Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:25, 16.10.2019

Mergi prin Iașul bântuit înainte de Halloween! Ia urma sufletelor chinuite din oraș!

Pentru a doua oara în Iasi, poti merge pe urma sufletelor chinuite din oras vizitând resedintele lor pline de povesti terifiante. Vei fi ghidat pas cu pas, pe tot parcursul traseului, de aplicatia Questo. Cauta…

15:05, 07.10.2019

PM Dancila asked if she would pardon Dragnea: It is out of the question

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Monday said that if she became Romania's President she wouldn't pardon former Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea, who is currently serving a prison sentence.  Asked…

16:58, 17.09.2019

Electrica: Top 3 lucruri care îți asigură succesul atunci când aplici pentru un grant

Electrica derulează cea de-a patra ediție a competiției naționale de  proiecte care au nevoie de susținere financiară pentru a „pune într-o altă lumină” comunitățile locale. În ultimii trei ani, Electrica a evaluat…

19:17, 12.09.2019

Senate President Melescanu: I am a member of ALDE and I support an independent candidate for presidential elections

President of the Senate Teodor Melescanu on Thursday stated he still thinks of himself as being a member of ALDE, in which capacity he will further endorse an independence candidate in the upcoming presidential…

15:32, 20.07.2019

PM Dancila: Kovesi's activity raises question marks; President wouldn't support other with same issues

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Saturday has said, about the discussion of President Klaus Iohannis with France's President about the support for Laura Codruta Kovesi for the leadership of the European Prosecutor's…

18:36, 11.06.2019

PM Dancila: Wage cuts out of question, pension point and minimum allowance to rise as of Sept. 1

Premier Viorica Dancila said that "in no way" is the government contemplating wage cuts in the public sector, adding that the rise of the pension point and of the minimum allowance will come into effect as of September…

21:41, 08.06.2019

Dan Barna: PRO Romania affiliation to ALDE+RENAISSANCE+USRPLUS, out of the question

Chairman of Save Romanian Union (USR) Dan Barna, on Saturday in Braila, where the USR Political Committee meeting is taking place, in which the delegates voted for the political formation's affiliation to the ALDE+RENAISSANCE+USRPLUS…

21:47, 04.06.2019

Trei elevi ai Colegiului Militar din Câmpulung Moldovenesc, cadeți la academii militare din Statele Unite

Trei elevi ai Colegiului Național Militar „Ștefan cel Mare” din Câmpulung Moldovenesc vor deveni cadeți ai unor prestigioase academii militare din Statele Unite ale Americii urmând să se formeze ca ofițeri la  US…

08:44, 30.05.2019

After talking with PM Viorica Dancila, ForMin Teodor Melescanu says no resignation

Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu said on Wednesday evening that he had talks with Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on a request from President Klaus Iohannis regarding his removal from office for issues reported…

09:47, 29.05.2019

BEC - partial results referendum: Almost 6 million electors said "Yes" to both questions

According to the data centralized by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) on Tuesday, 7.45 pm, a number of 5,864,980 persons voted "Yes" in question no. 1 and 5,745,740 voted "Yes" in question no.2.In question no.…

17:35, 27.05.2019

Partial referendum count: More than 2 million said 'Yes' to both questions

Data centralised by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) as of Monday at 14:27hrs, EEST, indicated that 2,702,719 people voted "Yes" to question No. 1 and 2,642,172 said "Yes" to question No. 2 of Sunday's justice…

19:46, 16.05.2019

Liviu Dragnea: PSD has permanently voiced its support for referendum questions

Leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea said on Thursday that the party has "permanently" expressed its support for the questions of the May 26 referendum and pointed out that those causing problems…

18:27, 13.05.2019

Orban on Timmermans' letter: PSD, ALDE risk calling into question our country's membership of EU

National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Ludovic Orban said Monday, referring to the letter from the First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, that there is a major risk that Romania will be…

13:27, 25.04.2019

Presidential Administration presents questions for 26 May referendum

The presidential administration, through President Klaus Iohannis' spokesperson, announced that the president signed the decree on the referendum on May 26 and made public the questions of the referendum to be…

21:54, 11.04.2019

PMP suggests question on reducing parliamentary seats or removing special pensions be added to ballot paper

The opposition People's Movement Party (PMP) Chairman, Eugen Tomac, announced on Thursday that during consultations with President Klaus Iohannis, the party delegation suggested to President Klaus Iohannis that…

17:17, 10.04.2019

JusMin Toader said to have ready-made answers to every question in motion against him

