Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:30, 15.09.2022

Iohannis: Meeting of National Theaters emphasizes fraternity, solidarity underpinning relations between Romania-Rep. of Moldova

The Meeting of the Romanian National Theaters emphasizes the fraternity and solidarity underpinning the relations between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, states built on the common foundation of Romanian culture…

15:00, 01.09.2022

180 NGOs demand for a 16-year limit for valid consent in sexual relations with minors

As many as 180 nongovernmental organizations demand the deputies, in an open letter, to introduce into the law the age limit of 16 years for valid consent in the case of sexual relations with minors, a release…

13:20, 08.08.2022

Senate acting president, South-Korean parliamentary delegation address improving bilateral relations

The Senate's acting president, Alina Gorghiu, had a meeting on Monday with a delegation from the Republic of Korea, led by the president of the South-Korean Parliament, Kim Jin-pyo, discussions being focused on…

21:50, 03.08.2022

PMP Neamț până la capăt alături de Ionel Arsene

PMP Neamț face parte dintr-o alianță majoritară, realizată in jurul PSD  și al președintelui ales al Consiliului Județean,  care functioneaza fără sincope și își demonstrează eficiența atât la nivelul Consiliului…

18:50, 03.08.2022

Senate's Gorghiu, ambassador Nizami, about Azerbaijan's role in consolidating European energy security

The Senate's acting president, Alina Gorghiu, received the ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Romania, Najafov Huseyn Nizami, on Wednesday, for a curtesy visit, the two addressing the stage and development…

16:36, 03.08.2022

Comunicat de presă: “PMP Neamț a fost și va rămâne un partener corect pentru toate formațiunile politice”

PMP Neamț face parte dintr-o alianță majoritară, realizată in jurul PSD  și al președintelui ales al Consiliului Județean,  care functioneaza fără sincope și își demonstrează eficiența atât la nivelul Consiliului…

19:15, 02.08.2022

Senate's Gorghiu: Romania-Germany bilateral relation, a very good political dialogue

The Senate's acting president, Alina Gorghiu, received the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Romania, Peer Gebauer, on Tuesday, context in which the Romanian dignitary highlighted the special importance…

18:55, 26.07.2022

AGERPRES - ANSA collaboration protocol signed in Bucharest; Italian Ambassador: Instrument bringing value to bilateral relations

AGERPRES Romanian National News Agency and ANSA (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata) signed on Tuesday a collaboration protocol, the main purpose of this being the exchange of news between the two agencies. Fii…

12:55, 14.07.2022

PM Ciucă: Romania and France, at a three-decade high relationship

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă said, on Thursday, on the occasion of Bastille Day, the bilateral relationship between Romania and France is at a three-decade high, ever since our countries share the same values and…

11:40, 14.07.2022

PM Ciuca: Relationship between Romania and France, at a three-decade high

The bilateral relationship between Romania and France is at a three-decade high, ever since our countries share the same values and principles, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, on the occasion of…

21:31, 24.06.2022

Geoana on upcoming NATO Summit in Madrid: Good news in store for Romania, Ukraine, transatlantic relationship

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said on Friday in Cluj-Napoca that the upcoming NATO Summit in Madrid (June 28-30) will be a historic one which will bring good news for Romania but also for Ukraine,…

18:05, 19.06.2022

In a Relationship | Ultima vacanță de vară înainte de clasa a XII-a. „Mă gândesc doar la cât stres și zile negre mă așteaptă”

Elevii care tocmai au participat la festivitățile de încheiere a clasei a XI-a au intrat în ultima lor vacanță de vară înainte de încheierea liceului și de bacalaureat. Pentru mulți dintre ei este și prima vacanță…

17:20, 09.06.2022

Senate President, ambassador of Palestine in Bucharest discuss current state of bilateral relations

Senate President Florin Citu received on Thursday Issam Tawfiq Masalha, ambassador of Palestine in Bucharest, with the two officials addressing the current state of the Romanian-Palestinian bilateral relations,…

11:41, 08.06.2022

Oraşul Străşeni va introduce o aplicaţie de relaţionare SMART cu locuitorii

Administrația publică din oraşul Strășeni, din luna iunie, va pune la dispoziția tuturor locuitorilor o aplicație mobilă prin care aceștia se pot implica în soluționarea problemelor la nivel de comunitate și pot…

08:06, 31.05.2022

„Vreau să am dreptate” duce la sabotare personală și relațională

​​​​​​​Psihicul nostru este nativ înzestrat cu dorința de a găsi în interiorul și în exteriorul nostru argumente pentru a dovedi că „avem dreptate”, atunci când credem un anume aspect. Dacă avem convingerea că…

