Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:30, 15.06.2020

Ambassador Maior: US - Romania relationship has transcended historical, geopolitical challenges, becoming close strategic partnership

The relationship between the US and Romania has transcended the tremendous historical and geopolitical challenges of the 20th century, and the partnership between Romania and the US is firmly anchored in their…

08:33, 15.06.2020

Strategic Partnership with US provides sustainable guarantee for national security and prosperity

The Strategic Partnership with the USA offers a lasting guarantee for national security and prosperity, along with membership in NATO and the European Union, Prime minister Ludovic Orban said on Sunday in a message…

21:24, 29.05.2020

ForMin Aurescu on need to redefine relations with China at EU foreign ministers' meeting

Minister Bogdan Aurescu addressed on Friday, at the meeting of Foreign Affairs ministers of the member states of the European Union, in which he participated by video conference, the need to redefine the European…

21:18, 28.05.2020

Romanian ForMin to participate in EU top diplomats' video call on relations with China this Friday

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu will participate on Friday in the video conference meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers, with the EU - China relations and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Asia-Pacific…

17:24, 26.05.2020

Visiting Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto hopeful Romanian - Hungarian bilateral relations will continue to improve

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto told a joint press conference delivered on Tuesday with his Romanian counterpart Bogdan Aurescu at the premises of the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest…

13:18, 26.05.2020

ForMin Aurescu says Romania deeply interested in moving away from defiance, confrontation

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Tuesday that in the Romanian-Hungarian relationship "a climate of trust and mutual respect" needs to be restored, calling for "restraint and discernment." "Romania…

14:48, 25.03.2020

Authorities come with details in relation to 13th death

The Strategic Communication Group informed that the person who died on Wednesday morning due to the new coronavirus "had a travel history, from Spain (Madrid), and was in self-isolation at home as of March 20,…

15:18, 20.03.2020

Hungarian ForMin Szijjarto calls on Romanian authorities to take measures to avoid huge queues at border

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Szijjarto Peter on Friday appealed to the Romanian authorities to take the necessary measures to avoid the huge queues formed by the cars of Romanians returning from…

10:17, 14.03.2020

DGASPC modifică modalitatea de relaționare cu publicul, dar și modul de acordare a facilităților pentru persoane cu handicap. Ce trebuie să știți

Comunicat. Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului Arad informează publicul că, având în vedere contextul epidemiologic de la nivelul României, precum și actele emise...

22:21, 10.03.2020

PM Orban: We will have to increase vigilance in relation to passenger cars and microbuses coming from Italy

Prime Minister-interim Ludovic Orban on Tuesday announced in the beginning of the Government meeting that an increased vigilance in needed in controlling the passenger cars and minibuses coming from Italy, after…

19:05, 03.03.2020

Celebrul Ulay, fotograf și artist performer, a murit

 "Unul dintre cei mai mari artişti ai timpurilor noastre, cel mai radical, singurul şi unicul Ulay a plecat pentru o altă călătorie, ieri, liniştit, în somn", potrivit anunţului, pe Facebook, al fundaţiei care…

13:51, 25.02.2020

ForMin Aurescu, at General Affairs Council meeting; Brexit, Multiannual Financial Framework on agenda

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu attends on Tuesday, in Brussels, the General Affairs Council meeting, its agenda featuring the post-Brexit situation and the Multiannual Financial Framework, a briefing of…

12:53, 20.02.2020

MAE hails 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations with France, Germany and UK

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) hails the anniversary on Thursday of 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties with the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of…

12:08, 20.02.2020

PM Orban: We intend to continue to work on the Strategic Partnership with Japan; it's a very ambitious project

The Government intends to continue to work on the most important cooperation project with Japan, the bilateral Strategic Partnership between the two countries, and chose the year 2021, when Romania and Japan celebrate…

16:28, 13.02.2020

Gov't streamlines its secretariat, working apparatus

Government approved under a government decision the reorganisation of the General Secretariat of the Government and of the Prime Minister's working apparatus, according to head of the Prime Minister's Chancellery…

18:10, 11.02.2020

Acting ForMin to meet Saudi ForMin; discussions regarding situation in Middle East on the agenda

Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel Bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir will pay a visit to Romania on Wednesday and Thursday and the meeting with Romania's Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu is included…

09:12, 11.02.2020

Monica Jitariuc: „E luna iubirii în calendare, pe internet, online și offline, și poate și pe la noi prin suflete…“

