Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:20, 18.05.2024

NATOs Geoana: Voting system in Romania is the most primitive in the entire Europe

NATO's Geoana: Voting system in Romania is the most primitive in the entire Europe

The voting system in Romania is the most primitive in all of Europe, NATO deputy secretary general Mircea Geoana said on Saturday at the Romanian Students' Congress, which took place at the Parliament Palace.

13:20, 16.08.2023

PM Ciolacu: Tax exemption elimination to be done gradually, no changes on anything working

PM Ciolacu: Tax exemption elimination to be done gradually, no changes on anything workingPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that the elimination of tax exemptions, a measure considered by the Government in beneficiary…

13:20, 16.08.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romania can develop to its true potential by encouraging young people to get involved

PM Ciolacu: Romania can develop to its true potential by encouraging young people to get involvedRomania can develop to its true potential only by encouraging young people to get involved, by promoting and supporting…

16:55, 28.12.2022

PM, representatives of League of Romanian Students Abroad discuss study equivalency

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met, on Wednesday, at the Victoria Palace, with representatives of the League of Romanian Students Abroad, Paris branch, in the context of which they talked about the equivalency of…

16:56, 06.12.2022

League of Romanian Students Abroad, Italian branch, organises 'The Future of European Political Movements' debate

The League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS), the Italian branch, will organise on Wednesday the webinar titled "The Future of European Political Movements", a debate about the importance of democracy in European…

14:50, 26.10.2022

UniFEST, largest student festival, between November 4 - 14, in eight cities in the country

The UniFEST project, the largest student festival organized by the Romanian Students' Union, will take place between November 4-14 in Arad, Oradea, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Iasi, Suceava and Bucharest,…

20:01, 01.02.2022

Union of Students of Romania, League of Romanian Students Abroad launch "Critical Mass" project

The Union of Students of Romania, together with the League of Romanian Students Abroad, announce the launching of the "Critical Mass" project, dedicated to stakeholders at the national level, European agencies,…

16:05, 26.08.2021

Laszlo Borbely, to Forum of Romanian Students Abroad: We need unity through diversity, the voice of students

Over 100 Romanian students from all over the world gathered on Thursday for a forum in Bucharest, to debate and draw up for five days, proposals in the public areas of education and youth, work and economics, development…

18:25, 02.12.2020

EduMin Anisie, League of Romanian Students Abroad sign agreement to promote Romania's image

Romania's Minister of Education and Research Monica Anisie and Chairman of the League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS) Robert Stredie signed on Wednesday a collaboration agreement whose main objective is to promote…

08:10, 02.12.2020


1845 - Establishment, in Paris, of the Society of Romanian Students, with Ion Ghica, C.A. Rosetti and Scarlat Varnav among member personalities 1911 - Birth of writer Ieronim Serbu (d. December 8, 1972) 1927 -…

20:45, 15.09.2020

Partnership Agreement between AEP and League of Romanian Students Abroad

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) concluded On Tuesday a partnership agreement with the League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS).The provisions of the agreement aim at carrying out actions and projects developed…

14:57, 23.06.2019

Day of Romanian Blouse, from Tara Nasaudului to Rome

Two traditional costumes originating from northeastern Tara Nasaudului from a collection belonging to a Bistrita woman fascinated with the traditional clothing beauty, Silvia-Florea Toth, will be admired on Monday,…

09:27, 09.01.2019

President Iohannis: Romania loses when a young person doesn't find opportunities at home

Romania stands to lose each time a young person doesn't find at home the professional and personal opportunities they are looking for, President Klaus Iohannis says in his message on Tuesday on the occasion of…

15:44, 06.11.2017

Overseas Romanians qualify for 6.9 million lei under Start Up 4 Diaspora project

The overseas Romanians may access funds for the establishment of non-agricultural businesses in the urban area of the North-East, South-East and South-Muntenia regions of Romania under the Start Up 4 Diaspora project,…

11:04, 24.12.2016

Tradiţii româneşti promovate la Colegiul “Alexandru cel Bun”

Miercuri, 14 decembrie 2016, în aula Colegiului "Alexandru cel Bun" din Gura Humorului, s-a desfăşurat activitatea Tradiţii româneşti, organizată de cei şase elevi ambasadori Global Confederation of Romanian Students…

21:07, 01.12.2016

Prezentul suna bine pentru studenții romani

Apar noi explicații pentru motivul creșterii imense a numărului românilor care își continuă studiile universitare în străinătate. Mai nou, studenții români reușesc să se organizeze foarte bine în sindicate. Însă…

00:04, 28.07.2015

„Tinerii merită...“, o campanie care a ajuns şi în Piaţa Unirii din Focşani

Campania ,,Tinerii meritã..." a ajuns sâmbătă în Piaţa Unirii din Focşani. Este o campanie organizată de GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change. Campania este finanţată de Uniunea Europeană prin programul…

00:00, 16.12.2014

GALERIE FOTO: Cadouri pentru copiii de la Spitalul Panciu

Primarul oraşului Panciu Iulian Nica, împreună cu elevele Georgiana Blăgan, Sorina Constandache, Andreea Caragață, Raluca Vlad şi Cristina Maria Apostu, de la Liceul Teoretic „Ioan Slavici“, voluntare Global Confederation…

00:00, 03.12.2014

Bal caritabil pentru o fetiță bolnavă din Motru

Recent, o echipă de 20 elevi membri ai ONG-ului Global Confederation of Romanian Students, împreună cu cei doi profesori coordonatori Negrea Nicolae și Pop Melania și managerul de proiect Delia Ionete, au organizat…

10:00, 21.11.2014

Competiţie de fotbal în scop caritabil, la Liceul cu Program Sportiv din Focşani

Proiectul  “O viaţă mai sănătoasă prin sport” se află la prima ediţie şi este realizat cu spirjinul unor tineri din liceele vrâncene, membri ai Organizaţiei Global Confederation of Romanian Students. Prin…

15:45, 19.08.2014

G.C.R.S. lansează competiţia „Rucsacul cu proiecte“

Stockholm, 13 August 2014. Studentii Romani de pe Mapamond – Global Confederation of Romanian Students (G.C.R.S.), in colaborare cu 10 pensiuni montane din Romania, organizeaza in perioada 02 august – 20 octombrie…

11:24, 18.08.2014

Recompense pentru voluntari.G.C.R.S. lansează competiţia: Rucsacul cu proiecte

Studenţii Români de pe Mapamond – Global Confederation of Romanian Students (G.C.R.S.), în colaborare cu 10 pensiuni montane din România, organizează în perioada 02 august – 20 octombrie competiţia de proiecte…

14:00, 15.08.2014

Competiţie pentru studenţi: Rucsacul cu proiecte. Condiţii de participare şi premii

Conditii de participare Competitia se adreseaza elevilor si studentilor vorbitori de limba romana, membri ai Global Confederation of Romanian Students. Elevii si studentii interesati sunt incurajati sa creeze si…