Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:01, 22.02.2021

Pupila pensionară a lui George Boroi, angajată cu dedicație de Cătălin Hîncu la CSA Steaua

PUTEREA a semnalat de mai multe ori că impunerea la conducerea Clubului Sportiv al Armatei (CSA) Steaua București a colonelului Mădălin Hîncu de către ministrul Apărării Naționale, Nicolae Ciucă, a fost mutarea…

13:56, 21.02.2021

Pupila lui Bădălău recunoaște că a încălcat legea la petrecerea cu manele și dedicații de 2.000 de euro

PUTEREA a semnalat, în premieră, că deputata PSD de Giurgiu, Elena Dinu, a organizat o petrecere de pomină, cu manele și dedicații de 2.000 de euro, cu ocazia majoratului fiului său. La câteva zile după această…

20:30, 11.02.2021

Deputy PM Barna: Pupils will continue to travel by train free of charge

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna assured the representatives of the National Council of Pupils, with whom he discussed on Thursday, that they will continue to benefit from free railway transportation. "I invited…

14:00, 04.02.2021

Education minister demands that local authorities come with solutions for transport of pupils

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu on Thursday called on the local authorities to try to "reserve" means of transport for pupils, given that the possibility of infection is very high during transport, according…

16:15, 28.01.2021

EduMin Cimpeanu: According to estimates, more than 65,000 pupils not able to complete first semester

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu, on Thursday stated that, according to estimates, more than 65,000 students are facing the possibility of not being able to complete their school record for the first semester.…

19:21, 13.01.2021

Cum își schimbă copiii comportamentul la începutul consumului de droguri

PodcasturiCum își schimbă copiii comportamentul la debutul consumului de droguri Dependența de droguri poate fi prevenită, dacă este depistată timpuriu. Vestea rea este că jumătate dintre minorii și adolescenții…

13:36, 10.01.2021

Pupils resume online classes on Monday

Pupils will resume online classes in the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year on Monday, after the winter holiday. The school year 2020-2021 is structured over two semesters, amounting to 34 weeks. The first…

08:50, 05.01.2021

Education Ministry to hold consultations with representatives of students, parents and teachers on reopening of schools

The Ministry of Education announces that this week it will hold consultations with representatives of pupils, students, parents and teachers to analyze the measures required both for the reopening of schools and…

20:15, 09.11.2020

UDMR requests Gov't open schools, because decision to close them is wrong and unjustified

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) requests the opening of schools, believing that the decision to close them is wrong, rushed and unjustified."Through this rushed decision, the Government is considering…

15:55, 14.10.2020

Pupila și finul lui Bădălău, pas cu pas către PNL

Baronul de Giurgiu, Niculae Bădălău, chiar dacă nu mai este președintele organizației județene a PSD, tot el face cărțile și, ca atare, a stabilit cine va deschide lista pentru Senat și Camera Deputaților. Astfel,…

19:10, 17.09.2020

FORT: Free transport of children to schools is impossible to ensure, due to muddled reimbursement procedure

The free transport of pupils to schools is impossible to ensure by the road transport companies, due to the muddled reimbursement procedure, a release sent on Thursday by the Federation of Romanian Transport Operators…

16:15, 17.09.2020

Ministry of Education: Pupils from 300 schools to take online lessons

Three hundred educational units are conducting courses according to the third scenario, online, from home, 4,375 - to the 2nd scenario (mixed) and in 12,981 units there will be daily participation in classes -…

02:51, 16.09.2020

Două demoazele de bine de la Iaşi pentru liniştea noastră, servite de Securilă şi Mov Vilă

D-un par egzamplu, ca directoarea care a angajat-o pe cântareata fotomodel de la Iasi ca expert pe spitalele regionale la Ministerul Sanatatii este tot o pupila cu figura angelica, dar de data asta nu din trupa…

09:20, 14.09.2020

EduMin Anisie to pupils at the beginning of school year: You can overrun any obstacle

Minister Monica Anisie has sent a message to pupils, at the beginning of the school year, telling them that they must be aware of the importance of education and also that they need to observe measures of prevention…

12:35, 07.09.2020

Patriarch Daniel: Education, fundamental priority of any society

Patriarch Daniel states in a message sent in the context of the incoming opening of the 2020-2021 school year that education is the fundamental priority of any society, but draws attention especially in school…

