Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:30, 18.05.2021

Trade volume between Germany and Romania recovered slightly in Q1

The trade volume between Germany and Romania recovered slightly in the first quarter. Thus, German exports to Romania amounted to 4.5 billion euros, up 3.6% over the same period in 2020, and imports have reached…

12:21, 18.05.2021

Hospitality industry calls for recovery plan with clear deadlines, disconnection from incidence rate

The Hospitality Employers Federation (FIO) calls for a plan to relaunch the sector with clear deadlines that include, among other things, disconnecting HoReCa from the incidence rate of any kind starting June 1,…

10:45, 18.05.2021

PM Citu: Romania has quickest economic recovery in history

Prime Minister Florin Citu says that Romania has "the quickest economic recovery in history", as a response to the greatest crisis of the last hundred years, during the first trimester of 2021 our country recording…

08:51, 18.05.2021

La data de 18 mai, se celebrează Ziua internaţională a muzeelor

În fiecare an, la data de 18 mai, se celebrează Ziua internaţională a muzeelor, tema pentru anul 2021 este The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine” (Viitorul muzeelor: redresare şi reinventare) The post La…

14:45, 17.05.2021

PSD: Gov't needs to cooperate with those who can help saving Recovery Plan

PSD (Social Democratic Party) on Monday said that it's in Romania's interest that the government representatives work together with those who can help saving the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), as…

15:25, 14.05.2021

Bogdan Ion, EY Romania: FDI will be the foundation of economic recovery in Romania

EY CESA Chief Operating Officer (COO) and EY Romania & Moldova Country Managing Partner, Bogdan Ion said in an interview that foreign direct investment (FDI) in Romania will at the foundation of economic recovery…

15:20, 14.05.2021

EY Romania: FDI will be the foundation of economic recovery in Romania

EY CESA Chief Operating Officer (COO) and EY Romania & Moldova Country Managing Partner, Bogdan Ion said in an interview that foreign direct investment (FDI) in Romania will at the foundation of economic recovery…

14:41, 14.05.2021

SMEs should also receive grants through PNRR, not only financial instruments

Small and medium-sized enterprises should benefit from grants from the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR), as is happening in the rest of the European countries, not only from financial instruments,…

18:10, 13.05.2021

Romania will submit to Brussels PNRR the with entire sum of €29.2 billion

Romanian Prime Minister Florin Cîţu said on Thursday that Romania will submit the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) with the entire sum of €29.2 billion, according to Agerpres.  Cîţu explained at…

15:10, 13.05.2021

Florin Citu: Romania will submit to Brusselts PNRR with full sum, 29.2 billion euro

Romania will submit a National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) worth the entire allotted sum, 29.2 billion euro, said, on Thursday, Prime Minister Florin Citu, emphasizing that he desires the PNRR to be…

03:05, 13.05.2021

Florin Cîțu anunță un nou succes la Bruxelles la negocierile pentru PNRR - Ce spun însă oficialii europeni despre deficitul bugetar excesiv

Prim-ministrul Florin Cîţu a reconfirmat, în cadrul întrevederii pe care a avut-o cu Valdis Dombrovskis, vicepreşedintele executiv al Comisiei Europene, miercuri, la Bruxelles, obiectivul Guvernului de la Bucureşti…

21:36, 12.05.2021

Florin Cîțu anunță un nou succes la Bruxelles la negocierile pentru PNRR - Ce spun însă oficialii europeni despre deficitul bugetar excesiv

Prim-ministrul Florin Cîţu a reconfirmat, în cadrul întrevederii pe care a avut-o cu Valdis Dombrovskis, vicepreşedintele executiv al Comisiei Europene, miercuri, la Bruxelles, obiectivul Guvernului de la Bucureşti…

20:45, 12.05.2021

PM Citu reconfirmed, in meeting with Valdis Dombrovskis, Gov't objective to ensure post-pandemic sustainable economic growth

Prime Minister Florin Citu reconfirmed, during the meeting he had with Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, on Wednesday, in Brussels, the Romanian Government's objective to…

17:35, 12.05.2021

Prime Minister Citu, discussion with European Commissioner Valean about transport projects in PNRR

Prime Minister Florin Citu had, on Wednesday, during the visit he is conducting to Brussels, a "detailed discussion" about the transport projects within the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) with…

12:01, 12.05.2021

Romania’s PM discusses Recovery and Resilience Plan with EC President

Romanian Prime Minister Florin Cîţu met with European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday and discussed Romania’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The two officials said that progress…

02:15, 12.05.2021

Şefa Comisiei Europene, după întrevederea cu Florin Cîțu: O întâlnire constructivă

