Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:40, 28.01.2022

OECD Secretary General: Romania's economic activity resumed last year, recovery continues

Romania has taken a comprehensive approach to managing the effects of the pandemic, with economic and social measures accounting for 3.6pct of the GDP in 2020 and 1.4pct of GDP in 2021, the Secretary General of…

12:36, 24.01.2022

Euro zone recovery stuttered in January as Omicron hit services

The euro zone economic activity increased at its slowest pace in almost a year as infections of the Coronavirus’s Omicron strain put another dent in bloc’s dominant services activity and as prices continued to…

18:20, 20.01.2022

Ministerul Antreprenoriatului şi Turismului anunţă că au început plăţile pentru a doua prorată pentru beneficiarii schemei de ajutor de stat HoReCa

“Ministerul Antreprenoriatului şi Turismului a virat joi, 20 ianuarie, fondurile în valoare de 1.133.477.030 lei pentru plata celei de-a doua prorate, în procent de 53,13%, aferente schemei de ajutor de stat HoReCa…

12:45, 14.01.2022

Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale angajează programatori

Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale angajează programatori. ”Dacă Platforma Națională de Programare pentru Vaccinarea împotriva COVID19, Aplicația Certificate UE COVID, Sistemul informatic pentru trasabilitatea…

12:55, 13.01.2022

European Commission wires 1.94 billion euro into Finance Ministry account

The European Commission has wired 1.942 billion euro to the account of the Finance Ministry (FM) open at the National Bank of Romania (BNR), the sum representing pre-financing worth 13 percent of the loan of approximately…

11:10, 13.01.2022

Romania to receive €1.94bln disbursement under Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Romanian Ministry of European Investments and Projects (MIPE) announced that €1.94bln would be disbursed on Thursday into the Romanian state account, representing the pre-financing of the €15bln loan granted…

15:51, 07.01.2022

5-day quarantine for those vaccinated or recovered from disease, 10-day for others

The head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, stated, on Friday, at the end of a session of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, that starting Saturday the quarantine periods are…

19:45, 22.12.2021

Gov't approves accession of EC loan worth rd EUR 14.94 billion

The government approved, in its Wednesday meeting, the emergency ordinance that will allow access to the loan worth rd EUR 14.94 billion granted by the European Commission under the Recovery and Resilience Facility.…

22:55, 17.12.2021

Predoiu: The Government has approved the National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025

The Government approved, in Friday's meeting, the National Anticorruption Strategy 2021 - 2025, announced the Minister of Justice, Catalin Predoiu, who underlined that the document represents a political commitment…

20:50, 10.12.2021

Vilceanu: First sums we can draw for ANAF investment; 150 million euro earmarked in PNRR

The first sums that we can already draw from the first tranche of the National Plan for Resilience and Recovery (PNRR) are for a reform done by the Finance Ministry, for the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF),…

00:00, 04.12.2021

Cristian Ghinea acuză 'smiorcăiala' lui Marius Budăi: 'Îl provoc. Chiar vreau să văd negocieri pe pensii/PIB între Budăi și DG Recovery'

Fostul ministru al fondurilor europene, Cristian Ghinea (USR), spune că ministrul Muncii, Marius Budăi (PSD), se 'smiorcăie' pe tema procentului din PIB pentru pensii  pentru că trebuie să aleagă „între pensiile…

17:30, 02.12.2021

EU Commission disburses €1.8bln in pre-financing to Romania under RRF

The European Commission on Thursday disbursed €1.8bln to Romania in pre-financing, equivalent to 13% of the country’s grant allocation under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), according to a press release.…

10:50, 26.11.2021

Romania expects €1.8bln within two months for the Resilience Plan

Florin Cîțu in his capacity of acting minister of European Funds signed on Thursday, the financing agreement between Romania and the European Commission for the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), according to…

10:10, 18.11.2021

De ce antreprenorii trebuie să își recupereze creanțele până la sfârșitul anului?

