Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:41, 19.06.2024

Economic cooperation importance, as pillar of bilateral relationship, addressed by PM Ciolacu, Italian president Mattarella

Economic cooperation importance, as pillar of bilateral relationship, addressed by PM Ciolacu, Italian president Mattarella

The importance of economic cooperation as a pillar of the bilateral relationship between Romania and Italy was highlighted by prime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Wednesday, when welcoming the visiting Italian president…

21:05, 01.06.2024

Totul despre sex, la români. Ce crede Andreea Vrabie, psihoterapeutul relațional despre viața intimă a românilor

Urmărește o nouă ediție din Adevărul Live realizată și moderată de Antoaneta Banu și află Totul despre sex, la români. Ce crede psihoterapeutul relațional, Andreea Vrabie, despre viața intimă a românilor

21:55, 21.05.2024

Ciolacu: There is long-standing relationship between Turkish Romanian secret services in terms of combating terrorism

Ciolacu: There is long-standing relationship between Turkish Romanian secret services in terms of combating terrorism

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu declared on Tuesday that there has been a long-standing relationship between the Turkish and Romanian secret services regarding the fight against terrorism."Romania and Turkey are…

14:15, 09.05.2024

CEC Bank finance over 3,000 investment projects running on European funds

CEC Bank finance over 3,000 investment projects running on European funds

European funds are playing an essential role in Romania's development, with CEC Bank having financed, since the beginning of the financial years 2007-2013, over 3,000 investment projects, says Ramona Ivan, CEC…

12:35, 03.05.2024

Istoria clipei încă miroase a cerneală

Istoria clipei încă miroase a cerneală

CARAȘ-SEVERIN – Presa scrisă e pe ducă. Va dispărea într-un an-doi, căci cine ar mai vrea să frece hârtia când are touchscreen? Nu mai are scăpare! Sună familiar? Așa și trebuie, căci acest verdict apocaliptic…

23:15, 03.04.2024

Senates Ciuca says relations between Romania, Czech Republic to remain at least as good

Senate's Ciuca says relations between Romania, Czech Republic to remain at least as good

The president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, highlighted, on Wednesday, in the meeting with the head of the Czech state, Petr Pavel, that the relations between the two states would remain at least as good as until…

12:35, 22.03.2024

Proiect privind stabilizarea emoțională, spirituală și relațională a tinerilor liceeni din Cugir

Proiect privind stabilizarea emoțională, spirituală și relațională a tinerilor liceeni din Cugir

În perioada 29 ianuarie – 22 martie 2024, la Cugir s-a derulat proiectul: „Dramaterapia – de la imaginație la asumarea de roluri. Stabilizarea spirituală, emoțională și relațională a tinerilor”, demers având ca…

00:06, 20.03.2024

Aida Parascan anunță prima tabără de inteligență emoțională și relaționare

Aida Parascan anunță prima tabără de inteligență emoțională și relaționare

Frumoasa Aida Parascan a anunțat că este foarte încântată de un eveniment în a cărei organizare este implicată și ea, eveniment ce va avea loc la începutul lunii aprilie. Este vorba despre o tabără cu și despre…

15:05, 16.03.2024

Geoana: We must prepare for at least a few more years of tense relationship with Russia

Geoana: We must prepare for at least a few more years of tense relationship with Russia

The deputy general secretary of NATO, Mircea Geoana, declared on Saturday, in Constanta, that we must prepare for at least a few more years of a tense relationship with the Russian Federation, but he emphasized…

19:10, 15.03.2024

Minister Szijjarto: We have every interest in having a better relationship with Romania

Minister Szijjarto: We have every interest in having a better relationship with Romania

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, said on Friday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, the central Covasna County, at a press conference, that his country has every interest in having a…

18:51, 11.03.2024

Ceremony at Peles Castle, on 144th anniversary of Romanias diplomatic relations with France and Germany

Ceremony at Peles Castle, on 144th anniversary of Romania's diplomatic relations with France and Germany

A ceremony dedicated to the 144th anniversary of Romania's diplomatic relations with France and Germany took place on Monday in the Hall of Honour of Peles Castle in Sinaia resort, the event being hosted by the…

18:31, 11.03.2024

Norways youngest mayor, 19, received by head of DSU

Norway's youngest mayor, 19, received by head of DSU

The youngest mayor in the history of Norway, Havard Handeland, aged 19, was received on Monday by the head of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Raed Arafat. Being with a delegation in Romania, Havard…

18:31, 11.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu receives a Georgian Parliaments delegation, addressing Georgias EU path

ForMin Odobescu receives a Georgian Parliament's delegation, addressing Georgia's EU path

Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu, who had a meeting on Monday with a delegation of the Parliament of Georgia, led by Nikoloz Samkharadze, reconfirmed Romania's support for Georgia's European and Euro-Atlantic…

