Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:26, 30.05.2024

Over half billion PET bottles, cans, bottles recovered under Romanias deposit-refund system (official)

Over half billion PET bottles, cans, bottles recovered under Romania's deposit-refund system (official)

Over half a billion PET bottles, cans and glass bottles have been recovered so far under Romania's deposit-refund system RetuRo, which confirms that we are reaching our targets and indicators, Minister of the Environment,…

18:56, 15.05.2024

Alliance for the Union of Romanians Simion: I wish Slovakias PM a speedy recovery

Alliance for the Union of Romanians' Simion: I wish Slovakia's PM a speedy recovery

Alliance for the Union of Romanians' (AUR) chair George Simion sends wishes of a speedy recovery to Slovakia's head of the Executive Robert Fico, who has been shot earlier in the day, and underscored that no matter…

16:55, 15.04.2024

UE plăteşte Poloniei 6,3 miliarde de euro din fondul de redresare post-covid

UE plăteşte Poloniei 6,3 miliarde de euro din fondul de redresare post-covid

Fostul Guvern naţionalist şi consevator polonez, îndepărtat de la putere în octombrie, a impus reforme ale sistemului judiciar polonez prin care a încălcat statul de drept, acuză UE, care a decis să blocheze aceste…

13:00, 05.04.2024

MApN investigates boat recovered from Romanian territorial waters in Capu Midia Training Range

MApN investigates boat recovered from Romanian territorial waters in Capu Midia Training Range

The Ministry of National Defense (MApN) has been investigating, since Friday, an unmanned boat found near Tuzla.MApN informed that the search-and-rescue ship Artemis of the Romanian Life Saving Agency at Sea transported,…

22:20, 23.02.2024

Ciolacu: Let no more people die on the front in Ukraine and afterwards economies recover

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu declared on Friday evening, in Targu Mures, that Romania was affected economically due to the war in Ukraine, just like the entire world economy, but he hopes solutions will be found…

15:40, 16.02.2024

European Commission orders Romania to recover EUR 33.84 in incompatible state aid from Blue Air

The European Commission has concluded that Blue Air's restructuring plan was not capable of restoring the airline's long-term viability and it is therefore incompatible with EU State aid rules. Romania must now…

12:20, 13.02.2024

Europe gas approaches oversold levels as demand set to recover

European natural gas futures rebounded on Tuesday after approaching technical levels that signal the contracts have been oversold, according to Bloomberg. Benchmark front-month Dutch gas added as much as 2.6% after…

11:40, 06.02.2024

President Iohannis wishes King Charles III full recovery, following cancer diagnosis

President Klaus Iohannis wished King Charles III, diagnosed with an unspecified form of cancer, a full recovery."Our thoughts go to His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Family, as well as to the United Kingdom…

12:11, 19.01.2024

United Nations sees international tourism fully recovering in 2024

Global tourism is set to fully recover from the pandemic in 2024 as international tourist arrivals will likely be 2% more numerous than in 2019, the United Nations‘ World Tourism Organisation said on Friday, according…

14:05, 05.01.2024

Imagini EXCLUSIVE din Turcia » „Recovery in Mediterana”. Recuperare specială pentru jucătorii lui Dinamo

După o zi plină de antrenamente în care Zeljko Kopic a scos „untul” din jucători care au tras ca „câinii”, astăzi au avut parte și de o recuperare specială în Mediterană. Gazeta Sporturilor are imagini exclusive…

21:35, 21.12.2023

PM Ciolacu sends his condolences after armed attack in Prague: I am deeply saddened

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu sent on Thursday evening, on behalf of the Romanian Government, condolences to the families of the victims of the armed attack in Prague and wished speedy recovery to the wounded."Deeply…

13:55, 20.12.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Changes in establishment and operation of micro-enterprises, assumed under PNRR

PNL's Ciuca: Changes in establishment and operation of micro-enterprises, assumed under PNRRThe changes in the establishment and operation of micro-enterprises are the result of the commitments undertaken through…

12:45, 20.12.2023

'Babes-Bolyai' University implementing 1.4-million-euro project on oceanic and atmospheric flow

'Babes-Bolyai' University implementing 1.4-million-euro project on oceanic and atmospheric flow"Babes-Bolyai" University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca is implementing a 1.4-million-euro project, funded under the National…

17:20, 28.11.2023

Law on A7 Motorway Romania financing, promulgated

Law on A7 Motorway Romania financing, promulgatedPresident Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Tuesday the law on the financing contract with the European Investment Bank for 600 million euros for the construction of…

16:45, 25.11.2023

Agentia pentru Intreprinderi Mici si Mijlocii, achizitie de echipamente IT (DOCUMENT)

