERPRES, that the ICU section of the Piatra-Neamt County Emergency Hospital was reconfigured on…

15:05, 13.11.2020

HealthMin says capacity of ICU sections has not been exceeded and that it will be increased

Health Minister Nelu Tataru said on Friday that the capacity of the ICU sections had not been exceeded and that it would be increased, with a daily assessment of the number of beds and patients in need of intensive…

17:30, 11.11.2020

Un afacerist a murit după ce s-a împiedicat, iar o sticlă spartă i-a secţionat carotida

Administratorul unei firme din municipiul Arad a decedat, miercuri după-amiază, în timp ce manipula o bucată mare de sticlă, care s-a spart şi i-a secţionat carotida.Accidentul a avut loc la o firmă care comercializează…

16:25, 29.10.2020

Romanian short film 'Contraindications', by Lucia Chicos, awarded in Cinefondation section, Cannes 2020

The Romanian short film Contraindicatii/Contraindications, directed by Lucia Chicos, was awarded 3rd prize in the Cinefondation section of the Cannes Film Festival, organized this year in the form of a mini-edition…

15:01, 15.10.2020

"Colectiv" documentary, Romania's proposal for 2021 Oscars

"Colectiv", a documentary about the fire that ravaged the 'Colectiv' Bucharest club, directed by Alexander Nanau, is Romania's proposal for the 2021 Oscars, the "best international feature film" section, formerly…

21:11, 30.09.2020

JusMin Predoiu: Amendment of Justice laws - in public debate until March 31, 2021

Justice Minister, Catalin Predoiu, announced the start of the public debate, to last until March 31, 2021, of the proposals to amend the Justice laws - Law 303/2004 regarding the status of judges and prosecutors,…

13:30, 15.09.2020

PM Orban on M5 metro line: Very important to Bucharest; we will not stop here

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that the commissioning of the Eroilor - Drumul Taberei subway section is very important to the city of Bucharest and all subsequent work will be carried out at a higher…

11:30, 15.09.2020

M5 metro line to open to public today, after 14:00hrs

The M5 Bucharest Metro line Raul Doamnei - Eroilor section, including Valea Ialomitei will become operational for the public today after 14:00hrs, according to a press statement released by Metrorex. The Raul Doamnei…

18:56, 18.08.2020

Iohannis: We have several important sections of motorway prepared to be included in EU-funded projects

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that he discussed with Prime Minister Orban and members of the Government the drawing up of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, noting that there are several important…

12:51, 18.08.2020

PM Orban: Bucharest ring road is vital, works in progress since the beginning of the PNL government

The Bucharest ring road is vital, and the government has set to sign all the design and execution contracts on the four northern sections by the end of 2020 and begin and continue construction works on the three…

15:11, 12.08.2020

Integrity watchdog opens dedicated webpage section, updates list of integrity-challenged candidates

The National Integrity Agency (ANI) announced on Wednesday having opened a special section on its website dedicated to this September local elections to increase the level of transparency and prevent incompatibilities…

19:33, 07.07.2020

Constitutional Court upholds challenge to competences of Section for magistrates' investigation and its chief prosecutor

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) upheld on Tuesday by a majority vote a constitutional challenge regarding the provisions of Law No. 304/2004 on judicial organization that concern the competences of the…

15:39, 15.06.2020

European Film Festival to continue June 17-21 on unlimited.tiff.ro

The European Film Festival (FFE) continues June 17-21 on the video streaming platform of the Transylvania International Film Festival (unlimited.tiff.ro) with the streaming of 25 European short films from the EU…

22:07, 02.06.2020

Grenadă de mână cu focosul secţionat, descoperită într-o gospodarie din Botoșani

O grenadă de mâna defensivă cu focosul secţionat a fost descoperită, marţi, într-o gospodărie din comuna Vorona, a anunţat purtătorul de cuvânt al Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (ISU) Botoşani, Dorina…