Iubirea în combinație cu tehnologia se face mai multă sau mai puțină iubire? Iubim mai intens sau mai puțin intens, e mai complicată sau mai simplă iubirea în era tehnologiei? Iubirea în era digitală e un subiect…

09:06, 05.02.2020

Între Yin și Yang – Lecția iubirii tantrice

Shiva fără Shakti înseamnă moarte. Shakti fără Shiva înseamnă haos. Cam așa sună principiul de bază al spiritualității tantrice. Shiva, sau arhetipul universal masculin, reprezintă verticalitate, forță, putere…

20:05, 04.02.2020

ForMin Aurescu, ambassador Meier-Klodt discuss German minority, bilateral relationship

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu and German ambassador to Romania Cord Meier-Klodt discussed on Tuesday the situation of the German minority in Romania and the developed and complex ties between the two…

11:03, 30.01.2020

Prime Minister Orban emphasized Romania's commitment in developing bilateral relations with UK post-Brexit

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban emphasized, on Wednesday, during a meeting with representatives of the British business community in Romania, the long-term commitment of our country in the direction of developing…

23:39, 24.01.2020

HOROSCOP MINERVA 2020. Momente de cumpănă pentru omenire, cu tensiuni şi războaie. Ce zodii vor avea de suferit pe toate planurile

MINERVA anunţă în 2020, moment de cumpănă pentru omenire, o recesiune economică severnă, conflicte politice şi chiar război. Vaa avea loc conjunctia Jupiter-Saturn, un alt ciclu de 20 de ani care incepe. Este important,…

14:14, 22.01.2020

Iohannis: It is important to develop relationship with Israel, including by holding joint gov't meeting

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday met leader of the Blue and White alliance in Israel Benjamin Gantz at the leader's request, on the side-lines of the Fifth World Holocaust Forum dedicated to the…

20:28, 16.01.2020

Chisinau professor appointed to senior position at Department for Relations with Moldova

Ana Gutu has been appointed state secretary with the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova under a decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban. Gutu is a university professor in Chisinau and held a…

16:24, 14.01.2020

Defence, Foreign Affairs ministers to be heard by Senate in relation to current situation in Middle East

Minister of Defence Nicolae Ciuca and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu will be heard on Wednesday by the committees for defence, public order and national security, and foreign affairs of the Senate.…

08:22, 06.01.2020

În ce fel de adolescenți se transformă copiii care sunt educați cu frică? Raspunsul psihologului Silvia Silvia Guță ...

"In a Relationship" este un proiect nascut in 2016, care are la bază o cercetare despre părerile, obiceiurile și preocupările tinerilor cu vârste între 16 și 19 ani. Psihologul Silvia Guta raspunde intrebarilor…

14:12, 31.12.2019

Vica Blochina are planuri mari pentru 2020. „Îmi doresc bani, foarte mulți bani”

La trecerea dintre ani, ca o tradiție, Vica face o evaluare a anului care se încheie și își fizează obiectivul pentru anul viitor. După ce pe 2019 și-a dorit să se lanseze în afaceri, pentru anul ce vine își dorește…

17:04, 17.12.2019

PM Orban: We want best relation with the Royal House of Romania, coordinate our international actions

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and the Custodian of the Romanian Crown, Margareta, agreed that the Royal House and the Government need to coordinate their international actions, to obtain thus "beneficial results…

15:28, 16.12.2019

ForMin Aurescu, meeting Vietnamese counterpart: Romania supports development of EU - Vietnam relations

Romania supports the development o the EU - Vietnam relations, recently consolidated by signing the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Investment Protection Agreement (IPA), Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan…

12:13, 16.12.2019

HOROSCOP MINERVA 2020. Ce zodii vor avea un an îmbelşugat, ce zodii vor avea un an interesant pe plan amoros

HOROSCOP MINERVA 2020 Berbec: Este un an bun la locul de muncă și pentru implicare în viața personală. Împreună cu partenerul va merge într-o direcție spirituală, fiind o noutate pentru berbec care de regulă este…

17:20, 28.11.2019

Simona Cojocaru - new head of Department for defence policy, planning and international relations

Simona Cojocaru is, starting with Thursday, the new head of the Department for defence policy, planning and international relations of the Ministry of National Defence (MApN), a release by this ministry shows.State…