16:40, 28.02.2024

(P) Ce criterii trebuie să îndeplinești pentru a putea fi model de videochat

Chiar dacă videochatul este văzut în linii mari ca un domeniu superficial, modelele care practică această meserie trebuie să dobândească mai multe abilități, în special cele de comunicare. Asta înseamnă că este…

22:05, 20.02.2024

PM Ciolacu meets new ambassador of Great Britain, says new horizons open for Romanian-UK relations

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu received, on Tuesday, at the Victoria Palace, the new ambassador of Great Britain to Romania, Giles Portman, voicing optimism, at the end of the meeting, that the English diplomat's…

18:55, 16.02.2024

[BREAKFAST] Cât valorează industria înșelatului

Cel puțin 20% dintre persoanele care sunt într-o relație înșală, arată mai multe studii sociologice, printre care și Relationship Health Report al Relish, companie de consiliere în relații. Cu toate acestea, există…

14:55, 12.02.2024

Closer Turkey-EU relations must come through us, says Cyprus

Closer relations between Turkey and the European Union are contingent on Turkish engagement in solving the decades-old partition of Cyprus, the EU country’s president said on Monday, according to Reuters.  Turkey…

22:26, 26.01.2024

We support Romania and Bulgaria to secure the Black Sea area, says French ambassador

We are supporting Romania and Bulgaria, so that the Black Sea stays a secure area and not become a danger zone, the French ambassador, Nicolas Warnery, said in an interview to AGERPRES.He continued, saying that…

22:26, 22.01.2024

Klaus Iohannis: Romania supports expansion, diversification of agenda of EU-Vietnam relationship

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday, during the meeting with the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Pham Minh Chinh, that Romania supports the expansion and diversification of the agenda of…

09:05, 22.01.2024

ForMin Odobescu, Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son on new cooperation opportunities

ForMin Odobescu, Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son on new cooperation opportunitiesForeign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu had a bilateral meeting on Sunday with her Vietnamese counterpart, Bui Thanh Son,…

14:36, 20.01.2024

Geoana: The Americans need their allies just as we need the Americans to protect our security

Geoana: The Americans need their allies just as we need the Americans to protect our securityNATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said on Saturday in Ploiesti that the US needs its allies in Europe and in…

16:41, 09.01.2024

Romanian, Ukrainian presidents Iohannis, Zelensky telephone conversation on war in Ukraine, bilateral relation, 2024 priorities

President Klaus Iohannis had a telephone conversation on Tuesday with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, the two heads of state having exchanged views and assessments on the security situation in Ukraine…

14:55, 16.12.2023

Foreign Ministry welcomes 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Romania and Republic of Tunisia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 60th anniversary, on 16 December, of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and the Republic of Tunisia.''This anniversary is a good opportunity…

15:30, 15.12.2023

Foreign Affairs Ministry celebrates 110 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Albania

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday celebrates 110 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and the Republic of Albania.Romania and Albania are European allies and partners that share a special connection,…

09:05, 12.12.2023

PM Ciolacu has institutional, correct relationship with presidential institution represented by Klaus Iohannis

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), told Monday evening private TV broadcaster Digi 24 that he has an "institutional" and "correct" relationship with President Klaus Iohannis,…

07:55, 10.12.2023

Horoscop pentru duminica, 10 decembrie 2023. Dorinta de a avea mai mult succes este la cote inalte pentru o zodie anume

Berbec Sunt zile bune pentru a ti verifica pe indelete bugetul si planurile de investitii sau afaceri. Energia acestor zile de weekend te ajuta sa ti structurezi ideile, dar te indeamna totodata sa apelezi si la…

08:10, 09.12.2023

Horoscop pentru sambata, 09 decembrie 2023. Suisuri si coborasuri in segmentul sentimental

Berbec Sunt zile bune pentru a ti verifica pe indelete bugetul si planurile de investitii sau afaceri. Energia acestor zile de weekend te ajuta sa ti structurezi ideile, dar te indeamna totodata sa apelezi si la…

08:05, 24.11.2023

Horoscop pentru vineri, 24 noiembrie 2023. Perioada pe care o traversam induce tensiuni mentale si discrepante in dialogurile cu ceilalti

Berbec In prima parte a zilei este posibil sa te simti obosit. Relationezi mai greu cu ceilalti, de aceea discutiile importante sau luarea deciziilor lasa le pentru orele dupa amiezei. Sprijin deosebit iti poate…

15:40, 23.11.2023

Iohannis: We put Romania back on African radar, strategy that cannot be implemented by correspondence

President Klaus Iohannis said that by the tour to Kenya, Tanzania, Cape Verde and Senegal that ends on Thursday, he "put" Romania back on the African radar."I could say, without exaggeration, that this tour has…

15:55, 22.11.2023

Stigmatul adolescenților împinși prea devreme la viață sexuală. Sfaturile unui expert în igiena relațională

Nevoia de apartenență la un grup social îi face pe mulți adolescenți din România să mintă în legătură cu începerea vieții sexuale. Frica de stigmatizare îi impinge de multe ori la luarea unor decizii greșite, care…