Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:25, 14.02.2022

PSD's Ciolacu: I do not have a partnership with President Iohannis, I have an institutional relationship

National chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu says he does not have a partnership with President Klaus Iohannis, but an "institutional" relationship and discusses with him Romania's legislative…

16:00, 06.02.2022

IN A RELATIONSHIP | Amintiri despre copiat. Care sunt rădăcinile plagiatului? „În clasa a-II-a, aveam un test și colega de bancă scria încontinuu”

Ultimii ani au adus în spațiul public o serie de conflicte și scandaluri legate de un tip de abuz cu nume ciudat: plagiatul. Astăzi ne vom opri asupra rădăcinilor plagiatului, într-un efort de a înțelege procesul…

20:25, 02.02.2022

Jean-Yves Le Drian: The challenge of a generation - re-establishing stability and predictability relation with Russia

One of the greatest challenges is to re-establish a relation of stability and predictability with Russia, said, on Wednesday, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, from the rostrum of the…

21:50, 01.02.2022

Minister Aurescu reiterates Romania's support for Ukraine's sovereignty after 30 years of bilateral diplomatic relations

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Tuesday reiterated Romania's support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as for the state's right to freely decide the course of its foreign and…

21:55, 26.01.2022

DefMin Dincu, ambassador Lang discuss Romania-Poland defence co-operation on NATO's eastern flank

Romania's Defence Minister Vasile Dincu had a meeting on Wednesday with Maciej Lang, the ambassador of Poland to Romania, to highlight the consistency of the defence co-operation between Romania and Poland, mentioning…

18:10, 14.01.2022

In Brest, ForMin Aurescu addresses EU-China relations, recent developments in Mali

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Friday attended the second day of the informal Gymnich-type meeting of EU foreign ministers organised by the European External Action Service and the French Presidency…

08:45, 12.01.2022

Governing running well, relation with PM is very good (PNL's Citu)

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Florin Citu, stated on Tuesday evening, at public broadcaster TVR1, that, until this time, the current Government has done its job, and his relation with Prime…

17:45, 10.01.2022

Aurescu - meeting with his Pakistani counterpart: We begin new chapter in the bilateral relationship

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said in a joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi, on Monday that "a new chapter" in the relationship between the two countries…

17:35, 10.01.2022

Senate: Privileged nature of Romanian-Japanese relations, highlighted in meeting between Citu, Ambassador Hiroshi Ueda

The recent Romanian-Japanese collaboration, the consistency of the political-diplomatic dialogue and the privileged nature of the relations between Romania and Japan were noticed, on Monday, during the meeting…

13:50, 10.01.2022

Prime Minister Ciuca, Pakistani Foreign Minister - talks on prospects for expanding bilateral relations

Prospects for expanding and consolidating Romanian-Pakistani bilateral relations were on Monday's agenda of talks at Victoria Palace of Government between Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and Foreign Minister of Pakistan…

10:31, 30.12.2021

EU has “cognitive split” in its China policy says senior Chinese diplomat

Europe has a “cognitive split” in its policy towards China by trying to both be a partner and also seeing it as an opponent, Wang Yi, state councillor and foreign minister, said in an interview with state media…

13:15, 26.12.2021

IN A RELATIONSHIP | Ce își doresc tinerii de Crăciun: iubire de sine, încredere și curaj. „Lucrurile materiale le cumpărăm în timp”

După o lună plină de discuții pe marginea campaniei PĂI, ȘI EU? lansată de In a Relationship , subiectul vaccinării copiilor și adolescenților este în continuare motiv de dezbateri publice. Deocamdată, însă, spiritul…

19:51, 16.12.2021

Oradea Bishop attends festivities marking 100 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Japan

His Grace Bishop Sofronie of Oradea attended the festivities marking 100 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Japan organized at the Medieval Fortress of Oradea by the Embassy of Japan to Romania on…

13:01, 15.12.2021

Russia, China stand together as U.S., EU worry about Ukraine threat

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping held a video call on Wednesday to discuss bilateral relations and made a show of solidarity amid rising tensions between Moscow and the West over fears…

13:50, 09.12.2021

Moldovan PM Gavrilita: Romania helped Moldova through most difficult times, pandemic and energy crisis

Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Natalia Gavrilita on Thursday stated, after the meeting with her Romanian counterpart, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, that Romania stood by the side of Moldova in the most…

19:46, 07.12.2021

Culture Minister, Japanese ambassador discuss marking 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations

Cultural cooperation possibilities by organizing actions to mark the 100th anniversary this year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and Japan were on the agenda of today's meeting of Culture…

15:05, 07.12.2021

Cristian Diaconescu (PMP) vrea o colaborarea cu partidul conservator GERB, condus de fostul premier bulgar Boyko Borisov

