Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:10, 08.11.2021

Romanian pupils return to classrooms after two-week holiday

Romania‘s National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) announced that only the Romanian schools and kindergartens where more than 60% of the employees are vaccinated against Covid will open with physical…

14:35, 01.11.2021

Sorin Cimpeanu: School to start November 8

Pupils are to resume classes on November 8, interim Education Minister, Sorin Cimpeanu, announced, on Monday, in a press statement. "School starts on November 8. (...) We will have consultations with the health…

18:36, 20.10.2021

Education Ministry: 16,168 preschoolers, pupils and 5,590 employees in education infected with COVID-19

A number of 16,168 preschoolers and pupils and 5,590 education employees were confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, the Ministry of Education informed on Wednesday. According to the same source, following the…

17:10, 05.10.2021

Iohannis, to teachers: You can inspire pupils to make the right decision for their health

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Tuesday on the occasion of the World Teacher's Day, in which he states that teachers are true role models for their pupils, including by their own example of taking vaccination…

17:50, 04.10.2021

School-age population makes up over 25pct of Romania's resident population in 2020

Romania's school-age population in 2020 was over 4.844 million people, making up 25.2% of the country's total resident population, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) reported on Monday, ahead of October…

13:40, 29.09.2021

'Generation X' project belonging to 'Mihai Viteazul' College pupils reach European Charlemagne Yotuh Prize final

The "Generation Z" project, carried out by a group of students from the "Mihai Viteazul" National College in Bucharest, participates in the final competition for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize, offered by…

17:36, 21.09.2021

President Iohannis: More than one million Romanian pupils study French language

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on the occasion of the first General Assembly of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) organized in Romania, showing that, currently, over one million Romanian…

16:00, 21.09.2021

FIHR's Ile: - Only 2.5% of Romanian students and pupils work compared to European average of 18%

Only 2.5% of the total number of Romanian students and pupils work during their studies, while the European average of pupils and students who have a job during their studies is 18%, the president of the Federation…

11:31, 14.09.2021

AUR asks gov't to give up online school and not to put pressure on pupils, teachers to vaccinate

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) calls on the government to eliminate the provision that makes it possible to switch to online school from a cumulative incidence of COVID cases greater than 6/1,000…

12:30, 13.09.2021

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu: 99.7% of almost 3 million pupils and preschoolers start school with physical attendance

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu, declared on Monday that 99.7% of the almost 3 million pupils and preschoolers can start school with physical attendance and underlined the importance of the anti-COVID-19…

08:35, 13.09.2021

New school year 2021-2022 kicks off facing pandemic

The new school year 2021 - 2022 begins on Monday, with physical attendance in most schools in Romania, but with health protection measures in the context of the increasing number of daily infections with SARS-…

12:06, 01.09.2021

HealthMin Mihaila: Pupils SARS-COV-2 positive return from day eight after rapid antigen test

Minister of Health Ioana Mihaila announced on Wednesday that the pupils confirmed positive for SARS-COV-2 can return to school, starting with the eighth day, after performing a rapid antigen test. "Regarding the…

19:46, 26.08.2021

Iohannis: Schools will open on September 13 with the physical presence of pupils

The schools will open on September 13 with the physical presence of all preschoolers and pupils, with strict observance of the protection norms: mask, distancing, ventilation of classrooms, if the incidence of…

16:55, 03.08.2021

Sorin Cimpeanu: I am as clearly as can be in favor of opening school with a physical presence

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu, stated that he is in favor of opening the new school year with a physical presence for all pupils."Not having any crystal globe but neither any health competencies, I…

12:16, 22.07.2021

Cristoiu, despre scandalul documentului cu antet de la Palatul Victoria: 'Cîţu e Pupiloiul lui Klaus Iohannis, iar Mioara Costin, Pupilica lui Florin…

Ion Cristoiu afirmă că lipsa de reacţie a lui Cîţu după scandalul folosirii resurselor publice în bătălia pentru şefia PNL de către consiliera sa, Mioara Costin, pe care nu a demis-o în ciuda indignării publice,…

13:26, 23.06.2021

Ion Cristoiu, stupefiat de declarația lui Florin Cîțu: 'Pune la îndoială Parlamentul care l-a ales pe el premier. Klaus Iohannis ce crede?'

