Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:26, 23.03.2021

Studiu: Un medicament pentru tratarea alergiilor, eficace împotriva infecției cu COVID-19

Un studiu britanic relevă faptul că un medicament utilizat în tratarea alergiilor s-a dovedit eficient împotriva COVID-19 și a fost folosit pentru tratarea a peste un milion de persoane infectate din toată lumea.…

14:15, 23.03.2021

Un medicament utilizat în tratarea alergiilor, eficace împotriva COVID-19 (studiu)

Un medicament utilizat în tratarea alergiilor s-a dovedit eficace împotriva COVID-19 şi a fost folosit pentru tratarea a peste un milion de persoane la nivel global, a precizat marţi Sistemul Naţional de Sănătate…

11:40, 23.03.2021

PSD's Ciolacu proposes France's model, to not miss historical chance of reforming and developing Romania

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, discussed on Monday with the French ambassador to Romania, Laurence Auer and said that Romania needs to take on France's model, "so that the National…

11:26, 23.03.2021

Dexametazona a salvat peste 1 milion de bolnavi COVID-19 din întreaga lume. Ce arată studiul ”Recovery”

Dexametazona, steroidul ieftin care a apărut rapid ca soluţie împotriva COVID-19, s-a dovedit a fi extrem de eficientă în urma unui program de testare a medicamentelor, iniţiat de oamenii de ştiinţă din Marea Britanie.…

13:15, 22.03.2021

Oil falls as European lockdowns dim demand recovery hopes

Global crude oil prices dropped approximately 1% on Monday as renewed European lockdowns may raise concerns over recovery in demand for fuel products, according to Reuters. Brent crude was down 69 cents (1.1%)…

18:50, 19.03.2021

PNRR / EUR 77 million allocated to creative industries

The initial negotiation budget allocated to creative industries, within the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR), is worth 77 million Euro. According to the document, which will be subjected to public debate,…

19:45, 18.03.2021

BNS trade union requests reporting mechanism to Parliament for PNRR implementation

The National Trade Union Block (BNS) supports the inclusion of a reporting system to Parliament regarding the implementation of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR), according to a press release sent…

13:40, 26.02.2021

There are favorable premises for continuing economic recovery tendency (BNR)

There are currently favorable premises for a continuation of the economic recovery tendency, which manifested itself between the third and fourth trimesters last year, said, in a press release, the deputy governor…

12:26, 16.02.2021

PM Citu: V-shaped economy recovery, a certainty

Prime Minister Florin Citu states that the recovery of the economy in "V" is "a certainty," after, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics, in the fourth quarter of 2020 Romania's economy…

00:06, 13.02.2021

Tocilizumab reduce riscul de deces la pacienţii spitalizaţi cu o formă gravă de COVID-19

Un medicament antiinflamator, tocilizumab, reduce riscul de deces la pacienţii spitalizaţi cu o formă gravă de COVID-19, conform rezultatelor unui vast studiu, salutate de specialişti şi catalogate drept „veşti…

16:11, 12.02.2021

UE îndeamnă statele membre să accelereze ratificarea planului de relansare economică post-covid; primele plăţi, ”la începutul verii”; ”Trebuie să accelerăm,…

Principalul pilon al planului de relansare "Next Generation EU", ”facilitatea relansării şi rezilienţei” sub formă de subvenţii - în valoare de 312,5 miliarde de euro - şi de împrumuri - în valoare de 360 de miliarde…

08:55, 12.02.2021

Tocilizumab, un antiinflamator, reduce riscul de deces la pacienţii cu formă gravă de Covid

Un medicament antiinflamator, tocilizumab, reduce riscul de deces la pacientii spitalizati cu o forma grava de Covid-19, conform rezultatelor unui vast studiu, salutate de specialisti si catalogate drept „vesti…

19:46, 11.02.2021

Coronavirus: Tocilizumab reduce riscul de deces la pacienţii spitalizaţi cu o formă gravă de COVID-19 (studiu)

Un medicament antiinflamator, tocilizumab, reduce riscul de deces la pacienţii spitalizaţi cu o formă gravă de COVID-19, conform rezultatelor unui vast studiu, salutate de specialişti şi catalogate drept "veşti…

16:06, 11.02.2021

Citu: We have reasons to be confident in economic recovery as EC confirms our forecasts

Prime Minister Florin Citu says the Romanian government has reasons to be "confident" in economic recovery, as the premises created are confirmed by the European Commission's economic forecasts published on Thursday,…

