Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:50, 24.06.2024

Actor ucis de rechin (foto)

Actor ucis de rechin (foto)

Tamayo Perry, surfer, salvamar şi actor care a jucat în „Piraţii din Caraibe” şi „Blue Crush”, a murit duminică după ce a fost atacat de un rechin în Hawaii, transmite BBC . Avea 49 de ani. Un apel a fost făcut…

09:55, 09.06.2024

MEP Negrescu: I rejected scandal and extremism by my vote

MEP Negrescu: I rejected scandal and extremism by my vote

MEP Victor Negrescu voted on Sunday in Sebes, Alba County, for "a generational shift in politics" and for "a Romania represented with professionalism at European level.""I voted for a Romania represented with professionalism…

17:06, 15.05.2024

European Projects Ministry says preserving professional human resources a serious goal

European Projects Ministry says preserving professional human resources a serious goal

The leadership of the Ministry of Investments and European Projects (MIPE) held discussions with the members of the trade union "MIPE Normalitate" in order to find directions of action to solve the demands coming…

18:25, 11.04.2024

PM Ciolacu, on board Regina Maria frigate: I was impressed by professionalism of crew participating in Sea Shield 24

PM Ciolacu, on board Regina Maria frigate: I was impressed by professionalism of crew participating in Sea Shield 24

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu attended, on Thursday, the multinational exercise "Sea Shield 24" on board the Regina Maria frigate, at the end declaring himself impressed by the crew's professionalism, demonstrated…

18:45, 19.03.2024

Fiscalitatea în slujba contribuabilului, fiscalitatea la zi. Importanța digitalizării impozitelor

Fiscalitatea în slujba contribuabilului, fiscalitatea la zi. Importanța digitalizării impozitelor

Sâmbătă, 16 martie, a avut loc la Craiova, în Aula Magna din cadrul Facultății de Mecanică, a XXI-a ediție a seminarului de fiscalitate „Fiscalitatea la zi, fiscalitatea în slujba contribuabilului’’, având ca temă…

17:00, 22.02.2024

Spectacol estival pentru copii: Firma lui Gabriel Soare bate palma cu Organizatia de Management al Destinatiei Mamaia-Constanta

Firma castigatoare este Professional Training Center SRL, firma detinuta de Gabriel Soare, realizator TV, prezentator, actor si manager Organizatia de Management al Destinatiei Mamaia Constanta va organiza un spectacol…

19:05, 12.02.2024

Muzeul de Artă Brașov lansează catalogul „Ecouri ale prestigiului”, de Ziua Națională a Lecturii

Muzeul de Artă Brașov lansează catalogul „Ecouri ale prestigiului” de Ziua Națională a Lecturii, joi, 15 februarie 2024, începând cu ora 17. Evenimentul va avea loc la sediul muzeului și va fi moderat de Laura…

19:05, 05.02.2024

Frații Tate, provocați: Lupta de 40 de milioane de euro ar putea avea loc în România

Logan și Jake Paul sunt gata să vină în România pentru a-i înfrunta pe frații Tate într-un meci de MMA în cușcă. Lupta în 4 ar necesita reguli noi pentru MMA și ar fi finanțată de Professional Fighters League,…

14:26, 02.02.2024

IPJ Bacau:Proiectul are ca obiectiv general protejarea intereselor financiare


17:41, 07.01.2024

A murit actrița Cindy Morgan

A murit actrița Cindy Morgan informația fiind  confirmată, duminică, de Biroul șerifului din Palm Beach County pentru revistele „The Hollywood Reporter” și „Variety”, conform Mediafax. Actrița americană Cindy Morgan…

15:40, 27.12.2023

O adolescentă din SUA vrea să devină prima femeie care participă în circuitul profesionist de rodeo cu tauri

Najiah Knight (17 ani), o elevă de liceu dintr-un orășel din Oregon (SUA), se află într-o călătorie de un an de zile pentru a deveni prima femeie care concurează la cel mai înalt nivel al circuitului Professional…

19:10, 16.12.2023

Boxing: Cosmin Girleanu wins his third consecutive professional title

Boxing: Cosmin Girleanu wins his third consecutive professional titleRomanian boxer Cosmin Girleanu has won his third consecutive professional title after defeating Mexican Miguel Luna Tlapaya on points in a six-round…

15:25, 24.11.2023

REPER co-chair on former Health Minister Mihaila: She is an honest professional

Former Health Minister Ioana Mihaila is a dedicated, honest professional, REPER Party co-chair, MEP Ramona Strugariu said on Friday in connection with the investigation initiated by the anti-corruption watchdog…

20:15, 23.11.2023

Traian Hristea, secretarul de stat MAE, prezent la seminarul organizat de Consiliul Europei dedicat protectiei refugiatilor ucraineni in Romania

