Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:00, 05.08.2021

Halep: I've recovered from injury; it was the hardest time in my career

Tennis player Simona Halep, world number 10, said on Thursday morning, before leaving for Canada to compete in the National Bank Open 2021 tournament, that she has recovered from a torn muscle, adding that the…

20:15, 30.07.2021

Secretary of state Hegedus Csilla announces 11-million euros financing for green transition in Oradea

The Secretary of State with the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, Hegedus Csilla (UDMR - Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania), on Friday announced that Oradea will have over 11 million euros…

19:35, 22.07.2021

Minister Ghinea: 1.9 billion euro will enter country from PNRR this year

The Minister of European Investments and Projects, Cristian Ghinea, claims that 1.9 billion euro of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) will enter the country this year, in October-November, and…

11:25, 20.07.2021

European stocks rise after worst day of year on recovery bets

European stocks gained after their worst day in seven months as optimism over economic growth and earnings prospects outweighed concerns around the spread of Covid-19 variants, according to Bloomberg.  The Stoxx…

09:40, 19.07.2021

The Times: Romanian revolution: the workers helping Britain recover from Covid

The Times - Romanian revolution: the workers helping Britain recover from Covid. The immigrants, once demonised, were involved in essential jobs during the pandemic and are now helping to keep the economy afloat.…

13:20, 13.07.2021

EU set to green-light Italy, France, Spain’s recovery plans

European finance ministers are set to adopt the recovery plans of 12 EU states on Tuesday, including those of Italy, Spain and France, paving the way for the first disbursements of EU grants and loans to boost…

12:05, 05.07.2021

PM Citu: Romania - the fastest economic recovery in the last hundred years

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that unemployment in Romania has fallen every month in 2021, adding that Romania's economy has, due to the good activity of the government he leads, "the fastest recovery…

15:00, 29.06.2021

EBRD raises Romania’s 2021 economic growth forecast to 6%

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on Tuesday that Romania’s gross domestic product (GDP) will increase by 6% in 2021, improving its September forecast for a 3% growth, according to seenew.com…

13:35, 29.06.2021

G20 foreign ministers meet face-to-face to discuss post-COVID recovery

Foreign Ministers from the Group of 20 major economies (G20) met face-to-face on Tuesday for the first time in two years, with host Italy aiming to push multilateral cures for global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic,…

13:00, 29.06.2021

Citu: In PNRR 3rd pillar we allotted 400 million euro for professional and dual education

Prime Minister Florin Citu recalled, on Tuesday, that in the 3rd pillar of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) 400 million euro were allotted for dual education, in the context in which this "is…

18:51, 18.06.2021

European Council recommends Romania to put end to excessive deficit by 2024

The European Council on Friday adopted a recommendation under the excessive deficit procedure for Romania that Romania should put an end to the excessive deficit situation by 2024 at the latest. "The Council found…

15:00, 12.06.2021

Andrei Marga: Cine educă pe cine?

Când s-a lansat lozinca „România educată”, reacția cunoscătorilor a fost aspră. Pretenția de proiect era fără acoperire, fiind vizibil o improvizație. Un profesor vorbea despre un „moment trist” în educația din…

21:30, 10.06.2021

Premier Citu: DSP-registered recovered Covid patients treated at home are eligible for Covid certificate

Prime Minister Florin Citu, speaking today at a press conference in Timisoara, said that recovered Covid patients who were treated at home can still get the Covid digital certificate, provided that they are registered…

07:35, 09.06.2021

STUDIU Un MEDICAMENT pe care-l iau mai toți românii nu ajută la supravieţuirea pacienţilor spitalizați cu COVID-19

Aspirina nu îmbunătăţeşte rata de supravieţuire a pacienţilor spitalizaţi după ce au fost infectaţi cu noul coronavirus, potrivit unui studiu recent, relatează DPA, potrivit Agerpres. Pacienţii cu COVID-19 prezintă…

22:06, 08.06.2021

Social Democrats to file on Wednesday simple motion against European Projects Minister

The Social Democrat lawmakers will submit on Wednesday a simple motion against Minister of European Investments and Projects Cristian Ghinea, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu announced.…

20:00, 08.06.2021

Ambassador Laurence Auer delivers speech on France - Romania ties amid European recovery drive

French ambassador to Romania, Laurence Auer, gave a speech today at the West University of Timisoara (UVT) on "France and Romania amid the European recovery drive", highlighting on this occasion the good relations…

