Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:35, 28.03.2023

Romania-India defense cooperation agreement, signed in New Delhi

The Romanian-Indian inter-governmental agreement on cooperation in the field of defense, a document that provides the basis for the development and consolidation of bilateral relations, through extensive cooperation,…

11:01, 23.03.2023

Russia says risk of nuclear conflict at highest level in decades

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday that the risk of a nuclear clash was at its highest level in decades, warning that Moscow was in a “de-facto” open conflict with Washington over…

14:00, 17.03.2023

President Iohannis to pay official visit to the United Arab Emirates, Saturday to Tuesday

President Klaus Iohannis will pay an official visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saturday to Tuesday, at the invitation of the President of the Emirates, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan."Further developing…

22:05, 13.03.2023

ForMin Aurescu - political consultations with Lithuanian counterpart; development of bilateral relations, situation in Ukraine discussed

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, had on Monday bilateral political consultations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Gabrielius Landsbergis, on the occasion of his official visit…

13:21, 04.03.2023

397 de clădiri urmează a fi consolidate cu fonduri naționale și europene

Ministrul Dezvoltării, Lucrărilor Publice şi Administraţiei, Cseke Attila, a declarat, sâmbătă, că un număr de 397 de clădiri ce urmează a fi consolidate beneficiază, în acest moment, de peste 6 miliarde de lei,…

11:11, 28.02.2023

Serbia, Kosovo agree no more talks needed on EU plan to normalize relations

The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo have agreed that no further talks are needed on an agreement to normalize relations between the two Balkan countries and expressed their readiness to continue with its implementation,…

11:26, 27.02.2023

Serbia, Kosovo leaders expected to endorse EU plan to normalise relations

Serbia and Kosovo are expected to endorse a deal to normalise strained relations at a high-level meeting in Brussels on Monday, despite efforts from Russia to meddle in the process, according to a senior EU official,…

17:15, 23.02.2023

Iulian Fota: Bystroe issue is not relevant for bilateral relations with Ukraine; we will settle it

The issue of the Bystroe Canal is not "relevant" for the bilateral relations between Romania and Ukraine and is not "defining" for this phase of the war, State Secretary with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Iulian…

11:45, 17.02.2023

Conferință adolescenți – înțelegerea adolescenților și modalități de relaționare

Spun specialistii ca dintotdeauna, generatia noua are tendinta de a opune rezistenta, de a contrazice valorile, opiniile generatiei "învechite", ale noastre, ale parintilor. E un semnal bun de crestere, de transformare,…

15:40, 15.02.2023

Psihoterapeutul Florentina Niculescu vorbește buzoienilor despre „Relaționarea sănătoasă cu corpul”

Al doilea eveniment dedicat sănătății emoționale este pus la cale  de Primăria Buzău prin Centrul Cultural și Educațional „Alexandru Marghiloman”, la Centrul Iazul Morilor, sâmbătă, 18 februarie. Este vorba despre…

13:30, 15.02.2023

Psihoterapeutul Florentina Niculescu vorbește buzoienilor despre „Relaționarea sănătoasă cu corpul”

Al doilea eveniment dedicat sănătății emoționale este pus la cale  de Primăria Buzău prin Centrul Cultural și Educațional „Alexandru Marghiloman”, la Centrul Iazul Morilor, sâmbătă, 18 februarie. Este vorba despre…

07:51, 15.02.2023

O relaţie nu înseamnă să renunţi la fericire „de gura lumii”

Putem trăi şi singuri, dar menirea noastră este una socială, relaţională, suntem genetic construiţi pentru interacţiune. Relaţionarea este unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri care ne definesc ca fiinţe umane,…

23:55, 14.02.2023

Speaker Ciolacu: Romania's relationship with the U.S. is strong, will continue to develop

Romania and the U.S. have a strong bilateral relationship that will continue to develop especially in the fields of security, energy and investments, was the main message conveyed by Chamber of Deputies Speaker…

15:20, 23.01.2023

Russia and NATO member Estonia expel envoys, downgrade relations

Russia said on Monday it was downgrading diplomatic relations with NATO member Estonia, accusing it of “total Russophobia”, and Tallinn responded by telling Moscow’s envoy to the Baltic nation to leave, according…

15:25, 18.01.2023

ForMin Aurescu - Polish counterpart phone talk on bilateral relations and Romania's accession to Schengen

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu had a telephone conversation, on Wednesday, with his Polish counterpart, Zbigniew Rau, on bilateral relations, with the head of the Romanian diplomacy conveying thanks,…

15:45, 17.12.2022

President Iohannis welcomes excellent level of bilateral relations in meeting with Azerbaijan counterpart