16:45, 26.05.2022

Senate President, ambassador of Republic of Korea address boosting political contacts, commercial relations, investments

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, received Rim Kap-soo, the ambassador of the Korean Republic in Bucharest, on Thursday, for a presentation visit, the Romanian dignitary highlighting his interest for boosting…

15:46, 13.05.2022

ForMin Aurescu - meeting with Nigerian counterpart: Romania, fully committed to developing relations with Nigeria

Romania is fully committed to developing relations with the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu said, on Friday, mentioning that he also discussed with his counterpart, Geoffrey…

15:35, 13.05.2022

Nigerian Foreign Minister: We want to have stronger relationship with Romania

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Geoffrey Onyeama, declared on Friday that his country wants "a stronger relationship" with Romania and the revitalization of the joint economic commission…

12:05, 01.05.2022

IN A RELATIONSHIP | Cauze ale plagiatului: exemplul altor elevi, toleranța profesorilor și teama de note mici

Care sunt situațiile în care copiatul devine acceptabil și când este blamat? Psihoterapeuta Silvia Guță explică care sunt gândurile și emoțiile asociate cu copiatul, după ce, într-un articol anterior, a analizat…

15:15, 28.04.2022

PSD's Ciolacu: Romania, Ukraine relations - new very advantageous stage for the two nations

The Chairman of PSD (Social Democratic Party), Marcel Ciolacu, on Thursday stated that the bilateral relations between Romania and Ukraine have entered a new stage, "very advantageous for the two nations." Fii…

12:30, 28.04.2022

Romania sets up main points of accession to OECD

Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that a meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Coordination of Romania's Relations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development…

11:05, 17.04.2022

IN A RELATIONSHIP. 5 întrebări pe care și le pun tinerii români în fața războiului din Ucraina: „De ce simt că nimic nu mai are rost?”

După o perioadă de pauză, rubrica In a Relationship , publicată în colaborare cu Fundația Friends For Friends , revine cu o serie de observații despre felul în care tinerii români au fost influențați de evenimentele…

18:55, 14.04.2022

Kelemen Hunor: 'UDMR will strengthen partnership with FIDESZ, we want Romanian-Hungarian relations to have accentuated development'

The chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), Kelemen Hunor, stated, on Thursday, in Cluj-Napoca, that his formation will strengthen relations with FIDESZ, the party that won the elections in…

20:30, 13.04.2022

EnerMin Popescu: 'Strenghtening bilateral relations between Romania and Israel, especially in energy, important desideratum'

Strengthening bilateral relations between Romania and Israel, especially in the field of energy, is an important desideratum to achieve, believes Energy Minister Virgil Popescu, who conducted a working visit to…

16:55, 03.04.2022

Foreign Ministry hails 55 years of Romania - Canada diplomatic relations

The Foreign Affairs Ministry hails the 55th anniversary, on April 3, 2022, of the establishment of Romanian-Canadian diplomatic relations, at embassy level, emphasising that the two countries share common goals…

13:00, 03.04.2022

Klaus Iohannis: I will continue to strongly support the consolidation of the transatlantic relation, NATO's column

President Klaus Iohannis says in a message on the occasion of NATO Day that he would continue to strongly support the consolidation of the transatlantic relation, which he sees as the spinal column of the Alliance…

17:15, 16.03.2022

55 tonnes of humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees in Republic of Moldova, sent to Chisinau

A 55-tonne donation of humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees in the Republic of Moldova have reached, on Wednesday, Chisinau, announces the Department for the Relation with the Republic of Moldova (DRRM). Fii…

15:00, 14.03.2022

Safe humanitarian corridor on Siret-Chernivtsi relationship opened, two others in discussion, Red Cross says

The Managing Director of the Romanian Red Cross, Ioan Silviu Lefter, said that following the discussions held with the Romanian and Ukrainian authorities, a safe humanitarian corridor on the Siret-Chernivtsi relationship…

18:50, 22.02.2022

FinMin: Drawing investments and developing economic relations with US, strategic goals for Romania

Drawing investments and developing economic relations with the US represent two strategic points that should be capitalised on in the coming period, Finance Minister Adrian Caciu said at the meeting with members…

19:20, 21.02.2022

'100 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Japan' exhibition, at National Museum of History as of Wednesday

An exhibition entitled "100 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Japan" is set to open on Wednesday, at 4.30 pm, at the National Museum of History of Romania. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…