18:50, 08.06.2021

Coronavirus: Aspirina nu îmbunătăţeşte rata de supravieţuire a pacienţilor spitalizaţi cu COVID-19 (studiu)

Aspirina nu îmbunătăţeşte rata de supravieţuire a pacienţilor spitalizaţi după ce au fost infectaţi cu noul coronavirus, potrivit unui studiu recent, relatează DPA. Pacienţii cu COVID-19 prezintă un risc sporit…

15:05, 06.06.2021

HealthMin: In PNRR we centralized projects worth 8.1 billion euro in hospital infrastructure

Health Minister Ioana Mihaila said, on Sunday, in Dumbraveni, that as part of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) projects for hospital infrastructure worth 8.1 billion euro have been centralized…

09:45, 04.06.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: We are coming with a simple motion against Mr. Ghinea

The chairman of PSD (Social Democratic Party) declared on Thursday evening that social-democrats will submit a simple motion against the minister of Investments and European Projects, Cristian Ghinea, for the fact…

23:05, 01.06.2021

Comisia Europeană nu are bani ca să relanseze UE: Se împrumută zeci de miliarde

Comisia Europeană (CE) vrea să împrumute aproximativ 80 de miliarde de euro anul acesta - prin emiterea unor obligaţiuni pe teremn lung -, cu scopul de a finanţa o parte a planului relansării economice europeane…

18:00, 01.06.2021

CE urmează să împrumute, începând din iunie, 80 de miliarde de dolari, prin emiterea unor obligaţiuni pe teremn lung, în vederea finanţării relansării…

”Comisia va fi în măsură să finanţeze, în cursul semestrului doi, toate subvenţiile şi împrumuturile destinate statelor membre (UE) prevăzute în cadrul ”Facilităţii relansării şi rezilienţei (Recovery and Resilience…

10:30, 01.06.2021

EU Commission: Romania submitted its Recovery and Resilience Plan

The European Commission received Romania’s Recovery and Resilience Plan on Monday which sets out the reforms and public investment projects that Romania plans to implement with the support of the Recovery and Resilience…

21:20, 31.05.2021

Ghinea: We sent the PNRR to Brussels, in the computer system of the European Commission

Romania has officially submitted the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR) to Brussels and the official evaluation of the European Commission will come next, the Minister of Investments and European Projects,…

18:50, 28.05.2021

IMF expects strong recovery of Romanian economy in 2021, with GDP recovery of 7 pct

The experts of the International Monetary Fund estimate a strong economic recovery in Romania in 2021, with an advance of the real Gross Domestic Product of 7 percent, specifying, however, that some unexpected…

16:20, 25.05.2021

Speaker Orban: PNRR to be presented on Wednesday in plenary of joint Standing Bureaus

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies shall convene on Wednesday, in plenary session, to present the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR), Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Ludovic Orban announced on…

15:10, 25.05.2021

Erste Group: Flash data for May confirm ongoing recovery in Euro Area

Erste Group stated on Tuesday that the flash Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for May in the Euro Area brought positive news of the ongoing recovery in 2Q21 and that business activity grew at a brisk rate as economies…

19:20, 24.05.2021

Central bank Board: Economic recovery to continue in H1 2021

The recovery of the Romanian economy will continue in the first half of this year, yet with a considerable slowdown in Q1, followed by a modest acceleration in the second quarter, similar to previous assessments,…

12:25, 21.05.2021

Bitcoin under pressure and slips below $40,000 as recovery fades

Bitcoin fell 3% on Friday, giving up gains as its recovery from this week’s plunge shows signs of faltering, according to Reuters.  Bitcoin fell to $39,262 on the Bitstamp exchange. That is roughly 30% above its…

10:50, 20.05.2021

Un titrat medicament anti-Covid este ineficient (studiu)

Un medicament în care oamenii de ştiinţă îşi puseseră mari speranţe în ianuarie nu este eficient la pacienţii spitalizaţi cu COVID-19, conform rezultatelor unui vast studiu clinic britanic Recovery, relatează AFP.…

18:06, 19.05.2021

STUDIU. Colchicina nu este eficientă în tratarea bolnavilor Covid-19

Utilizarea colchicinei „nu este asociată cu o reducere a mortalităţii (...), a duratei şederii în spital sau a riscului de a fi pus sub ventilaţie mecanică”, scriu cercetătorii britanici într-un studiu publicat…