Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:55, 21.11.2023

China bets on France in relations with EU

France should play a key role within the EU to ensure well-functioning relations between the bloc and China, Chinese President Xi Jinping told French counterpart Emmanuel Macron in a phone call on Monday where…

15:45, 20.11.2023

Romania remains an advocate of deepening relations between EU and Cabo Verde, president Iohannis says

Romania will remain an advocate of deepening relations between the European Union and Cabo Verde, president Klaus Iohannis said on Monday, while visiting the African state, the Presidential Administration informs.In…

15:11, 17.11.2023

Tanzania can count on Romania to promote and develop relations with the EU (president Iohannis)

Tanzania can count on Romania to promote and develop relations with the EU (president Iohannis)Tanzania can count on Romania to promote and develop relations with the European Union, president Klaus Iohannis said…

14:35, 14.11.2023

Conferința UniHack 5 – În explorarea Inteligenței Artificiale asupra societății

Liga AC (Liga Studenților din Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare a Universității Politehnica Timișoara) organizează Conferința UniHack 5 – “Understanding our Relationship with AI”, ce va avea loc joi, 16…

14:31, 14.11.2023

Studenţii UPT, faţă în faţă cu Inteligenţa Artificială într-un eveniment deosebit

Inteligenţa Artificială este tot mai prezentă în viaţa nostră şi influenţează societatea. Un eveniment ce studiază acest eveniment este gata să înceapă. Liga AC (Liga Studenților din Facultatea de Automatică și…

15:15, 06.11.2023

Odobescu meets Azerbaijani counterpart, reiterates Romania's support for full normalization of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations

Minister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu said on Monday, in a a joint statement with her visiting Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov, that Romania "firmly" supports the normalization of relations between…

10:40, 27.10.2023

Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 Islaz – un an de implementare a programului de reducere a abandonului școlar (PNRAS) / 30% dintre elevi și-au îmbunătățit competențele…

Social Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 Islaz – un an de implementare a programului de reducere a abandonului școlar (PNRAS) / 30% dintre elevi și-au îmbunătățit competențele de comunicare și relaționare octombrie 27, 2023…

14:05, 17.10.2023

Ciolacu, in Israel: Romania - steadfastin its relations in Middle East, we maintain our attitude of peace promoters

Romania remains a steadfast state in its relations in the Middle East and maintains its attitude of peace promoter, but will unconditionally stand by its allies in difficult moments, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu…

15:45, 02.09.2023

Lucian Bode a apelat la seniorii PNL pentru relaționarea partidului cu cetățenii de vârsta a treia

Lucian Bode, vicepreședinte al Camerei Deputaților, a participat la deschiderea lucrărilor Școlii de Vară a Organizației Seniorilor din PNL.Vicepreședintele PNL a ținut să le mulțumească seniorilor din PNL pentru…

10:25, 01.09.2023

Scheduled events for September 1

Scheduled events for September 1PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION:- President Klaus Iohannis pays a visit to the Danube Delta, Tulcea County, on the occasion of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Day EXECUTIVE:- Prime…

15:05, 24.08.2023

Hungarian president pushes past Orban to reset Ukraine relations

Hungary’s president took the lead in trying to reset relations with Ukraine, meeting her counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a bid to push past Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Kremlin-friendly rhetoric, according…

21:25, 18.08.2023

Victor Ponta, appointed honorary advisor to PM Marcel Ciolacu in field of international economic relations

Former prime minister Victor Ponta has been appointed honorary advisor to Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu.He will advise the prime minister on international economic relations. The decision was published Friday in…

10:30, 02.08.2023

EU and Turkey discuss easing trade relations amid warmer ties

The European Union and Turkey are discussing an update of their customs union as part of the country’s process of re-engagement to regain the trust of European partners and investors, according to Bloomberg. “There…

13:55, 26.07.2023

Republic of Moldova to cut number of Russian diplomats over ‘hostile actions’

The Republic of Moldova is cutting the number of diplomats Russia can have in Chisinau, its foreign minister said on Wednesday, complaining about years of “hostile actions” by Moscow and noting a media report about…

11:31, 24.07.2023

Blinken says world is seeking responsible US-China relationship

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the rest of the world is eager to see a responsibly managed US-Chinese relationship and he urged China to do its part, according to Bloomberg. Blinken’s comment on CNN’s Fareed…