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Wednesday he prepared an answer to every single question in the opposition motion against him."Can you picture me showing up unprepared? The motion will be read out by its…

17:34, 01.04.2019

PSD not to express views on referendum until finding out question to be consulted upon

The Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) announces that they will not express any views on "the referendum aimed at" by President Klaus Iohannis until the latter issues the question he wishes to…

12:58, 08.03.2019

Plâng și cei bogați: Iată ce problemă gravă are Xenia Deli de 8 Martie - Video  

CHIȘINĂU, 8 mart — Sputnik. Aflată într-o călătorie la Geneva, Elveția, Xenia Deli a anunțat pe Instagram că nu se poate odihni din cauza diferenței de fus orar. “How to get over the jet lag?…

21:20, 05.03.2019

Tariceanu on renouncing Pension Pillar II: I assure you this is out of question

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Tuesday, after meeting the representatives of the companies managing Pension Pillar II, that the Government does not want "under any circumstance" to renounce the…

11:37, 01.03.2019

Romanii de la Questo, runda de finantare si evaluare a companiei la 1,5 mil. dolari

Questo , joc mobil pentru explorare urbana prezent in 40 de orase europene, a asigurat o runda de finantare din partea a doi investitori privati. Noile fonduri ofera companiei o evaluare de peste 1,5 milioane de…

20:43, 13.02.2019

ALDE's Vosganian: As a first, there was no question of pensions being too low

Floor leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) deputies Varujan Vosganian said on Wednesday that, for the first time within the debates on the budget law, the issue of too little money for salaries…

10:43, 13.01.2019

VIDEO / Imagini șocante cu momentul exploziei din Paris. Un jurnalist italian a filmat scena dezastrului: „Mi-a explodat în față”

Un jurnalist italian, care se afla în capitala Franței pentru a relata despre protestele vestelor galbene, a filmat scenele dezastrului la scurt timp după deflagrație. Inițial, acesta a crezut că este vorba despre…

16:02, 04.01.2019

Lady Gaga și Jay-Z ar fi refuzat să apară în serialul documentar “Surviving R Kelly”

Producătorul executiv susține că și foștii colaboratori ai cântărețului R & B, Céline Dion, Erykah Badu, Dave Chapelle și Questlove au refuzat și ei interviurile. Foștii colaboratori ai lui R Kelly, Lady Gaga și…

22:34, 18.12.2018

President Iohannis says he is not willing to compromise when talking about independence of justice, rule of law

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that he cannot give up the independence of justice and the rule of law, arguing that he won't question these two aspects in a discussion with politicians who "want to…

11:22, 17.12.2018

JusMin Toader: National Council agrees amnesty and pardon, last resort to correct justice abuse

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader stated on Monday that Social Democratic party (PSD)'s National Council agreed that amnesty and pardon should be the last resort to correct justice abuse.  "Upon everything discussed…

14:25, 24.11.2018

Iohannis: EU is at a turning point, with the European agenda being marked by multiple challenges

The European Union is at a turning point, with the European agenda being marked by multiple challenges, according to a message sent by Romania's President Klaus Iohannis to the General Assembly of the European…

11:04, 24.11.2018

Iohannis: UE se află într-un moment de răscruce, agenda europeană fiind marcată de provocări multiple

Uniunea Europeană se află într-un moment de răscruce, agenda europeană fiind marcată de provocări multiple, se arată într-un mesaj transmis de preşedintele Klaus Iohannis, în cadrul Adunării Generale a Centrului…

10:24, 24.11.2018

Mesaj de ULTIMĂ ORĂ al președintelui Klaus Iohannis: 'Ne aflăm într-un moment de RĂSCRUCE! Soluția nu poate veni decât din consens'

Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a transmis sâmbătă, 24 noiembrie a.c., un mesaj în cadrul Adunării Generale a Centrului European pentru Problemele Lucrătorilor (European Centre for Workers’ Questions - EZA).…

21:32, 19.11.2018

Cum să joci fără depunere la casino online în 2019

Orice pasionat de sloturi video care a intrat într-un casino cunoaște jocurile Sizzling Hot, Book of Ra, Lucky Lady"s Charm și Power Stars. Ce ai face dacă ți-aș zice că poți juca acest jocuri pe bani reali fără…

13:22, 30.10.2018

PM Dancila on questions asked by Timmermans: I gave applied responses, folded on the existing reality

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Tuesday stated that she will send to First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, the responses to the 18 questions which he addressed, mentioning that she…