President Klaus Iohannis had talks on Saturday with his counterpart from Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, on which occasion the Romanian head of state welcomed the excellent level of bilateral relations and conveyed Romania's…

22:26, 08.12.2022

Austria's ambassador, summoned to MAE: The unjustified, unfriendly attitude to produce inevitable consequences on bilateral relations

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, ordered the summoning of the ambassador of the Republic of Austria in Bucharest, on Thursday evening, to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE),…

14:11, 21.11.2022

Horoscop pentru saptamana 21 - 27 noiembrie 2022. Previziuni astrale pentru fiecare zodie in parte

BerbecEste nevoie sa acorzi timp si resurse achitarii facturilor, taxelor sau altor tipuri de datorii. Relationare cu specialisti in finante banci este binevenita, pentru ca poti afla informatii pretioase referitoare…

13:40, 10.11.2022

PM Ciuca: New border point with Ukraine confirms the relations and solidarity between our countries

The opening of a new border crossing point between Romania and Ukraine represents a significant event that confirms the relations and solidarity between the two countries, and in these tragic moments that the Ukrainian…

16:51, 03.11.2022

Capsulele de Teatru și Deșteptări Ideo Ideis și-au încheiat traseul prin țară

În perioada 24 – 29 octombrie adolescenții din Galați și Brăila au participat la o serie de ateliere de dezvoltare personală prin teatru, dans și mentorat desfășurate în cadrul proiectului „Capsule de Teatru și…

16:45, 03.11.2022

US Charge d'Affairs Muniz expresses desire to further see US-Romania relationship increase

Charge d'Affairs of the US Embassy in Bucharest David Muniz told a US - Romania Business Bridges via Timisoara regional conference, on Thursday, organized by AmCham, that the US wants to have a growing relationship…

20:16, 02.11.2022

Iohannis:Entrepreneurial milieu continues to prove its resilience,flexibility in relation to the difficult period we are going through

President Klaus Iohannis says that the entrepreneurial milieu remains an essential engine of Romania's economic growth and continues to prove its resilience and flexibility in relation to the difficult period we…

16:06, 26.10.2022

Horoscop 27 octombrie 2022. Astrologii vă sfătuiesc să fiţi mai atenţi la relaţionarea cu cei din jur, nativii sunt influențați de Jupiter retrograd!

Deși nativii zodiacului cred că au totul sub control, în ziua de 27 octombrie 2022 aflați că unele detalii importante le-ați omis pe drum. Ar trebui să fiți mult mai atenți la ce se întâmplă în jurul vostru și…

08:40, 20.10.2022

Romania-Croatia Business Forum, on anniversary of 30 years of diplomatic relations between the two states

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest, together with Lifestyle Check IN from Split, is organizing the Romania-Croatia Business Forum on Thursday, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic…

06:01, 10.10.2022

Tânăra care învață adulții să fie părinți și vindecă copiii de traume prin comunicare relațională

Corina Lupu organizează huburi, tabere urbane și workshopuri-maraton în școli pentru a-i conștientiza pe copiii și părinți despre importanța relației dintre ei și despre cum o vindecă de credințe limitative, mesaje…

09:46, 06.10.2022

INTERVIEW/Israel's Ambassador:Unique relationship in the field of security with Romania, a country seen stable, secure by Israelis

The Ambassador of Israel in Bucharest, Reuven Azar, gave an interview to the AGERPRES National Press Agency, at the beginning of his mandate, in which he talks about the perspectives of collaboration with Romania…

12:36, 28.09.2022

PM Ciuca: Green energy, digitalization, intelligent transport - future of Romanian-Japanese economic relations

Investments in green energy, digitalization and intelligent transport represent the future of Romanian-Japanese economic relations, says Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:25, 26.09.2022

PM Ciuca: Elevating Romanian-Japanese relations to strategic partnership level - an opportune political act in the current context

Elevating relations between Romania and Japan to the level of strategic partnership represents an "opportune" political act in the current international context, and this step is a symbol of the recognition of…

10:55, 21.09.2022

Iohannis urges to caution in relation to 2023 budget, given current complicated context

The budget priorities are the same as they have been so far, namely development, investments, sustainability, pensions, salaries and a decent living, President Iohannis said on Tuesday, stressing that, in the current…

12:06, 20.09.2022

90 years of Romanian-Maltese diplomatic relations postage stamp lauch, in presence of Ambassador of Sovereign Order of Malta

Romfilatelia launched an issue of postage stamps dedicated to the anniversary of 90 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and the Sovereign Order of Malta, which was presented on Monday by the Ambassador…