Publicistul Ion Cristoiu afirmă că prin declaraţiile că va reforma România prin ordonanţe de urgenţă şi nu prin legi adoptate de Parlament, Florin Cîţu spune că forul legislativ care l-a desemnat premier este anacronic,…

00:15, 14.06.2021

Dr. Cristina Diaconeasa, despre afecţiunile ochilor la copii (I): Afecţiunile oculare care pot trece neobservate

Afecţiunile oculare sunt numeroase în rândul copiilor, iar unele dintre ele pot apărea încă de la naştere. În lipsa unui diagnostic precoce şi a unui tratament corect instituit, unele afecţiuni pot duce la afectarea…

05:55, 13.06.2021

Cercetătorii au determinat nivelul inteligenței după ochi

S-a spus că „ochii sînt fereastră sufletului”, dar noi cercetări sugerează că aceștia ar putea fi și o fereastră către creier, scrie Scientific American. Pupilele noastre răspund la mai mult decît la lumina. Ele…

16:46, 03.06.2021

Most parents agree that pupils need private lessons

Most parents agree that pupils need private lessons to gain knowledge at the intermediate level, and this activity should be taxed, according to a study launched on Thursday by the Romanian Academic Society and…

08:16, 03.06.2021

Marimea pupilei unui om arata cat de inteligent este el, de fapt! Cercetatorii americani sunt uimiti!

Cap Limpede, stiri adevarate: S-a spus ca „ochii sunt fereastra sufletului”, dar noi cercetari sugereaza ca acestia ar putea fi si o fereastra catre creier, scrie Scientific American. Pupilele noastre raspund la…

14:30, 19.05.2021

Education Minister: 55,000 pupils aged between 16 and 18 got vaccinated against COVID

A number of 55,000 pupils aged between 16 and 18 have been immunised against COVID, Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu informs on Wednesday. Thus, 13,000 pupils aged 16, 17,000 pupils aged 17 and 25,000 aged 18…

13:51, 18.05.2021

Preschoolers, pupils in Bucharest can physically attend classes in schools as of Wednesday

Preschoolers and pupils can physically participate, starting with Wednesday, in educational activities in learning facilities in Bucharest, Bucharest Committee for Emergency Situations (CMBSU) decided on Tuesday.…

19:10, 13.05.2021

President Iohannis: It's quite probable school year will end with all pupils in school

President Klaus Iohannis declared, on Thursday, that it is very probable the school year "will end with all pupils in school." "We continue to keep the norms that regard the incidence rate. So we have still the…

11:00, 06.05.2021

DGAS Protecția Copilului Sector 1 a rămas „jucăria” preferată a fostului edil PSD Daniel Tudorache prin Mariana Țânțan (Coman)

Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului Sector 1 a fost una dintre ”jucăriile” preferate ale fostului edilul PSD Daniel Tudorache, și continuă să fie și acum chiar dacă primar este Clotide…

08:55, 12.04.2021

Pupils from final classes of secondary, high school to resume online courses on Monday

The pupils from the final classes of secondary and high school will resume on Monday the online courses of the second semester. For the final classes, the structure of the school year did not change, the spring…

17:45, 09.04.2021

Băiatul de mingi al președintelui UDMR Carei rămâne interimar la PSD Satu Mare

Pupilul primarului și președintelui UDMR Carei, Kovacs Eugen, a fost reales ca interimar la conducerea PSD Satu Mare. Sub atenta conducere interimară a fostului consilier local careian Oneț Ionuț, organizația PSD…

21:35, 06.04.2021

EduMin Cimpeanu: 'Vaccination and testing for learning' campaign starts nationwide Wednesday

The Ministry of Education will start an information campaign entitled "Vaccination and testing for learning" starting Wednesday, Minister Sorin Cimpeanu announced on Tuesday. "I want to announce for the first time…

21:00, 02.04.2021

Number of infections with COVID-19 among pupils and educational staff, dropping

The number of infections with COVID-19 among pupils and educational staff at the level of undergraduate education registered, during the period of March 15 - April 1, a drop, the Ministry of Education informs.…

14:00, 07.03.2021

CMBSU: Physical attendance courses for up to half of terminal year pupils

Preschoolers, pupils in primary education and up to half of students in grades VIII, XII, XIII and those in the final years of vocational and post-secondary education will attend classes in person, the Bucharest…

16:05, 23.02.2021

Decontul petrecerii ilegale organizate de pupila lui Bădălău: Amenzi de 43.000 de lei pentru 48 de persoane

La mai bine de o săptămână de la petrecerea de pomină, cu manele și dedicații de 2.000 de euro, organizată ilegal de deputata PSD Giurgiu, Elena Dinu, au apărut și primele sancțiuni aplicate de polițiștii de la…