16:01, 10.02.2021

Citu: I welcome European Parliament's vote on Recovery and Resilience Facility

Prime Minister Florin Citu welcomed on Wednesday the vote in the European Parliament on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, according to AGERPRES. In a message posted on the Government's Facebook page, the Prime…

12:25, 09.02.2021

New housing market makes spectacular recovery in last quarter of 2020 (real estate company)

The new housing market had a spectacular recovery in the last quarter of 2020, with a significant increase in trading activity between October and December, according to a press release of a company in the field,…

12:26, 20.01.2021

Alexandru Nazare: Vaccination is essential premise for returning to normalcy

Vaccination is an essential premise for returning to normalcy and for economic recovery, Finance Minister Alexandru Nazare said on Wednesday after being vaccinated against COVID-19, according to AGERPRES. He urged…

09:25, 19.01.2021

PM adopts decisions regarding Deputy PMs Kelemen Hunor's and Dan Barna's responsibilities

Prime Minister Florin Citu decided on Monday the duties of Deputy Prime Ministers Kelemen Hunor and Dan Barna, according to AGERPRES. Thus, in order to ensure the fulfillment of the major priorities of the governing…

18:10, 07.01.2021

MEP Winkler: As EU kickstarts economic recovery program, Romania has twice as high financial resources available

MEP Iuliu Winkler (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania, EPP), speaking today in the western city of Deva, said that in 2021 - 2022 Romania will be able to access double the financial resources available in the…

13:56, 07.01.2021

PM Citu: In 2020 we halted collapse of economy generated by health crisis; there will be solid growth in 2021

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Thursday that in 2020 the collapse of the economy generated by the health crisis was halted and "the fastest recovery in history after a period of crisis" was generated, adding…

22:10, 05.01.2021

WB revises downwards its projections for Romanian economy's 2021 recovery

The Romanian economy is expected to grow 3.5 percent this year, after a contraction of 5 percent in 2020, and is next seen picking up to 4.1 percent in 2022, according to the World Bank's January 2021 Global Economic…

10:25, 15.12.2020

FinMin Citu:Industrial sector recovery, clear proof in 2021 Romania can have an increase above expectations

The dynamics of the industrial sector became positive in October 2020, and the recovery of this sector is clear proof that in 2021 Romania can have an economic growth above expectations, the acting Minister of…

09:40, 11.12.2020

Iohannis, on unblocking EU budget, economic recovery package: Romania ready to use these funds

President Klaus Iohannis said on Twitter on Thursday evening about the unblocking of the future budget of the European Union and the economic recovery package after the COVID-19 pandemic, that "Romania is ready…

18:25, 02.12.2020

Minister Bolos: Iasi Couty to benefit from medical investments of over 850mln euros

Minister of European Funds Marcel Bolos said on Wednesday that Iasi County is among the top medical investments, specifying that over 850 million euros will be spent on the county's health infrastructure. "Referring…

08:40, 29.11.2020

Un medicament pentru tratarea gutei, o nouă speranță în tratamentul pentru COVID19

Medicamentul urmează a fi testat în Marea Britanie, în cadrul unui studiu clinic în care vor fi folosiți cel puțin 2.500 de pacienți. Astfel, studiul &"Recovery&" este cel mai mare studiu clinic…

13:25, 27.11.2020

Un antiinflamator ieftin, testat ca tratament pentru Covid-19

Medicamentul antiinflamator colchicină va fi testat ca posibil tratament pentru Covid-19 în cadrul unuia dintre cele mai mari studii din lume, transmite Reuters. Studiul RECOVERY, unul dintre cele mai mari din…

13:25, 24.11.2020

Gov't to release national recovery, resilience plan before next week

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has said Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan will most likely be made public by next week, at the latest, according to AGERPRES. "The National Recovery and Resilience Plan…

15:50, 23.11.2020

Black Sea NGOs Forum: Aurescu states blue economy can contribute substantially to post-COVID-19 recovery

Blue economy may contribute substantially to post-COVID-19 recovery, as well as to the ecological transition in the spirit of the Paris Agreement and the Green Deal, stated on Monday the Minister of Foreign Affairs,…

11:50, 20.11.2020

President Iohannis: There are clear signals that economy returns to path of recovery

President Klaus Iohannis sent, on Friday, a message during the event organized by the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) on the occasion of the anniversary of 25 years of stock exchange activity, stating that there…

16:11, 19.11.2020

President Iohannis: Economy is recovering, but public finance is lagging behind

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday said Romania's economy is recovering, but "public finance is lagging behind", according to AGERPRES. "The V-shaped recovery is a reality, it is proven by all the statistics…