Premierul Florin Cîţu s-a întâlnit luni seară, 11 mai, la Bruxelles cu preşedintele Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, purtând discuții pe tema negocierilor privind Planul Naţional de Redresare şi Rezilienţă…

18:50, 29.04.2021

Minister Ghinea: Difference of opinions between Government, EC on PNRR: Do not agree on motorways, irrigations, culture

There is a difference of opinions between the Romanian Government and the European Commission regarding the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR), declared, on Thursday, the minister of Investments and European…

20:45, 28.04.2021

Dan Barna: Accord regarding approach and structure of PNRR, topic of governing coalition reunion

The accord of the approach and structure of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR), which will be presented in Brussels is the main topic of discussion within the governing coalition reunion, the deputy…

19:41, 25.04.2021

Ciolacu, on signing of Romania's EU Treaty of Accession: Some have written history, others miss historical chances

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu says that 16 years after the signing of Romania's Treaty of Accession to the European Union (EU), current politicians "are not capable" of sending a…

16:40, 23.04.2021

Ministry of Health approves post-COVID-19 recovery protocol

Health Minister Ioana Mihaila signed an order for the approval of the physical and post-COVID-19 rehabilitation medicine protocol, which aims to improve the physical condition of patients who have been infected…

10:41, 23.04.2021

Iohannis: Term for PNRR - indicative, this plan will be worked on until it is very good

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Friday that the term to finishing the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR) is an indicative and not final one, and Romania will work on this project until "it is very…

19:40, 20.04.2021

Pilot of crashed aircraft to be transferred to Bucharest Military Hospital for treatment, recovery

Squadron leader Andrei Criste, who managed to eject himself on Tuesday from a crashing plane in Mures County, is in stable condition, and in the evening he will be flown by an Air Force aircraft to the Bucharest…

11:45, 17.04.2021

Claudiu Năsui acuză greaua moștenire lăsată de Guvernul PNL: Ritmul va încetini puțin

Ministrul Economiei, Claudiu Năsui, susține că programe precum Start-up Nation și IMM Recover nu au avut finanțare încă de anul trecut, când au fost inițiate, tocmai de aceea ritmul va încetini, până când va fi…

07:35, 17.04.2021

Novartis va ajuta Roche să producă tocilizumab – medicamentul testat împotriva COVID-19

Gigantul farmaceutic elveţian Novartis va ajuta compania concurentă Roche să producă tocilizumab, un medicament antiinflamator. Medicamentul se află în centrul studiilor clinice pentru evaluarea eficacităţii sale…

11:46, 14.04.2021

Iancu (CNR-CME): Potenţialul României în sectorul energetic este uriaş în noul context strategic

Uniunea Europeană (UE) pune la dispoziţie 1,8 trilioane de euro pentru două programe de ieşire din criză - Recovery Plan şi Next Generation EU - din care 30% pentru finanţarea ţintelor privind schimbările climatice,…

17:50, 08.04.2021

Justice Ministry releases national strategy on recovering proceeds of crime

On Thursday, the Ministry of Justice released Romania's national strategy on the recovery of proceeds of crime designed to increase the efficiency of the National Agency for the Administration of Impounded Assets…

19:40, 05.04.2021

Românii care contribuie la devierea unui asteroid / Rolul lor în prima misiune de apărare planetară a ESA

România va juca un rol esențial în misiunea HERA, prima misiune de apărare planetară a Agenției Spațiale Europene (ESA), parte a unui efort internațional de deviere a unui asteroid, realizat în…

19:50, 25.03.2021

Albumul “Shoot for the Stars Aim for the Moon”, lansat de catre Pop Smoke, stabileste doua recorduri in topurile Rap Albums & R&B/Hip-Hop Albums

Albumul post-mortem al lui Pop Smoke, “Shoot for the Stars Aim for the Moon”, a doborat recordul lui Eminem pentru cele mai multe saptamani petrecute pe primul loc in top-ul Rap Albums al celor de la Billboard.…

10:01, 25.03.2021

Medicamentul minune care a vindecat un milion de cazuri coronavirus - Date oficiale

Un medicament utilizat în tratarea alergiilor s-a dovedit eficace împotriva COVID-19 şi a fost folosit pentru tratarea a peste un milion de persoane la nivel global, a precizat marţi Sistemul Naţional de Sănătate…

17:40, 23.03.2021

Medicament utilizat în tratarea alergiilor, eficient împotriva COVID (studiu)

Un medicament utilizat în tratarea alergiilor s-a dovedit eficace împotriva COVID-19 şi a fost folosit pentru tratarea a peste un milion de persoane la nivel global, a precizat marţi Sistemul Naţional de Sănătate…