Într-un mediu de afaceri care continuă să fie afectat de repercursiunile pandemiei COVID-19, procesul de recuperare al creanțelor este unul din ce în ce mai dificil. În consecință, majoritatea companiilor nu sunt…

21:00, 17.11.2021

SURSE Comisia Europeană a transmis României că renegocierea PNRR este ”exclusă”

Un reprezentant al Comisiei Europene le-a transmis marti reprezentantilor României ca este "exclusa" renegocierea Planului National de Redresare si Rezilienta (PNRR), potrivit surselor G4Media.ro. E vorba despre…

13:25, 04.11.2021

BERD improves its 2021 growth forecast for Romania's economy to 7.2 pct

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has significantly improved its estimates on Romania's economic evolution in 2021, forecasting a 7.2 percent GDP increase this year, compared to 6 percent…

17:15, 28.10.2021

Von der Leyen lays out path to unlock Polish recovery funds with conditions

European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday expressed hope the EU could find a solution with Poland over recovery funds stalled due to a rule-of-law dispute but laid out several conditions…

10:46, 20.10.2021

PM-designate: I hope MPs wisdom will vote for government, would be immediate solution to end crisis

Prime Minister-designate Dacian Ciolos expressed his hope, on Wednesday, that MPs will have the wisdom to vote for the Cabinet that he proposed, because it would be "an immediate solution" to exit the political…

20:30, 01.10.2021

HM Margareta, message following tragedy in Constanta: Such things should not happen again

Margareta, Custodian of the Crown of Romania sent on Friday a message of condolences to the grieving families, wished a speedy recovery to all those affected by the fire at the Constanta Infectious Diseases Hospital…

11:40, 28.09.2021

European Commission endorses Romania’s €29.2 bln recovery and resilience plan

The European Commission (EC) adopted a positive assessment of Romania’s recovery and resilience plan on Monday under which the country will receive €14.2bln in grants and €14.9bln in loans under the European Union’s…

19:40, 27.09.2021

Klaus Iohannis: Approval of PNRR - moment of great importance for Romania's future

President Klaus Iohannis said, on Monday, that the approval of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) represents a symbolic moment of great importance for Romania. "I hail the announcement made by…

09:55, 24.09.2021

PM Citu: I didn't negotiate censure motion with anyone

Prime Minister Florin Citu claims that he did not negotiate the censure motion with anyone, because he doesn't believe that the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the…

17:21, 17.09.2021

Adina Valean: Over 48 billion euros for railway projects under national recovery and resilience plans

The states of the European Union are committing over 48 billion euros for railway projects through their national recovery and resilience plans, and Romania's metro and railway projects amount to 4.5 billion euros,…

16:55, 14.09.2021

Ce spune agenția Standard & Poor despre ratingul României, în contextul crizei politice de la București

Agenția de rating Standard & Poor’s (S&P), a anunțat marți, 14 septembrie, cum vede criza politică de la București în relație cu riscurile fiscale ale României pe termen mediu și scurt. Agenția amintește și de…

20:00, 31.08.2021

Romanians can enter Bulgaria with vaccination certificate, test or proof of recovery from COVID-19

Romanian citizens can enter Bulgaria starting 1 September, by presenting of an EU digital COVID certificate valid for vaccination, proof of recovery from the disease or with a test or a similar document containing…

18:55, 30.08.2021

PM Citu: Budget revision to be approved this week

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced, on Monday, that the budget revision will be approved in another government session this week. "There will be another government sitting to approve the budget revision, this…

18:35, 30.08.2021

HealthMin Mihaila: Medical leave of burn victims for entire necessary treatment and recovery period

The Minister of Health, Ioana Mihaila, declared on Monday, at the end of the Government meeting, that the ordinance based on which patients with burns will be able to benefit from medical leave for the entire period…

14:40, 20.08.2021

HealthMin: Additional sick leave for post-op, post-treatment recovery of burn victims

Health Minister, Ioana Mihaila, stated, on Friday, that next week could see the adoption of the amendments necessary so that patients in need of post-operative recovery and treatment due to burns may benefit from…

12:15, 18.08.2021

Oferta lunii august la sucurile naturale Biotique Juice, reducere consistentă

Dacă nu v-aţi convins încă de sucurile naturale de la Biotique Juice, aveţi ocazia acum în august, fiindcă sucurile de 300 ml, Beet On, Junior, Immunity şi Recovery scad de la 10 lei/bucată la 7 lei/bucată. Iar…

13:15, 05.08.2021

Simona Halep recovered from injury and leaves for Montreal

Romanian tennis player Simona Halep said on Thursday morning before leaving for Canada to compete in the National Bank Open 2021 tournament, that she has recovered from a torn muscle, according to Agerpres.  Halep…