Cristian Diaconescu, președintele PMP, a avut o întrevedere cu Boyko Borisov la reuniunea The future Of Transatlantic relation de la Sofia. „În marja reuniunii "The future Of Transatlantic relation" de la Sofia,…

09:00, 06.12.2021

Ciolacu: I don't get involved in the governing act; I'm not going to Gov't to make appointments

The chairman of Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, declared that he has a very good institutional relationship with the Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, specifying that he is a party leader who "does not…

12:06, 05.12.2021

IN A RELATIONSHIP | „PĂI, ȘI EU?” întrebarea adolescenților, atunci când lumea se împarte între vacciniști și nevacciniști

In a Relationship a lansat PĂI, ȘI EU? , o campanie de conștientizare a agresiunilor la care sunt expuși tinerii în contextul pandemiei, atât în relațiile lor apropiate, cât și în cadrul școlii. PĂI, ȘI EU? ajută…

13:35, 30.11.2021

Studiu CIA despre relaţionarea lui Donald Trump cu comunitatea americană de informaţii: „Un succes limitat”

Comunitatea de informaţii americană a întâmpinat dificultăţi în a-l pune la curent pe fostul preşedinte Donald Trump înainte de învestire, obţinând un „succes limitat” în ce priveşte informarea cu privire la chestiunile…

18:00, 29.11.2021

Russian Ambassador for December 1: Russia is interested in maintaining pragmatic good neighbour relations with Romania

Russia is interested in maintaining pragmatic good neighbour relations, of reciprocal advantage, with Romania, stability and security in the Black Sea region, based on the existing regional formats to consolidate…

18:35, 15.11.2021

Accesul în sediul Companiei de Apă, doar cu certificat verde

Compania de Apă S.A informează că, începând de luni, 15 noiembrie 2021, activitatea de Relaționare cu Clienții se va realiza, inclusiv la sediul Biroului Unic din municipiul Buzău, în intervalul orar 08.00 – 16.00,…

16:50, 11.11.2021

Romanian Orthodox Diocese supports Spain’s Health Ministry to fight against the pandemic

The Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Spain and Portugal had a meeting with representatives of the Spanish state on combating the pandemic on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. His Grace Bishop Timotei welcomed the Director-General…

14:30, 29.10.2021

The Turkish Republic at 98 years: Strategic Partner and Ally in Good Neighbourliness

The Republic of Turkey celebrates its 98th anniversary today. This happy occasion encourages us to have an overview of the Republic’s diplomacy, its evolution throughout a century-long journey, as well as the guidelines…

18:01, 25.10.2021

Comunicat: Compania de Apă, măsuri de prevenire și combatere a efectelor pandemiei

În vederea respectării măsurilor de prevenire și combatere a efectelor pandemiei de COVID – 19 și în contextul H.G. 1050/2021, vă informăm că activitatea de Relaționare cu Clienții a Companiei de Apă Buzău se va…

17:56, 25.10.2021

Comnicat: Compania de Apă, măsuri de prevenire și combatere a efectelor pandemiei

În vederea respectării măsurilor de prevenire și combatere a efectelor pandemiei de COVID – 19 și în contextul H.G. 1050/2021, vă informăm că activitatea de Relaționare cu Clienții a Companiei de Apă Buzău se va…

17:00, 25.10.2021

ANUNȚ de ultimă oră! Decizia radicală a Companiei de Apă, după noile măsuri anti-COVID

Conducerea Companiei de Apă a decis să nu mai permită accesul publicului în sediul de pe strada Spiru Haret, în contextul noilor măsuri de protecție anti-COVID. Relația cu clienții se va realiza exclusiv telefonic…

13:25, 25.10.2021

Iohannis: Through his life, King Mihai shows no one is too young to prove love of country

Through his life spent in faith, dedication and sacrifice, King Mihai shows us that no one is too young to prove his love of country and never too old to serve it, President Klaus Iohannis said in a Monday's message…

12:05, 17.10.2021

„Să ne uităm la loja CFR-ului” » Acuzații tari: „Nelu Varga are 3 Gigi Becali în spate, e sprijinit relațional”

Jurnalistul Liviu Alexa, patron la clubul de Liga 4 Victoria Cluj și fost președinte PSD Cluj, susține că Nelu Varga, patronul campioanei CFR Cluj, are „3 Gigi Becali în spate”, numind 3 oameni din sfera politică. …

16:20, 06.10.2021

CCIR calls relationship with US priority from many points of view

Relationship with the US is a priority with CCIR from many points of view, as the US is the country with the highest density of multinationals, which offers investors a huge potential to penetrate other markets,…