13:25, 14.07.2023

FOTO - Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: 'Romania - Bulgaria Strategic Partnership, a confirmation of the two states excellent relations'

Confirmation of the "excellent" relations between Romania and Bulgaria is given by the two states' Strategic Partnership agreed upon this March, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday, during a press statement…

08:10, 14.07.2023

Horoscop 14 iulie 2023. Capricorn, concentrați-vă pe rezolvarea problemelor organizaționale

BerbecEste puțin probabil ca ziua să fie lipsită de dificultăți și dezamăgiri. Din păcate, este posibil să întâmpinați probleme acolo unde vă așteptați cel mai puțin. Dar influența tendințelor pozitive va fi încă…

12:00, 10.07.2023

(AUDIO) Iași: Protest al angajaților Casei Județene de Asigurări de Sănătate

Angajaţii Caselor Județene de Asigurări de Sănătate, din toată ţara au protestat, astăzi, timp de două ore,  prin întreruperea lucrului. Nemulţumirea acestora vizează, în principal, nivelul de salarzare și lipsa…

17:45, 29.05.2023

ForMin Aurescu, Jordanian counterpart discuss bilateral relations, Middle East security in phone call

ForMin Aurescu, Jordanian counterpart discuss bilateral relations, Middle East security in phone call. Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Monday had a telephone conversation with his Jordanian counterpart…

22:11, 24.05.2023

PM Ciuca highlights special bilateral relations, in telephone conversation with his Canadian counterpart

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had, on Wednesday, a telephone conversation with his Canadian counterpart, Justin Trudeau, during which he highlighted the fact that the special relations between Romania and Canada…

20:20, 16.05.2023

PM Ciuca, Knesset Speaker discuss bilateral relation

PM Ciuca, Knesset Speaker discuss bilateral relation.Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met on Tuesday at the Victoria Governmental Palace with Amir Ohana, Speaker of Parliament of the State of Israel (Knesset), with…

17:30, 10.05.2023

Cărți care te ajută să-ți schimbi mindset-ul și să evoluezi atât pe plan emoțional, cât și relațional

Literatura psihologică are o gamă atât de elaborată de abordări, încât uneori devine foarte dificil să găsești exact volumul sau autorul care să vorbească așa cum sufletul tău are nevoie.

19:00, 03.05.2023

FinMin: Romania has good institutional relations with all international financial institutions

Romania has very good institutional relations with all international financial institutions, including the European Commission, the Monetary Fund and the World Bank, but this does not mean that it is preparing…

09:45, 02.05.2023

Poland to reinforce transatlantic relations during next Council of EU presidency

Poland wants to focus on strengthening the EU’s ties with the US during its next presidency in the Council of the EU in 2025, announced President Andrzej Duda on Monday, according to Euractiv. As Poland celebrates…

13:30, 28.04.2023

IPJ Ialomita:Daca ai abilitati de comunicare si relationare te asteptam sa te inscrii si tu!


18:40, 26.04.2023

MEP Eugen Tomac: I disapprove of Romanian govt's self-abasing attitude in relationship with Austria

Chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP), MEP Eugen Tomac, told a press conference in Craiova on Wednesday that he disapproves of the Romanian government's "self-abasing" attitude in the relationship with…

15:15, 26.04.2023

IntMin Bode: Minister Kraner's visit thaws bilateral relations between Romania and Austria

IntMin Bode: Minister Kraner's visit thaws bilateral relations between Romania and Austria.The minister of Internal Affairs, Lucian Bode, declared on Wednesday that at the meeting with the federal minister of the…

18:15, 22.04.2023

Iohannis, in Chile: There are promising prospects for expanding our bilateral relations

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Saturday that he agreed with his Chilean counterpart, Gabriel Boric, the development of cooperation between Romania and Chile in areas such as trade, investments, green energy,…

13:50, 06.04.2023

Sweden-Hungary ties at low point, Orban aide says, amid Stockholm NATO bid

Relations between Sweden and Hungary are at a low point, Prime Minister Viktor Orban‘s chief of staff said on Thursday, calling on Stockholm to take steps to boost confidence as it seeks Hungary’s backing for NATO…

15:55, 04.04.2023

Modul in care pasiunea pentru carti erotice iti poate influenta viata de cuplu

Literatura erotica este departe de a fi una superficiala, ea avand conotatii si implicatii profunde la nivel relational. Autorii de romane erotice reusesc sa creioneze povesti usor de parcurs, care starnesc in…