14:15, 06.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Ciolos: I hope Gov't not to play politically also school opening

The co-president of the USR-PLUS Alliance, Dacian Ciolos, declared on Sunday, in Sibiu, that pupils should be able to go to school under safe health conditions, and the local and central authorities had time to…

11:50, 27.08.2020

45 pct of employees with children want school year to take place normally, only in classrooms

Over 45 pct of the employees that have children want the new school year to take place normally, despite the current epidemiological context, and pupils start courses directly on school benches, shows a poll conducted…

15:55, 23.08.2020

Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, message for pupils sustaining exams Monday: 'Always believe in yourselves and you will succeed'

Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, sent on Sunday a message to pupils that will sustain the written examinations as part of the second session of the Baccalaureate this year."To the pupils that did not have…

14:50, 23.08.2020

Încă o pupilă a ministrului „Grindă“ numită într-un post-cheie în Vrancea. Cum îi mulţumeşte aceasta

Gabriela Marchitan, membru în biroul Politic al PNL Focşani, va prelua, din 1 septembrie, Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Vrancea. Este o susţinătoare activă a ministrului Lucrărilor Publice, Ion Ştefan.

10:45, 31.07.2020

MacroMerkelizarea Uniunii Europene?

Autor:  Grigore ARBORE ...sau Acrobatiile nocturne pentru salvarea  solidaritàtii.  Angela Merkel este la carma guvernului Germaniei din 2005 si se aflà la al patrulea si probabil ultimul mandat al unei cariere…

22:10, 28.07.2020

DOVEDIT ştiinţific: TRAUMELE ţi se citesc în OCHI – Iată cum!

Un studiu recent a scos la iveală că indivizii care au trecut prin experienţe traumatizaţi trădează acest aspect la nivelul ochilor, prin felul în care reacţionează la anumiţi stimuli. Cei de la Cardiff University…

08:51, 24.06.2020

EduMin Anisie: Special round of national exams for pupils not able to participate in the first

The Ministry of Education and Research is going to organise a special round of exams, the national evaluation and the Baccalaureate, for the pupils who were not able to participate in the initial round, either…

08:09, 08.06.2020

7 trăsături cheie care ne fac mai atrăgători

În jocul seducției sunt numeroși factori pe care îi putem controla pentru a influența modul în care suntem percepuți de sexul opus. Există, de asemenea, anumite trăsături psihologice, studiate îndelung de cercetători,…

16:24, 05.06.2020

USR asks President Iohannis to send modification of education law to reexamination over sexual education classes

Save Romania Union (USR) MPs ask President Klaus Iohannis, in a letter, not to promulgate the modification of the education law referring to the sexual education classes, as voted by Parliament on June 3, and send…

09:12, 29.05.2020

Deputy PM Turcan: Gov't adopted procedure allowing pupils to use public transportation free of charge to go to school

The Government adopted the detailed procedure allowing pupils "to use public transportation free of charge to go to school," Deputy PM Raluca Turcan announced on Thursday evening, on her Facebook page. "Today we…

12:33, 16.05.2020

PM Orban: Each school will receive, through its school inspectorates, the required number of masks

Pupils and teachers which will return to school to prepare for the national exams will receive, for free, protection masks that the Government will distribute through the school inspectorates, stated, on Saturday,…

10:52, 08.05.2020

EduMin to allot 150,000,000 RON for Internet-connected devices for pupils in disadvantaged environment

The government has adopted, in its Thursday session, at the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Research, a decision regarding the supplementing of the ministry's budget with the sum of 150 million RON for…

21:17, 07.05.2020

UPDATE/PM Orban: Gov't will use Reserve Fund to buy tablets for pupils

The Government will use the Reserve Fund to purchase tablets destined to the pupils who don't have access to online classes and also for the necessary expenses to distribute masks to vulnerable persons, Prime Minister…

09:27, 04.05.2020

EduMin Anisie: Pupils with COVID-19 can sit for national exams in isolation

The pupils who are diagnosed with COVID-19 can take the Baccalaureate or National Assessment exams with safety measures, said on Sunday evening Minister of Education Monica Anisie."These [the children diagnosed…

09:02, 29.04.2020

President Iohannis: Decision not to open schools is based on the fact that distancing cannot be achieved

The decision not to open the schools after May 15 has been taken because the educational institutes in the country do not have the possibility of ensuring the social distancing in the educational units, in order…