Ofertant castigator este firma Junior Group SRL, controlata de Adrian Valeriu Coanda si Elena Coanda.Agentia pentru Intreprinderi Mici si Mijlocii Constanta, ca autoritate contractanta, a atribuit contractul "Achizitie…

10:55, 22.11.2023

EU Commission approves new version of Romania’s recovery plan

The European Commission on Tuesday approved Romania’s revised Recovery and Resilience Plan, which places greater emphasis on the green transition and reduces funding for certain hospital construction projects,…

09:35, 17.11.2023

New version of Romania’s recovery plan omits 9.4% of GDP for pensions

Negotiations on the revision of the Recovery and Resilience Plan have come to an end but the new version of the plan no longer includes 9.4% of GDP for pension spending, Investment and European Projects Minister…

08:50, 09.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: State does not leave any Romanian behind; 129 recovered today

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday evening, on his return from Egypt, that 129 Romanian citizens have been recovered from the Gaza Strip and that there are still a hundred requests from Romanians who…

10:40, 01.11.2023

Romania to level retirement age for men and women with EU money

Romania will set the retirement age for men and women at the same level of 65 years from 2035, according to the pension laws proposed by the Labour Ministry and adopted as part of Romania’s Recovery and Resilience…

17:26, 26.10.2023

European Consumer Center recovers 225,000 euros for consumers in first nine months of 2023

The European Consumer Center (ECC Romania), a department within the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), recovered 225,000 euros for consumers in the first nine months of this year, according to a…

13:50, 14.10.2023

S&P affirms Romania's rating with stable outlook

S&P affirms Romania's rating with stable outlookS&P rating agency, on October 13, 2023, affirmed Romania's rating at BBB-/A3 for long-term and short-term government debt in foreign currency, as well as…

20:30, 18.09.2023

HealthMin Rafila: Ministry of Health unveiled public money embezzlement mechanisms, related to Recovery Plan

HealthMin Rafila: Ministry of Health unveiled public money embezzlement mechanisms, related to Recovery PlanThe Ministry of Health revealed the public money embezzlement mechanisms, related to the National Recovery…

15:01, 12.09.2023

După ce a intrat în afacerea Untold, Mozaik Investments primește o suma uriașă din PNRR-ul României

Managerul de fonduri de investiţii Mozaik Investments anunţă că a primit aprobarea pentru o finanţare de 25 milioane euro prin iniţiativa de capital de risc din PNRR administrată de Fondul European de Investiţii.…

13:56, 12.09.2023

Managerul de fonduri de investiții Mozaik Investments a primit aprobarea pentru 25 mil. euro prin inițiativa de capital de risc din PNRR administrată…

Comitetul de Investiții desemnat de Guvernul României pentru Fondul de Fonduri pentru Reziliență (Recovery Equity Fund sau REF) a aprobat finanțarea unui nou fond de investiții care va primi o alocare prin PNRR.…

10:20, 12.09.2023

Managerul de fonduri de investiţii Mozaik Investments a primit aprobarea pentru o finanţare de 25 milioane euro prin iniţiativa de capital de risc din…

”Comitetul de Investiţii desemnat de Guvernul României pentru Fondul de Fonduri pentru Rezilienţă (Recovery Equity Fund sau REF) a aprobat finanţarea unui nou fond de investiţii care va primi o alocare prin PNRR.…

17:31, 08.09.2023

Romania requests to modify RRF

The European Commission (EC) said on Friday that Romania submitted on Friday a request to modify its Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) so as to add a new chapter, according to See News. The request is based…

22:20, 01.09.2023

Marcel Ciolacu, despre introducerea unor noi taxe: România va implementa fără excepţie reformele din PNRR

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a avut, vineri, în cadrul primei vizite la Bruxelles de la preluarea mandatului, un dialog consolidat cu înalţii oficiali europeni şi a asigurat că România este un partener credibil, responsabil…

13:05, 01.09.2023

PM Ciolacu's first visit to Brussels starts with meeting European Council President Charles Michel

PM Ciolacu's first visit to Brussels starts with meeting European Council President Charles MichelRomanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu's first official visit to Brussels after taking over as the prime minister…

12:50, 01.09.2023

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu, întrevedere cu președintele Consiliului European, Charles Michel - Negocieri cruciale, la Bruxelles

Marcel Ciolacu mai are programate și alte întrevederi cu înalți oficiali europeni. Este vorba despre președinta Comisiei Europene, Ursula Von der Leyen, președinta Parlamentului European, Roberta Metsola, și directorul…

09:20, 01.09.2023

Cu reformele pe masa UE: Ciolacu, prima vizită la Bruxelles ca premier

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu se află vineri la Bruxelles, unde are programate o serie de întâlniri cu oficiali europeni, cu care va discuta, printre altele, despre reformele asumate prin Planul Naţional de Redresare…