Secretarul de stat pentru afaceri globale si strategii diplomatice Traian Hristea a participat joi, 23 noiembrie 2023, in sistem VTC, la deschiderea seminarului organizat de Consiliul Europei dedicat protectiei…

19:40, 10.11.2023

Defense Staff, professional structure, capable of carrying out any type of joint military operation

The Defense Staff is a "fully professional structure, capable of leading any type of joint military operation, the Minister of National Defense Angel Tilvar said on Friday, during a ceremony marking 164 years since…

10:01, 27.10.2023

HealthMin Rafila: Medicine and pharmacy universities should form professionals inspiring trust and respect

HealthMin Rafila: Medicine and pharmacy universities should form professionals inspiring trust and respectHealth Minister Alexandru Rafila expressed his hope on Thursday that Romanian medical and pharmacy universities…

19:30, 13.10.2023

HealthMin Rafila: We must not extend blame to entire medical body

The Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, said on Friday, referring to the bribes given in health units, that the blame should not be extended to the entire medical staff."I think that a conclusion at the end of…

22:05, 11.10.2023

„O zi neagră pentru forțele armate”. Aeronava militară Hercules cu care Austria voia să își aducă cetățenii din Israel s-a defectat înainte să decoleze

Planurile Austriei de miercuri, 11 octombrie, pentru evacuarea cetățenilor săi din Israel cu un avion militar au fost zădărnicite atunci când singura sa aeronavă C-130 Hercules disponibilă a suferit o defecțiune…

16:11, 25.09.2023

Diaspora musical excellence festival PROPATRIA to run in six countries Oct 1 - 30

The 13th edition of the PROPATRIA International Festival will take place between October 1 - 30 in six countries - Italy, the Republic of Moldova, Germany, France, Israel and Romania, the organizers announced in…

14:11, 13.09.2023

IntMin Predoiu: Professionalism of Romanian firefighters has become a country brand

IntMin Predoiu: Professionalism of Romanian firefighters has become a country brandThe professionalism of Romanian firefighters, their expertise, the way they organise themselves, their results have become a country…

10:40, 11.08.2023

PM Ciolacu declares his support for the Finance minister - a skilled professional of good faith

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu declared on Thursday evening on a Romania TV talk show that he will continue to support Marcel Bolos as Finance minister, as he considers him to be "a man of good faith and a good…

22:05, 17.07.2023

Simona Bucura-Oprescu, proposed labour minister: I want constructive partnership with civil society, professional structures

Social-democratic MP Simona Bucura-Oprescu, proposed for the position of Minister of Labor, says that she wants, in her future capacity, a real and constructive partnership with civil society and with professional,…

12:01, 14.06.2023

Ciuca: PNL assumes participation in government with ministers representing professional component

Senate President, National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Nicolae Ciuca, said on Wednesday that the party has assumed participation in the government with ministers who represent the professional component, through…

16:05, 25.05.2023

Iohannis: German companies in Romania play a pioneering role in development of dual system professional training

Iohannis: German companies in Romania play a pioneering role in development of dual system professional training. German companies in Romania play a pioneering role in the development of dual vocational training,…

12:15, 12.05.2023

Improving training and conditions for professional activity of nurses is a priority for Health Ministry

Improving training and conditions for professional activity of nurses is a priority for Health Ministry.Improving the training and conditions for the professional activity of nurses is a priority for the Ministry…

20:10, 28.04.2023

UDMR Congress/PM Ciuca: UDMR - a pole of stability and professionalism

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) has represented and continues to be a pole of stability and professionalism, Prime Minister and Chairman of the National Liberal Party Nicolae Ciuca declared on…

14:15, 30.03.2023

Union: Pension system reform should include progessional category discrimination elimination

The reform of the pension system in Romania must include the elimination of existing discrimination between different professional categories working under the same conditions, otherwise it will continue to create…

13:50, 23.03.2023

Protejează-ți business-ul și angajații cu sisteme UV profesionale (P)

Mediile de afaceri, indiferent de domeniul de activitate vizat, sunt supuse unor reguli foarte stricte când vine vorba de igiena si curatenie. Acest lucru are ca principal scop asigurarea unui cadru sigur de desfasurare…

18:05, 22.03.2023

Survey: 43% of large companies in Romania foresee increase in the number of employees in 2023

Over 43% of managers and human resources experts in large companies predict an increase in recruitment in business and technology in 2023, and 54% estimate an increase in the number of opportunities for professionals,…

11:35, 17.03.2023

Non-resident visitor spending in Romania reaches RON 4.28bl in 2022

The total number of non-resident visitors having arrived in Romania in 2022 housed by collective tourist accommodation establishments was 1.579 million, with their expenses amounting to RON 4.280 billion, giving…